
access descriptor
a SAS/ACCESS file that describes data that is managed by SAS, by a database management system, or by a PC-based software application such as Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, or dBASE. After creating an access descriptor, you can use it as the basis for creating one or more view descriptors. See also view descriptor.
Accounting Log
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a file used to hold the Multi-User accounting system records.
in the SYSTEM 2000 QUEST language, the portion of a command on the left of a where-clause or the entire command if there is no where-clause; for retrievals, the retrieval-clause and the ordering-clause, if any; for updates, the update-clause.
active database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a database that is on disk for production use in the Self-Contained Facility or in PLEX jobs.
ad hoc function
in SYSTEM 2000 QUEST software, an arithmetic expression enclosed in parentheses and specified in an action-clause.
an alternative name, usually a shortened form, for a particular SAS language element. An example of an alias is PWD for PASSWORD.
the operating system's association between a logical name (DDname) and an operating system data set.
ancestor record
a record on the level that precedes a specified record in the same path.
archival database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a copy of a database saved for use in recovery or restoration. An archival database is a historical database saved at a significant point in time.
arithmetic expression
arithmetic operator
in SAS, any of the symbols (+, -, /, *, and **) that are used to perform addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, or exponentiation in arithmetic expressions. In SYSTEM 2000 software only, ** is not supported.
in the SYSTEM 2000 PLEX facility, the Programming Language Extension for IBM Assembler Language.
attach a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to make database files available to a job.
available space
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the allocated or extendable storage space beyond the logical end of a file or table.
batch mode
a noninteractive method of running SAS programs by which a file (containing SAS statements along with any necessary operating system commands) is submitted to the batch queue of the operating environment for execution.
part of a retrieval-clause, which specifies that the values within a data tree be displayed together. A by-clause begins with the keyword BY and includes its focal record and all subsequent components in the retrieval-clause, up to the beginning of another by-clause or to the beginning of an ordering-clause or where-clause.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a system function followed by the keyword BY and its focal record.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an item type for textual values where leading blanks, trailing blanks, and multiple blanks between words are ignored. CHARACTER is abbreviated as CHAR.
the records that immediately follow a specified record.
CICS Command Editor
a tool that enables you to create, save, retrieve, and submit command streams in a CICS environment. It can be used in the CICS interface to access, modify, and resubmit the most recent command stream.
CICS Interface
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an interface that allows direct communication with the IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS) TP monitor.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the process of copying an updated page in a database or Update Log from main memory to disk.
close a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to make the files of a database unavailable to a job.
in the SYSTEM 2000 PLEX facility, the COBOL Programming Language Extension.
Collect File
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a temporary file holding a relational table containing COLLECT command output. Collect File values can originate in more than one database and can be used in QUEST language and REPORT language commands.
a directive to an operating system to perform a particular task.
Command Editor (CICS Command Editor)
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a capability for creating, saving, retrieving, and submitting command streams in a CICS environment.
Command File
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a user file that includes Self-Contained Facility (SCF) input commands. The Command File is the standard input file by default, but it can be a user-assigned alternate file.
command terminator
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a signal that indicates the end of a command, usually a colon or semicolon.
in a SYSTEM 2000 PLEX program, a declarative statement that sets up a COMMBLOCK. The COMMBLOCK is a data area for passing status information back and forth between the PLEX program and SYSTEM 2000 software.
a self-contained, reusable programming object that provides some type of service to other components in an object-oriented programming environment.
component label
the user-assigned component name or number that uniquely identifies a component in a SYSTEM 2000 database definition.
component name
a unique name that is assigned to a component in a SYSTEM 2000 database definition. See also component.
component number (C-number)
a unique number that is assigned to a component in a SYSTEM 2000 database definition. See also component.
a part of a SYSTEM 2000 where-clause that contains an EXISTS, FAILS, EQ, NE, SPANS, LT, GT, LE, GE, or CONTAINS operator (or an equivalent symbol) and its operands, which are either schema items or specified values.
connecting string
optional syntax that you can use in a SYSTEM 2000 where-clause that is included in a SAS/ACCESS view descriptor. A connecting string tells the interface view engine how you want to connect conditions in the SYSTEM 2000 where-clause with conditions that are translated from a SAS WHERE clause.
in SAS software, a number or a character string that indicates a fixed value.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a Self-Contained Facility language used for administrative tasks, such as saving, restoring, and recovering databases. CONTROL is the processor of the CONTROL language.
Coordinated Recovery
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the process of reinstating a damaged database to a previous, undamaged condition. Coordinated Recovery uses the Rollback Log and the Update Log.
create a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to assign a name and storage space to a database yet to be defined.
cycle number (database cycle number)
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the total number of times that data have been updated or loaded into a database. This is also referred to as database cycle number.
damage flag
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an internal indicator of whether a database is damaged.
damaged database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a database for which updates have been only partially completed before processing was stopped (for example, because of a hardware failure).
Data File
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a user file containing data for Self-Contained Facility commands that are to be executed by a SYSTEM 2000 processor. The Data File is the standard input file by default.
data length
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the number of symbols or characters in a data value.
data management software
an integrated software package that enables you to create and manipulate data in the form of databases.
data record
an identifiable set of values that are treated as a unit and which are associated with a schema record. A logical entry consists of related data records. See also logical entry.
data set
data structure
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the view of a database in terms of data items, data records, and the hierarchical relationships of the records. This is also called a logical data structure.
Data Table (DT)
in a SYSTEM 2000 database, a table containing all data values for the records in the database.
data value
a unit of character, numeric, or alphanumeric information that is stored as a single item in a data record.
data view
an organized collection of related data. A database usually contains named files, named objects, or other named entities such as tables, views, and indexes. See also database definition.
database cycle number
database definition (definition)
a blueprint for the type of data that is stored in a SYSTEM 2000 database. A definition consists of schema records and related schema items, which are organized in a hierarchical structure. A definition labels the data to be stored, arranges the data into groups, and establishes relationships among the groups of data. See also schema record.
database management system (DBMS)
a software application that enables you to create and manipulate data that is stored in the form of databases. See also hierarchical structure.
Database Manager
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the nucleus (executive code) of the software.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the item type for date values.
date and time format
instructions that tell SAS how to write numeric values as dates, times, and datetimes.
DBA password
a SYSTEM 2000 password that provides a level of authority between that of the master password and that of the secondary passwords. The DBA password enables the DBA to administer databases without being able to access the data that is stored in them.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an item type for numeric values with a fixed decimal point and an optional plus or minus sign.
DEFINE language
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a Self-Contained Facility language used to define a database.
definition number
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the total number of times that a database definition has been changed (mapped).
Definition Table
in a SYSTEM 2000 database, a table that contains the definition of a database.
a character that serves as a boundary that separates the elements of a text string.
a record that a member that resides at a lower level in relation to other members in the hierarchy. A record is a descendant of its ancestors.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the order in which the schema of a database is displayed as a result of the DESCRIBE command in the QUEST language.
descriptor file
a type of SAS/ACCESS file that is used to establish a connection between SAS and files that are created and maintained by other software applications. Descriptor files describe data to SAS. To create descriptor files, you use the ACCESS procedure. There are two types of descriptor files: access descriptors and view descriptors.
descriptor information
information about the contents and attributes of a SAS data set. For example, the descriptor information includes the data types and lengths of the variables, as well as which engine was used to create the data. SAS creates and maintains descriptor information within every SAS data set.
Diagnostic Log
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a file that contains diagnostic tuning aids (at different levels) resulting from job processing in a Multi-User environment.
dimension level (level)
an element of a dimension hierarchy. Levels describe the dimension from the highest (most summarized) level to the lowest (most detailed) level. For example, possible levels for a Geography dimension are Country, Region, State or Province, and City.
direct mode
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the state in which the Update Log for a database is written directly to tape or disk.
disjoint record
a schema record in a SYSTEM 2000 database that is outside a path as specified in a view descriptor, and thus cannot be included.
Distinct Values Table (DVT)
in SYSTEM 2000 software, one of two tables that make up the index for a database. This table contains an entry for each distinct value of a key item. See also Multiple Occurrence Table.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an item type for double-precision, floating-point values.
DYNAMIC where-clause
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a QUEST where-clause that can be created and modified within a PLEX program while the program is executing.
engine (SAS engine)
a component of SAS software that reads from or writes to a file. Various engines enable SAS to access different types of file formats.
entry terminator
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a signal that indicates the end of a data entry or subtree in the Data File. The default entry terminator is END*.
exclusive use
the condition under which only one user can access a database at a time.
execution option
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an option specified in a JCL EXEC statement and then passed as a parameter to the program called in the job step.
execution parameter
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an independent variable, such as an argument in a string, subroutine, or execution statement, for which a value is assigned at time of use.
Extended Field Table (EFT)
in a SYSTEM 2000 database, a table used to store the characters that extend beyond the assigned field width.
a SYSTEM 2000 record, all its ancestors, and all its descendants.
focal record
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a data record that determines the family of schema records in a has-expression, a by-clause, or a by-phrase.
format a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to fill the pages of the database tables with binary zeros.
in the SYSTEM 2000 PLEX family, the FORTRAN Programming Language Extension.
full pass
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the process of examining all the records in the Data Table one by one.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a conversational facility for specifying LISTING reports.
global hold
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the state in which an entire database is reserved for use by one user temporarily to prevent other users from updating or reserving any portion of the database.
in a SYSTEM 2000 where-clause, the word HAS preceded by a record name or component number and followed by a condition or expression.
hierarchical data management
the practice of storing and accessing data in a database structure that minimizes redundancy by organizing stored data in levels.
hierarchical structure
an arrangement of data in which records occur at distinct levels, with different types of information at each level. Records are related to other records as ancestors, descendants, siblings, and so on.
hierarchical table (HT)
in a SYSTEM 2000 database, a table that contains the hierarchical relationships among the records in a database.
HOLD option
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an option in a PLEX retrieval command that enables a user to reserve specified data records temporarily.
in the SYSTEM 2000 QUEUE and REPORT languages, an additional criterion to further qualify the records that satisfy a where-clause.
immediate mode
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the PLEX mode in which an update command is processed immediately after being issued. See also load mode, queue mode.
inclusion list
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a part of a PLEX retrieval or update command specifying the items that are to participate in the operation.
incremental loading
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the loading of new logical entries in separate batches.
See SAS index.
initial loading
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the loading of the first batch of logical entries into the database. See also incremental loading.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an item type for whole numeric values (or 0) having an optional plus or minus sign.
interactive line mode (line mode)
a method of running SAS programs in which you enter one line of a SAS program at a time at the SAS session prompt. SAS processes each line immediately after you press the ENTER or RETURN key. Procedure output and informative messages are returned directly to your display device.
interface view engine
a type of SAS engine that SAS/ACCESS software uses to retrieve data from files that have been formatted by another vendor's software. Each SAS/ACCESS interface has its own interface view engine, which reads the interface product data and returns the data in a form that SAS can understand (that is, in a SAS data set). See also engine.
invoke a string
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to initiate the transaction stored in a string by giving the string's name or number and supplying any parameter values that were defined.
Item Menu
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a QueX screen containing the items available to a specific user for a particular record and a menu of commands that may be used in processing the items displayed.
item type
a classification of values that determines how the values will be stored in a SYSTEM 2000 database. The item types are CHARACTER, TEXT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, MONEY, DATE, REAL (or FLOAT), DOUBLE, and UNDEFINED.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a file that holds the permanent Update Log recordings; it is used to recover a database.
key condition
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a condition that contains a key item, which means records are qualified by means of the index.
left sibling
in a SYSTEM 2000 schema or data tree, the sibling record on the left of a given record, that is, the record one position nearer to the beginning of the logical chain of siblings.
library member
any of several types of SAS file in a SAS library. A library member can be a data set, a view, a catalog, a stored program, or an access descriptor.
library reference
See libref.
libref (library reference)
a SAS name that is associated with the location of a SAS library. For example, in the name MYLIB.MYFILE, MYLIB is the libref, and MYFILE is a file in the SAS library. See also SAS library.
line mode
load a database (populate a database)
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to enter logical entries in a database.
load mode
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the PLEX mode in which only INSERT commands are issued. The software processes those commands in part when they are issued and completes processing when the TERMINATE command is given. See also immediate mode, queue mode.
loader stream
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the values for logical entries coded in the format necessary to load a database.
local hold
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the state in which one data record is reserved temporarily for use by a user to prevent other users from updating or reserving that data record.
Locate File
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a PLEX work file that stores addresses of data records for subset processing.
logical entry
the data records that pertain to one entry in a SYSTEM 2000 database. For example, in the EMPLOYEE database, all data records that pertain to one employee comprise a logical entry.
logical order
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the order of records in a tree in which each record precedes all of its descendants and all of its right siblings.
logical unit of work
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a sequence of updates bounded by synchpoints. A logical unit of work is used in Coordinated Recovery.
lookup key (key)
a value that uniquely identifies a specific record and its order among other records in a database or table.
master password
the password under which a SYSTEM 2000 database is created. The holder of the master password can access the entire database and has the authority to use any SYSTEM 2000 statement.
Master Record
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a table of identification information, such as the database name and passwords.
member name
a name that is assigned to a SAS file in a SAS library. See also member type.
member type
a SAS name that identifies the type of information that is stored in a SAS file. Member types include ACCESS, AUDIT, DMBD, DATA, CATALOG, FDB, INDEX, ITEMSTOR, MDDB, PROGRAM, UTILITY, and VIEW.
Message File
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a user file containing messages issued by the software, such as error diagnostics, informative messages, and echoes of commands. The Message File is the standard output file by default, but it can be a user-assigned alternate file.
missing value
a type of value for a variable that contains no data for a particular row or column. By default, SAS writes a missing numeric value as a single period and a missing character value as a blank space. See also null value, null item, null record.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an item type for money values; it is similar to DECIMAL type, except that $, CR, and DB are displayed with the values.
multi-user environment
a data entry environment in which several users access a database at the same time, with queries and updates being handled simultaneously by a single copy of the software. See also single-user environment.
Multiple Occurrence Table (MOT)
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a table that is part of the index.
non-exclusive use
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the state in which more than one user can perform updates and retrievals on the same database.
non-key condition
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a where-clause condition for which the software uses the Data Table instead of the index to qualify records.
the process of obtaining ancestors or descendants of qualified records during the processing of a SYSTEM 2000 where-clause.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a format option that requests the output display of NULL for items having missing values. See also null value.
null item
an item for which space is allocated in a record, although no value currently exists in the SYSTEM 2000 database. A null item is similar to a SAS missing value, but they are not identical. See also missing value, schema item.
null record
a data record that contains all null items.
null value
a special value that indicates the absence of information. Null values are analogous to SAS missing values. See also missing value.
numeric item
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an item whose values are numbers that can be calculated (as opposed to ZIP codes). The numeric item types are INTEGER, DECIMAL, MONEY, REAL (FLOAT), and DOUBLE.
a row in a SAS data set. All of the data values in an observation are associated with a single entity such as a customer or a state. Each observation contains either one data value or a missing-value indicator for each variable.
open a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to attach a database for use.
ordering-clause (ORDERED BY clause)
a set of one or more user-specified SYSTEM 2000 schema items that control the sorting of selected values.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the place of a member in an ordered set, for example, the left-to-right ordering of data records within a set of similar siblings, the left-to-right ordering of conditions in a PLEX where-clause, or the first-to-last ordering of items in a subschema record.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the unused space in a page of a database table that is reserved for future use.
parametric string
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a string containing one or more parameters for which values are assigned when the string is invoked.
physical order
the order in which data records or observations appear in their storage structure.
physical storage structure
in SYSTEM 2000 software See also storage structure.
picture (schema item picture)
the logical size (length) of values for a particular schema item in a SYSTEM 2000 database.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an abbreviation for PL/I Programming Language Extension, a dialect of the PLEX Facility.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a facility for extending a COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, or Assembler program to include SYSTEM 2000 commands. PLEX is also the name of the processor of the PLEX language.
PLEX processor directive
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an instruction issued to the PLEX processor that does not result in executable code.
populate a database
Primary Record
in SYSTEM 2000 QueX software, the Request Record used with a SELECT command to initiate a sequence of retrievals. All other records requested must be related to the Primary Record in some manner.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a subsystem that is specific to each of the languages available, for example, DEFINE, CONTROL, QUEST, REPORT, and PLEX.
Program Service Processor (PSP)
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the interface subsystem between an executing PLEX program and the Data Base Manager.
qualified record
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a record that satisfies one or more conditions in a where-clause.
the query/update language that is used in SYSTEM 2000 software. QUEST is also the name of the processor of the QUEST language.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a QUEST language option used for queries and updates in which all commands for a session are processed simultaneously when the TERMINATE command is given. QUEUE is also the name of the processor for the QUEUE language.
queue mode
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a PLEX mode in which update commands are not processed until the TERMINATE command is given. See also immediate mode, load mode.
QueX database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a database that contains a description of each QueX user view of the data. A QueX database is used to condition and control the QueX environment.
QueX menu
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a QueX screen containing the records available to a specific user.
QueX software
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a query and update facility that is fixed-screen, interactive, and menu-driven.
QueX table
in SYSTEM 2000 software, any of the run-time tables that drive QueX software.
a code that is specified by the holder of the master password and which gives the holder of a secondary password the authority to retrieve a SYSTEM 2000 schema component.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an item type for single-precision, floating-point values.
record membership
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the relationship between an item and the record that it belongs to.
record relationship
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the hierarchical relationship between records.
recover a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to restore an archival database and apply some or all of the updates recorded in its Keepfile.
reinstate a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to use the Coordinated Recovery process to bring a damaged database back to a previous, undamaged state.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the state of belonging to the same schema path.
release a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to free the space occupied by the database files on disk.
reload a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to unload a database, then build new database tables with the unloaded data by means of the RELOAD command.
rename a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to change the name of a database and its files.
reorganize a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to compress the index of a database.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a language for defining and generating reports. REPORT is also the name of the processor of the REPORT language.
Report File
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a user file containing the results of retrieval requests, such as reports, tallies, and the output from the REPORT processor. The Report File is the standard output file by default, but it can be a user-assigned alternate file.
Request Record
in SYSTEM 2000 QueX software, the record requested for display.
restore a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to copy an archival database disk for active use.
restructure a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to change the logical data structure and the physical storage structure of a database to reflect a schema modification.
in the SYSTEM 2000 QUEST language, the list of components to be retrieved.
return code
a numeric value that indicates whether a request was successful. A return code can also indicate a specific error or warning.
reusable space
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the inactive storage space within a database table made available by deletions of values or records.
right sibling
in a SYSTEM 2000 schema or data tree, the sibling record on the right of a given record, that is, the record one position farther from the beginning of the logical chain of siblings.
a data recovery process that restores a database after a hardware or software failure, or that returns it to a state before changes were made.
rollback log
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a file that holds copies of database pages as they appeared before the update commands were applied.
See root node.
root node (root)
the topmost level in a hierarchical tree, representing the entire tree and its contents.
SAS data file
a type of SAS data set that contains data values as well as descriptor information that is associated with the data. The descriptor information includes information such as the data types and lengths of the variables, as well as the name of the engine that was used to create the data. See also SAS data set, SAS data view.
SAS data set (data set)
a file whose contents are in one of the native SAS file formats. There are two types of SAS data sets: SAS data files and SAS data views. See also descriptor information.
SAS data view (data view)
a type of SAS data set that retrieves data values from other files. A SAS data view contains only descriptor information such as the data types and lengths of the variables (columns) plus other information that is required for retrieving data values from other SAS data sets or from files that are stored in other software vendors' file formats.
SAS engine
See engine.
SAS expression (arithmetic expression)
a type of macro expression consisting of a sequence of operands and arithmetic operators that form a set of instructions that are evaluated to produce a numeric value, a character value, or a Boolean value. Examples of operands are constants and system functions. SAS uses arithmetic expressions in program statements to create variables, to assign values, to calculate new values, to transform variables, and to perform conditional processing.
SAS file
a specially structured file that is created, organized, and maintained by SAS. A SAS file can be a SAS data set, a catalog, a stored program, an access descriptor, a utility file, a multidimensional database file, a financial database file, a data mining database file, or an item store file.
SAS function (function)
a type of SAS language element that is used to process one or more arguments and then to return a result that can be used in either an assignment statement or an expression.
SAS index (index)
a component of a SAS data set that enables SAS to access observations in the SAS data set quickly and efficiently. The purpose of SAS indexes is to optimize WHERE-clause processing and to facilitate BY-group processing.
SAS informat (informat)
a type of SAS language element that is used to read data values according to the data's type: numeric, character, date, time, or timestamp.
SAS library
one or more files that are defined, recognized, and accessible by SAS, and that are referenced and stored as a unit. Each file is a member of the library.
SAS variable (variable)
a column in a SAS data set or in a SAS data view. The data values for each variable describe a single characteristic for all observations (rows).
save a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to copy a database from disk to a permanent file called the Savefile.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a tape or disk file that holds the archival database. After you save a database, the Savefile can be used to restore the database at a later time.
a map or model of the overall data structure of a database. A schema consists of schema records that are organized in a hierarchical tree structure. Schema records contain schema items.
schema component
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a schema item or a schema record.
schema item
a component that specifies the name and characteristics of a group of SYSTEM 2000 database values. That is, a schema item has a name, a type, and a picture (length). Each value stored in a SYSTEM 2000 database corresponds to a schema item. A SYSTEM 2000 schema item is analogous to a SAS variable.
schema item picture
See picture.
schema path
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a path in a schema tree.
schema record (SR)
an identifiable set of associated schema items that are treated as a unit in a SYSTEM 2000 database. See also disjoint record.
secondary password
a password, other than the master password or DBA password, that restricts SYSTEM 2000 statement usage and which specifically assigns update, retrieval, and where-clause authorities for any or all components of a SYSTEM 2000 database.
Secondary Record
in SYSTEM 2000 QueX software, a Request Record that is related to the Primary Record as an ancestor, as a descendant, or as part of a linked network.
Security by Entry
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a security feature that protects the entire database. To access any given logical entry, you must know the private value for a certain item.
Self-Contained Facility (SCF)
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the facility consisting of the DEFINE, CONTROL, QUEST, QUEUE, and REPORT languages. The SCF languages do not interact with formal programming languages. See also PLEX.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a special character that separates labels from values in commands, value streams, and output.
a single period during which a software application is in use, from the time the application is invoked until its execution is terminated.
in a hierarchical database, any of two or more segments or records that have the same parent segment or record.
similar records
in SYSTEM 2000 software, data records that are occurrences of the same schema record.
single-user environment
a SYSTEM 2000 execution environment in which you are working with your own copy of SYSTEM 2000 software. In a single-user environment, you usually have exclusive access to the database. However, the single-user environment can be configured so that multiple users can query the database. See also multi-user environment.
source record
in the SYSTEM 2000 PLEX facility, a subschema record that appears on the left side of a LINK command.
in the SYSTEM 2000 PLEX facility, an area in which the software saves the addresses of the most recently retrieved data records. The effect of every PLEX retrieval and update command depends on the contents of the stack.
storage structure
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the stored version of a database, the physical files, indexes, pages, pointers, and fields. This is also called physical storage structure.
stored function
in SYSTEM 2000 software
stored string
a text string that is contained in a SYSTEM 2000 database definition and which can be invoked by using the string number or name.
a stored command or part of a command or series of commands that are invoked by specifying the string name or number in another command. Strings are part of a SYSTEM 2000 database definition
in a SYSTEM 2000 PLEX program, one specific application's view of the database. A subschema consists of a collection of subschema records.
subschema item
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an item in a subschema record.
subschema record (SSR)
in a SYSTEM 2000 PLEX program, the application's view of a schema record. A subschema record contains subschema items; each item corresponds to a schema item in the database definition.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a tree consisting of a given record and all its descendants.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a point at which the software marks the end of a series of updates. Up to the most recent synchpoint, the database is secure and the updates are available for Coordinated Recovery.
a set of rules specifying proper construction of statements or commands.
SYSTEM 2000 view
a file that reads data directly from a SYSTEM 2000 database.
system function
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an operation available for use in an arithmetic expression or action-clause. The six system functions are AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SIGMA, and SUM. A system function can operate on an arithmetic expression or a schema item.
system release number
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a number indicating the version of the software used to create the database. The DESCRIBE command prints the system release number.
system separator
in SYSTEM 2000 software See also separator.
system string
in SYSTEM 2000 software, syntax that provides the current date and time according to the computer's internal calendar and clock. The four system strings are *NOW*, *TODAY*, *FTODAY*, and *DATA*.
system-wide command
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a command accepted by any processor in the Self-Contained Facility.
target level
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the level of the data records to be selected for the action-clause.
target record
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the schema record that determines the type of records to be selected for an action-clause. The target record determines the target level. In the PLEX facility, the subschema record on the right side of the LINK verb.
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an item type for textual values in which blanks are retained. You must include the blanks when specifying the value in a where-clause. For example, JOHN SMITH is not the same value as JOHN SMITH.
text search
in SYSTEM 2000 software, a capability that permits the search for data patterns within subsets of values.
a hierarchical file structure that has a branching structure reminiscent of a physical tree.
a code that is set by the holder of the master password and which gives the holder of a secondary password the authority to update a SYSTEM 2000 schema item or schema record.
UNDEFINED item type
in SYSTEM 2000 software, an item type for hexadecimal values. All EBCDIC characters from x'00' through x'FF' are valid.
unload a database
in SYSTEM 2000 software, to write data from a database to the Report File in loader stream format.
Update Log
in SYSTEM 2000 software, the software's journal of update processing.
user file
in SYSTEM 2000 software, any of these files: Command File, Data File, Message File, or Report File.
user view
in SYSTEM 2000 QueX software, the data and environment for a specific user. The user view is the subset of items, record, record relationships, and options defined from that user's perspective.
value stream
in SYSTEM 2000 software, values coded in a format the software can read in order to update a database.
in the SYSTEM 2000 PLEX facility, the part of a LINK command that states the conditions for establishing a link between two subschema records.
a definition of a virtual data set that is named and stored for later use. A view contains no data; it merely describes or defines data that is stored elsewhere.
view descriptor
a SAS/ACCESS file that defines part or all of the DBMS data that is described by an access descriptor. See also access descriptor.
view descriptor path (path)
a reference in code to a particular record and all of its hierarchical ancestors in a SYSTEM 2000 database. See also disjoint record.
a code that is set by the holder of the master password and which gives the holder of a secondary password the authority to use SYSTEM 2000 schema items or schema records for selection criteria in a where-clause.
a set of one or more conditions that users specify as selection criteria for SYSTEM 2000 updates or retrievals.