
The Standards data set is used by the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit framework to store information about a standard version. All standards that are provided with the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit, and standards that you might want to add are defined in the global standards library in the metadata/standards data set. All calls to the cst_registerstandard macro that are described in Chapter 2 interact directly with the metadata/standards data set.
Metadata/Standards Data Set Structure in the Global Standards Library
Column Name
Column Length
The name of the registered standard.
A short mnemonic for the standard.
The version number of the registered standard. Must be unique within the standard.
The standard group across versions, such as STDM or TERMINOLOGY.
The version of the groupname, often the same as standardversion.
A description of the registered standard version.
The root path for the standard version's directory in the global standards library.
The root path to the study repository. This can be used to initialize the studyRootPath and studyOutputPath global macro variables and to use relative paths to study library subfolders. By default, this is set to the sample library that is associated with each standard provided with the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit.
The control folder path (relative to rootpath). This value provides the location of data sets that are required for standard registration (such as Standards and StandardSASReferences).
The template folder path (relative to rootpath). This value provides the location of data sets that are specific to the standard that serve as templates for standard-specific processes.
A value that identifies whether the version is the default for the standard. More than one version can be registered and you can still have a default version. Valid values are Y and N.
A value that identifies whether the standard version is part of the framework. This column can be used to subset the list of registered standards. Valid values are Y and N.
A value that identifies whether the standard version is a data standard. For example, CDISC SDTM versions are data standards, and CDISC Controlled Terminology is not. Valid values are Y and N.
A value that identifies whether the standard version supports validation. Valid values are Y and N.
A value that identifies whether the standard version is based on XML. CDISC SDTM is not, and CDISC CRT-DDS is. Valid values are Y and N.
If the standard version is based on XML, then this is the path to the XSL file to import the XML into the SAS representation.
If the standard version is based on XML, then this is the path to the XSL file to export the XML file.
If the standard version is based on XML, then this is the path to the XML schema document that can be used to validate the XML.
The revision of the standard and standardversion that is currently installed.
The global standards library data set provided with the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit is located here:
global standards library directory/metadata/standards.sas7bdat
The global standards library data set contains these records, which are provided with the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit 1.6 (the columns are continued in the subsequent two images):
Metadata/Standards Data Set Content in the Global Standards Library
Default records in the global standards library data set
global standards library data set (continued)
global standards library data set (continued)
The &_cstGRoot in the rootpath column maps to the global standards library directory that is set by calling the cstutil_setcstgroot macro.
&_cstSRoot in the studylibraryrootpath column maps to the sample study library directory that is set by calling the cstutil_setcstsroot macro.
An example of the global standards library data set that is used to register a specific standard is located here:
global standards library directory/standards/cdisc-sdtm-3.1.2-1.6/control/standards.sas7bdat