SAS® Information Governance
Accessibility Conformance Report- Revision Date: December 03, 2024
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- VPAT version: 2.5
SAS® Information Governance (hereafter ‘the software’) lets analysts, data stewards and business users easily find and discover data, reports, models and other analytics assets they need using metadata search and search results. Users can quickly evaluate the fitness of the assets, see all data or information available for use, avoid rework, and evaluate and make informed choices for which data or information to use in an efficient, governed and secure manner.
The software does not have it’s own user interface, and instead is accessed through SAS® Information Catalog, including SAS® Glossary, and SAS® Lineage. For accessibility information see the VPAT for SAS® Information Catalog, SAS® Glossary, and SAS® Lineage.
The software was not tested against WCAG AAA or WCAG 2.1 success criteria.
The software does not contain multimedia content. Criteria related to multimedia are not applicable.
Software is not part of a closed system.
NOTICE: SAS' only warranty or other obligations to Customer with respect to the SAS software shall be as set forth in a signed licensing agreement between SAS and the Customer. This information does not constitute user documentation as referenced in SAS' standard license agreement.
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