Edit the Tuition Costs in Microsoft Excel

You cannot open data sources in Microsoft Word. However, you can open and edit SAS data sources in Microsoft Excel.
To edit the College_Cost data set:
  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. On the SAS tab, click SAS Data. The View SAS Data dialog box appears.
  3. Click Browse. The Open Data Source dialog box appears.
  4. Navigate to the library where you saved the sample data and select _COLLEGE_COST. The path to this data set is SASApp:SASApp - SASDATA._COLLEGE_COST.
    Open Data Source dialog box with the _COLLEGE_COST data set selected
    Click Open. The _College_Cost data set is now selected in the View SAS Data dialog box.
  5. In the View SAS Data dialog box, select Worksheet as the view.
  6. For the location, select New worksheet and enter COLLEGE_COST as the name of the new worksheet.
    If you are opening a new workbook, select New workbook.
    View SAS Data dialog box
    Click OK. The _College_Cost data set opens in Excel.
  7. To edit the data source, select the cell that contains the 8,640 value.
  8. On the SAS tab, click Begin Edit in the External Data group. In the message that appears, click Switch to Edit Mode to confirm that you want to begin Edit mode.
    The data source opens in Edit mode and is locked to you. Other users at your site cannot edit this data source while you have it in Edit mode.
  9. In the data source, update the costs for out-of-state tuition.
    • Change the value of Our Tuition (out of state) to 22,320.
    • Change the value of Average Tuition (out of state) to 38,230.
    Note: Do not press Enter after you enter the last value in the table. Pressing Enter could move you to a blank cell in the Excel worksheet. If a blank cell is selected, then the commit functionality is unavailable. You must select a value in the data source to commit your changes to the SAS server.
  10. On the SAS tab, click Commit to save these changes. Committing your changes updates the existing data source on the server.
    Location of the Commit button on the SAS tab in Microsoft Excel
  11. To exit Edit mode, click End Edit. The data set is unlocked, so it is now available to other users at your site.
Last updated: April 27, 2017