Windows Service

The server can be manually set to run as a Windows service. To run as a Windows service: select Start then selectControl Panel then selectAdministrative Tools then selectServices. Locate SAS PC Files Server in the Name column. Select Properties.

Service Options

Service name: Displays the name of the service (Default). SAS PC Files Server
Display name: Specifies the name of the service. The name appears in the Name column in the details pane.
Description: Description (Default): Enables SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC files, such as Excel and Microsoft Access.
Path to executable: specifies the path and filename of the service.
 'C:\Program Files\SAS\PCFilesServer\9.3\pcfservice.exe' -name 
     "SAS PC Files Server" 
Note: The path and filename cannot be changed.
Start-up type: Displays the start-up type of the service.
  • Automatic. Specifies that PC Files Server starts automatically when the system starts.
  • Manual. Specifies that a user or a dependent service can start PC Files Server.
  • Disabled. Prevents the system, a user, or any dependent device from starting PC Files Server.
Service status displays the current status of the Windows service, as follows:
  1. Started. The service is running.
  2. Stopped. The service is not running.
  3. Paused. The service is paused.
  4. Resuming. The service is resuming after being paused.