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Assigning Libraries

Using Libraries That Are Not Pre-assigned

Default assignment for libraries

By default, newly created libraries are not pre-assigned. When a library is not pre-assigned, the library is assigned by using the data-access engine that best suits the client application and its intended user base. Thus, the default assignments for applications such as SAS Data Integration Studio, SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office, SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS OLAP Cube Studio, SAS Enterprise Miner, and SAS Information Map Studio are used. For example, if you do not pre-assign the library, SAS Data Integration Studio assigns the library using the engine specified in metadata (such as BASE). This method avoids the data-level authorizations of Read, Write, Create, and Delete. This approach is a best practice, because it is assumed that in most cases SAS Data Integration Studio developers are building processes that create or update tables in the library and that the underlying engine is the only engine that should be used for data-populating tasks.

How Do the Different Platform Clients Assign Libraries?

When libraries are not pre-assigned, each SAS platform client assigns libraries. Allowing each application to assign libraries as it deems appropriate for its user base results in the optimal security model for environments where users have different data access requirements to a library and where you want to capitalize on using metadata decisions enforced by the SAS authorization facility on top of the operating system or RDBMS authorization layer. An example of such an environment would be one with clients running at least SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Data Integration Studio. In this environment, SAS Data Integration Studio processes update tables that are in turn used in ad hoc analysis within SAS Enterprise Guide. The SAS Data Integration Studio processes need to specify tables in the library as target tables (output), whereas the SAS Enterprise Guide user's activities largely involve querying and analyzing chunks of data (input).

Because SAS Data Integration Studio processes typically update or create target tables, when SAS Data Integration Studio assigns the library it does not use the metadata engine. Instead, it assigns the library using the engine specified in the metadata. Because SAS Data Integration Studio only works with tables that are registered in the metadata repository, you can use the SAS authorization facility to control a client's access to tables by setting ReadMetadata, WriteMetadata, and CheckInMetadata permissions on the library and table metadata objects.

SAS Information Map Studio always assigns the library by using a LIBNAME statement and the engine specified in the metadata, unless the library is explicitly defined by a SAS administrator (or SAS Data Integration Studio administrator) to use the metadata engine.

Note:   The metadata authorization layer supplements operating system- and RDBMS-level security. It does not replace it. Operating system and RDBMS authorization layers can and should always be used as the first means of securing access to tables.  [cautionend]

On the other hand, the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office and SAS Enterprise Guide (shown in the following table) assign the library using the metadata engine by default, so that data-level authorizations of Read, Write, Create, and Delete, which are specified in the metadata, are enforced. If defining libraries so that they are not pre-assigned seems like a potential option for your environment, then you will want to explore this topic a little further and learn how to ensure that these libraries will be available to server processes that do not receive direct requests from client applications. For example, you will need to learn how to manually assign the library in server processes such as the stored process server and DATA Step Batch Server (if present), as discussed in the next section.
Platform Client Default Library Assignments
Application Pre-assigned Library
Engine Used
Minimum Metadata Authorizations
SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office No META Library: ReadMetadata

Table: ReadMetadata and Read

SAS Enterprise Guide No META Library: ReadMetadata

Table: ReadMetadata and Read

SAS Data Integration Studio No Underlying data engine Library: ReadMetadata

Table: ReadMetadata

SAS OLAP Cube Studio No Underlying data engine Library: ReadMetadata

Table: ReadMetadata

SAS Information Map Studio No Underlying data engine Library: ReadMetadata

Table: ReadMetadata

Processing Stored Processes When the Library is Not Pre-assigned

In the SAS Intelligence Platform, a stored process is a SAS program that is stored on a server and can be executed as requested by clients who have ReadMetadata access to the stored process program's metadata. SAS Stored Processes can be executed by either a SAS Workspace Server or a SAS Stored Process Server. If a library is not pre-assigned, it is the responsibility of the stored process program's author or the SAS administrator to ensure that the library is assigned to a specific location and physical path. This can be done either directly in each stored process program or from an external file that is linked to the stored process with an %INCLUDE statement.

These methods have the following advantages and disadvantages:

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