Printing Reports

Specify Printing Preferences

To specify printing preferences such as margins, page size, page orientation, and whether to print page numbers, complete these steps:
  1. Select Filethen selectPage Setup to open the Page Setup dialog box.
  2. For Orientation, specify Portrait or Landscape.
  3. Select the Size.
  4. (Optional) For Fit, specify Wrap or Fit width.
  5. (Optional) Select a value from each drop-down list to specify Margins for the top, bottom, left, and right. You can enter values as inches or centimeters.
  6. (Optional) Specify Header and Footer information. You can enter values as inches or centimeters.
    1. For the Page numbers/Content, specify 1, 2, 3, 1 of n, 2, of n, 1/n, 2/n, 3/n, or None.
    2. Select where the page numbers will appear.
    3. Select the alignment of the page numbers.
    4. Select the Restart page numbering for each section option.
    Page Setup Dialog Box
    Page Setup Dialog Box
  7. Click OK.

Print a Report

To print a report, complete these steps:
  1. Depending on your location, perform one of these tasks to open the Print dialog box:
    • If you are in the View Edit view, select Filethen selectPrint.
    • If you are in the File Management page, next to the name of the report that you want to print, click actions icon in the Actions column, and then select Print.
    Note: If this is a manually refreshed report, then you must refresh the data before you can select printing options. However, you can click Preview and Print to print the report with the existing printing options.
  2. Specify a Print range by using these options:
    Current page (includes all table rows and columns)
    Select this option if you want to print only the content that is currently shown in View mode. This means that only the content within the currently displayed group break value (if the report author chose to break a new page for each value) and within the current section is printed.
    All pages
    Select this option if you want to print the entire report.
    Select this option if you want to print a portion of the report. After you select this option, you can then select where you want the printed portion to begin and end by using the two drop-down lists.
  3. (Optional) Select Page breaks to insert page breaks between report sections.
    Print Dialog Box
    Print Dialog Box
  4. To display the PDF output that you can print or save, click Print to PDF.
  5. In Adobe Acrobat, complete these steps:
    1. Select Filethen selectPrint to open the Print dialog box.
    2. To send the report to the specified printer, click OK.
    3. To exit Adobe Acrobat, select Filethen selectClose.
  6. To close the Print dialog box, click Close.
Note: New report sections that are added to reports that were originally created in SAS Enterprise Guide do not include a static report creation date in the printed output.