Registering a New Controlled Terminology Subset

SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit supports point-in-time snapshots and subsets of CDISC terminology. They are located here:
global standards library directory/standards/cdisc-terminology-1.7
This data set stores metadata about the snapshots and subsets:
global standards library directory/standards/cdisc-terminology-1.7/control/standardsubtypes.sas7bdat
The %CSTUTILREGISTERCTSUBTYPE macro documents new controlled terminology snapshots or subsets that are registered to the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit. For more information about the macro, see the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit: Macro API Documentation.
Each CDISC terminology standard that is provided by SAS includes a SAS format catalog (cterms.sas7bcat) and a SAS data set (cterms.sas7bdat). The data set is an extract of the NCI EVS controlled terminology for a given CDISC standard and update. A similar data set and catalog that represent your snapshot or subset must be created. The data set and catalog location are identified in the _cstpath parameter of the %CSTUTILREGISTERCTSUBTYPE macro. The snapshot or subset must be registered using the %CSTUTILREGISTERCTSUBTYPE macro, which adds a record to this data set:
global standards library directory/standards/cdisc-terminology-1.7/control/standardsubtypes.sas7bdat
The following example registers a data set and a catalog named myct in the global standards library directory/standards/cdisc-terminology-1.7/cdisc-sdtm/201412/formats folder:
     _cstdescription=%nrbquote(CDISC SDTM Controlled Terminology, released by NCI on 2014-12-20));