SAS The Power to Know

SAS® Federation Server

Accessibility Conformance Report

SAS Federation server (hereafter 'the software') provides scalable, threaded, multi-user, and standards-based data access technology to process and seamlessly integrate data from multiple data services. SAS Federation Server acts as a hub by accessing, managing, and sharing SAS data as well as several popular relational databases, including DB2, Oracle, SAP, SQL Server, Teradata, and Greenplum. It enables powerful querying capabilities and improved data source management.

The software does not have its own graphical user interface. Users access algorithms programmatically using SAS Data Management Studio. For more information, see the accessibility conformance report for SAS Data Management Studio.

NOTICE: SAS' only warranty or other obligations to Customer with respect to the SAS software shall be as set forth in a signed licensing agreement between SAS and the Customer. This information does not constitute user documentation as referenced in SAS' standard license agreement.

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