The path to the SAS
transport file. This path can be specified as a relative path. The
value can be used when creating define.xml to populate the value for
the def:leaf xlink:href link to the domain file. The value should
be the pathname and filename of the SAS transport file relative to
the location of define.xml file. This column is optional and not relevant
for all standards.
The title of the SAS
transport file. The value can be used when creating a define.xml file
to populate the value for the def:leaf def:title value. It can provide
a meaningful description, label, or location of the domain leaf (for
example, crt/datasets/Protocol 1234/AE.xpt). This column is optional
and not relevant for all standards.
A space-delimited string
of keys that captures the table columns that uniquely define records
in the table. This set of keys can also define the sort order of records
in the table. Example is STUDYID USUBJID. This column is expected
to support SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit functionality but is not
required for all standards.
This value captures
the standard name. This value must match the name of a registered
standard in the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit framework. For a discussion
of registered standards, see Framework. This value must match the standard
field in the SASReferences data set. Examples are CDISC SDTM and CDISC
CRT-DDS. This column is required.
A SAS format name that
is used to assess conformance to controlled terminology. This value
does not have a $ prefix for character formats and does not have the
trailing period. This value is also the codelist name in the define.xml
file. The SAS format name must be in the format search path for successful
column-value validation. This record is optional and not relevant
for all standards.
This value captures
the standard name. This value must match the name of a registered
standard in the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit framework. For a discussion
of registered standards, see Framework. This value must match the standard
field in the SASReferences data set. Examples are CDISC SDTM and CDISC
CRT-DDS. This column is required.
Validation check ID.
The SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit has adopted a naming convention
matching each standard to be validated. The checkid values are prefixed
with an up to 4-character prefix (CDISC examples: ODM, SDTM, ADAM,
and CRT). By convention, the prefix matches the mnemonic field in
the Standards data set in
global standards library directory/metadata .
This prefix is followed by a 4-digit numeric that is unique within
the standard (for example, SDTM1234). You can use any naming convention
limited to eight characters. By default, the checkid column is the
first (primary) sort field in the Validation Master data set provided
with the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit. Sorting by checkid is not
required. This column is required.
This value captures
the standard name. This value must match the name of a registered
standard in the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit framework. For a discussion
of registered standards, see Framework. This value must match the standard
field in the SASReferences data set. Examples are CDISC SDTM and CDISC
CRT-DDS. This column is required.
This value captures
a specific version of a standard. This value must match one of the
standard versions associated with a registered standard. This value
must match the standardversion field in the SASReferences data set.
The only exception to this rule is that *** can be used to signify
that the check applies to all supported versions of the standard.
For example, 3.2, 1.0, ***. If a subsequent version of the standard
is released, then *** would be applicable if the check is valid for
the new version. This column is required.
A string that identifies
the source of the check. CDISC examples include Janus, JanusFR (FAIL-REJECT),
SAS, WebSDM, and OpenCDISC. This field can contain any user-defined
value. A primary use of this field is to subset the full set of checks
in the run-time Validation Control data set. This column is required.
The value specifies
the domains to be validated by the check. The domains must exist in
either or both of the reference metadata or source metadata. The value
can be in the form:
_ALL_-DM-DS: Multiple
domains that exclude one or more specific domains that are delimited
with a -.
CLASS:EVENTS: All domains
capturing event results. (This syntax specifies to use table metadata
column CLASS for EVENTS as the value-similar syntax for all other
fields and values.)
The value specifies
one or more space-delimited columns identified for inclusion or exclusion
in the specified check. The value can be in the form:
Check-specific code
segment that is inserted into the check macro defined in codesource
and consistent with codetype. The codelogic value enables check-level
customization and allows the reuse of more general check macros. The
field length of $2000 limits the code to short code segments, although
referencing another macro or using
%include expands
this capability. The codelogic value can use global and local macro
variables (for example, variables provided as macro input parameters
and variables set within the calling code). Examples include:
This value defines whether
to use codelogic and what type of codelogic can be used in the validation
code. Values include:
3: Calls a SAS macro
%include that can contain only DATA step
statement level code. (For example, codetype=1.)
This value defines the
type of information to use for value comparison to some standard.
Values include:
Metadata: Use the SAS
Clinical Standards Toolkit metadata. Specifically, use the value of
the column metadata field xmlcodelist to identify the codelist (rendered
as a SAS format).
Dataset: Use a reference
SAS data set (for example, medDRA). There are no SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit requirements for the structure and content of the reference
SAS data set.
If lookuptype is metadata,
then lookupsource should be blank. The code gets the value from the
source_columns.xmlcodelist field.
If lookuptype is format,
then lookupsource should be the SAS format and must be in the format
search path if it is specified. This value should generally match
any value in source_columns.xmlcodelist for the columns specified
in columnscope. This field allows a run-time validation check against
another format.
If lookuptype is dataset,
then lookupsource should be the name of a SAS data set. This value
is specified as the data set name (for example, meddra) or libref.dataset.
If a value is provided without a libref, then the SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit looks for any SASReferences type=referencecterm records for
the sasref value.
This value includes
columns not included in columnscope for code-processing purposes and
to help resolve errors. If this value is specified, then it should
be a space-delimited list of columns in the domains specified in the
tablescope field. The values of these columns can be reported in the
Results data set. This column is optional.
This value provides
a unique ID for the check. It ensures uniqueness in the data set and
in the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit. This value allows any provided
or derived check to be uniquely identifiable over time. An example
is SDTM000100CST120SDTM3112009-05-12T12:00:00CDI.
The validation check
ID, as specified in the Validation Master data set. (See Column Descriptions of the Validation Master Data Set.)
global standards library directory/standards/cdisc-sdtm-3.1.x/validation/control
It contains records for each domain that is to-be-validated by each
check in the Validation Master data set. This data set is used by
reporting tools that are provided with the SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit to report domain-specific errors. For more information,
see Reporting. It is also available to other programs and applications
that might need to subset checks that are applicable to specific domains.
The validation check
ID, as specified in the Validation Master data set. (See Column Descriptions of the Validation Master Data Set.)
global standards library directory/standards/cdisc-adam-2.1-1.6/validation/control
includes a BDS record that serves as a class template for all specific
implementations of BDS that are required for a study. The SAS Clinical
Standards Toolkit does not know each of the specific analysis data
sets, so the Validation_ClassByCheck data set includes records by
class, not by domain, for each check in the ADaM Validation Master
data set.
data _null_; if 0 then set &_cstDSName nobs=_numobs; call symputx('_cstMetricsCntNumRecs',_numobs); stop; run; * Write applicable metrics *; %if &_cstMetrics %then %do; %if &_cstMetricsNumRecs %then %cstutil_writemetric( _cstMetricParameter=# of records tested, _cstResultID=&_cstCheckID, _cstResultSeqParm=&_cstResultSeq, _cstMetricCnt=&_cstMetricsCntNumRecs, _cstSrcDataParm=&_cstDSname ); %end;