Trusted User Connections

Trusted User
The metadata server allows a privileged account to act on behalf of other users (trusting that those users have already been properly authenticated).
To the metadata server from the object spawner, the OLAP server, SAS Web applications (if Web authentication is used), and batch report processes.
Supports the optional Web authentication configuration. Enables the OLAP server and the object spawner to impersonate each requesting user on connections to the metadata server. Enables batch reporting processes to connect to the metadata server under their identities.
It is important to protect this privileged account.
In a new deployment, the trustedUsers.txt file lists one account that serves as the trusted user for the entire deployment.
Do not add regular users to the trustedUsers.txt file.
The trusted user is a privileged service identity that can act on behalf of all other users.
Note: The trustedUsers.txt file is in your equivalent of SAS/Config/Lev1/SASMeta/MetadataServer/.