SAS ARM Interface Overview |
The SAS ARM interface uses the following features to measure and log application availability, performance, usage, and transaction response time:
ARM agent, which is an executable program that contains an implementation of the ARM API
ARM appender, which processes ARM transaction events and sends the events to a specified output destination
ARM macros, which you strategically place in your SAS programs to define, start, and stop ARM data collection
ARM system options:
ARMAGENT=, which specifies an executable module or keyword
ARMLOC=, which specifies the location of an ARM log
ARMSUBSYS=, which specifies whether to initialize the ARM subsystems
default correlators, which are used to track parent and child transactions
default user metrics, which are used to measure start, update, and stop times
performance macros, which contain default user metrics
SAS logging facility, which enables more flexibility and control of the ARM log destinations and message formats
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