The cstutiladddataset
macro copies a data set from one library to another library.
In this example, the
_cstInputDS parameter contains the libname.dataset to
copy (the source). The _cstDS parameter contains the libname.dataset to
create (the target). Key variables for the newly created data set
are specified in the _cstDSKeys parameter.
* Copy a data set from one library to another *
libname newstudy '<directory where new study data sets will reside>';
libname srcmeta '<directory supplying data set to be copied>';
libname log 'C:\cstGlobalLibrary\logs';
_cstDSLabel=SDTM Source Value Metadata,
_cstDSKeys=sasref table column value,
In this example, newstudy.source_values
(_cstDS parameter) is a copy of the data set from srcmeta.source_values
(_cstInputDS parameter). A label (_cstDSLabel parameter) is specified
for newstudy.source_values with the value
SDTM Source
Value Metadata
. Data set key variables (sasref, table,
column, and value) are specified in the _cstDSKeys parameter. The
_cstOverwrite parameter is set to
which allows an existing copy of this data set to be overwritten.
Before running the macro,
the Newstudy library is empty. After running the macro, the data set
from the Srcmeta library is copied to the Newstudy library.
The SAS log file contains
a message to inform you that the operation was successful:
[CSTLOGMESSAGE.CSTUTILADDDATASET] NOTE: newstudy.source_values successfully added.
Note: If the message is not in
the SAS log file, review the contents of the work._cstresults data
The properties of the
newstudy.source_values data set show that the keys and label parameter
values were used:
Here is part of the
transaction log data set in the Log library, which shows that it was
Note: Not all of the columns are