global standards library directory/standards/cst-framework-1.6/validation/control/validation_master.sas7bdat
libname refcntl 'c:/cstGlobalLibrary/standards/cst-framework-1.6/validation/ control'; libname cstcntl 'c:/cstSampleLibrary/cst-framework-1.6/control';
proc sql; create view cstcntl.validation_control_glmeta as select * from cstrcntl.validation_master as a where upcase(a.checktype)="GLMETA"; create view cstcntl.validation_control_std as select * from cstrcntl.validation_master as a where upcase(a.checktype) in ("STD","STDIQOQ"); create view cstcntl.validation_control_stdiqoq as select * from cstrcntl.validation_master as a where upcase(a.checktype) in ("STDIQOQ"); quit;
Indicates the specific
data set of interest. The
SAS libref has been defined in the SASReferences data set (row 10
in Sample of Dynamically Derived work.reference_tables**)
and is included in work.reference_tables.
a new check utility macro included in Autocall Macros That Support Internal Validation.