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Understanding and Customizing SAS Output: The Basics

Review of SAS Tools


FILE file-specification;

identifies an external file that the DATA step uses to write output from a PUT statement.

FILE PRINT <HEADER=label> <LINESLEFT=number-of-lines>;

directs the output that is produced by any PUT statements to the same print file as the output that is produced by SAS procedures. The HEADER option defines a statement label that identifies a group of SAS statements that you want to execute each time SAS begins a new output page. The LINESLEFT= option defines a variable whose value is the number of lines left on the current page.

FOOTNOTE <n> <'text'>;

specifies up to ten footnote lines to be printed at the bottom of a page of output. The variable n specifies the relative line to be occupied by the footnote, and text specifies the text of the footnote.

LABEL variable='label';

associates the variable that you specify with the descriptive text that you specify as the label. Your label can be up to 256 characters long, including blanks. You can use the LABEL statement in either the DATA step or the PROC step.

OPTIONS option(s);

changes the value of one or more SAS system options.

TITLE <n> <'text'>;

specifies up to ten title lines to be printed on each page of the procedure output file and other SAS output. The variable n specifies the relative line that contains the title line, and text specifies the text of the title.

SAS System Options


controls whether the page number prints on the first title line of each page of output.


resets the page number for the next page of output.


controls whether SAS procedure output is centered.


specifies the number of lines that can be printed per page of output.


specifies the printer line width for the SAS log and the standard procedure output file used by the DATA step and procedures.


controls whether the date and time are printed at the top of each page of the SAS log, the standard print file, or any file with the PRINT attribute.


specifies the character to be printed for missing numeric variable values.

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