Choosing an Approach for Upgrading to SAS 9.3

You should review your goals for upgrading and develop an upgrade plan that best fits your enterprise environment. Selecting the approach might require trade-offs. You will have to balance the benefits and challenges of the upgrade options with your goals and priorities. There are several approaches for upgrading to SAS 9.3:
  • Promote—install SAS 9.3 and upgrade portions of your current SAS content.
    The Export and Import SAS Package wizards or batch tools provide you with a great deal of flexibility. Promotion enables you to move gradually to SAS 9.3 if you have additional hardware on which to run SAS 9.3 separate from earlier SAS versions. Consider using promotion to upgrade to SAS 9.3 in the following cases:
    • You want to change your SAS topology or operating systems.
    • You have made minimal configuration changes to your earlier SAS deployment.
    • You want to move only selected content from your earlier SAS version.
  • Migrate—install SAS 9.3 and upgrade all your current SAS content.
    Using the SAS Migration Utility with the SAS Deployment Wizard to migrate to SAS 9.3 has some definite advantages, as you will achieve the most automation as possible using this method. Consider using migration to upgrade to SAS 9.3 in the following cases:
    • You want to retain your SAS topology.
    • You have made significant configuration changes to your earlier SAS deployment (such as customizations to users and groups, ACTs, or server configurations).
    • You want to move all content from your earlier SAS version.
  • Use a combination of migration and promotion.
    Migration and promotion are not mutually exclusive. You might choose to migrate to a 9.3 deployment and run it in parallel with your earlier SAS version and periodically refresh the 9.3 content through partial promotion. This enables you to continue to use your earlier SAS version in production while you validate your migrated SAS content and become familiar with the new features of SAS 9.3.