The domain and column
metadata that constitute the SAS representation of the CDISC Define-XML
2.0 standard are derived from the global standards library in these
as empty data sets (using the macro
CDISC Define-XML 2.0 reference_tables
CDISC Define-XML 2.0 reference_columns
The tablecore column
in the reference_tables data set indicates whether the table is a
required (
Req) or optional (
part of the Define-XML 2.0 metadata according to the XML schema. Tables
with tablecore equal to
Ext are part of the
underlying ODM metadata model, but they should be considered extensions
to the Define-XML 2.0 metadata model. The core column in the reference_columns
data set indicates whether a column is required (
or optional (
Opt) in a table when the table
is part of the metadata.
As a general rule, the
SAS representation of the CDISC Define-XML 2.0 standard is patterned
to match the XML element (data set) and attribute (column) structure
of define.xml. The SAS representation of the CDISC Define-XML 2.0
metadata model contains fewer tables than the CDISC Define-XML 2.0
metadata model. This reduction was accomplished by combining tables
with the same structure.
This display shows
an example of combining tables.
CDISC Define-XML 2.0 TranslatedText Table
The TranslatedText table
contains the contents of the TranslatedText child elements of various
parent elements (ItemGroupDefs, ItemDefs, ItemOrigin, CodeLists, CodeListItems,
MethodDefs, CommentDefs, and others). Other tables that combine similar
table structures into one table are the Aliases table, the DocumentRefs
table, and the FormalExpressions table.
The highly structured
nature of CDISC Define-XML 2.0 data requires that any mapping to a
relational format include a large number of data sets. Foreign key
relationships help preserve the intended non-relational object structure.
In SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit 1.7, these foreign key relationships
will be enforced when validating CDISC Define-XML 2.0 data sets in
a way that is similar to the CDISC CRT-DDS 1.0 data sets.
Field lengths in the
CDISC Define-XML 2.0 data sets are consistent by core data type. CDISC
has not specified a limit to the length of most character fields.
Arbitrary lengths have been chosen by data type. Here are the lengths:
CDISC Define-XML 2.0 Default Lengths by Data Type
A unique object identifier
or a reference
A character field that
can accommodate a large number of characters
An item of collected
or reference data
An absolute or relative
file system path or URL
Note: CRT-DDS 1.0 and Define-XML
2.0 use the same default lengths
In the table, standard
data types are distilled into core data types. Larger lengths have
been chosen to ensure that no data loss occurs in the SAS Clinical
Standards Toolkit pre-installed data sets. Production tables can be
compressed using SAS mechanisms to preserve disk space.