Bulk Loading for Sybase

Bulk loading is the fastest way to insert large numbers of rows into a Sybase table. To use the bulk-load facility, specify BULKLOAD=YES. The bulk-load facility uses the Sybase bulk copy facility to move data from SAS to Sybase. See the ENABLE_BULK= LIBNAME option.
When BULKLOAD=NO, insertions are processed and rolled back as expected according to DBCOMMIT=and ERRLIMIT= values. If the ERRLIMIT= value is encountered, all uncommitted rows are rolled back. The DBCOMMIT= data set option determines the commit intervals.
When BULKLOAD=YES, the first error encountered causes the remaining rows—including the erroneous row—in the buffer to be rejected. No other errors within the same buffer are detected, even if the ERRLIMIT= value is greater than one. In addition, all rows before the error are committed, even if DBCOMMIT= is larger than the number of the erroneous row.
Here are the Sybase bulk-load data set options. For detailed information about these options, see Data Set Options for Relational Databases.