Example Data in This Document

This document uses the SYSTEM 2000 database Employee and several SAS data files to show you how to use the SAS/ACCESS interface to SYSTEM 2000. This database and the SAS data files MyData.Classes, V6.Birthdy, and MyData.CorPhon were created for a company's employee information. The data file Trans.Banking (used in the example for the DBLOAD procedure) was created for banking transactions. All the data is fictitious. The database is used to show how the interface treats SYSTEM 2000 data. It should not be used as an example for you to follow in designing databases for any purpose.
See Example Programs for more information about the example data used in this documentation.
The SAS jobs to create the SAS data files are on your installation media; see your on-site SAS support personnel to create the SAS data files. The database Employee is on the SYSTEM 2000 installation media; see your Database Administrator to ensure that the data is available and in its original state.
You create the access descriptor MyLib.Employe and the view descriptors Vlib.EmpPos and Vlib.EmpSkil. See SAS/ACCESS Descriptor Files. You need to create the other view descriptors in this document on your own, using the definitions shown in Example Programs.