SAS The Power to Know

SAS® Event Stream Processing 6.2

Accessibility Conformance Report

SAS® Event Stream Processing (hereafter ‘the software’) focuses on analyzing and processing events in motion or Event Streams. Instead of storing data and running queries against the stored data, the software stores queries and streams data through them. The software processes huge volumes of streaming data flowing at very high rates with very low latency. This empowers customers to make important decisions in real time.

NOTICE: SAS' only warranty or other obligations to Customer with respect to the SAS software shall be as set forth in a signed licensing agreement between SAS and the Customer. This information does not constitute user documentation as referenced in SAS' standard license agreement.

SAS and all other SAS Institute, Inc. product and service names are registered trademarks of SAS Institute, Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

WCAG 2.1 Report

Table 1: Success Criteria, Level A

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)Not Supported

Screen readers are not supported in large portions of the software.

1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) (Level A)Not Applicable
1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) (Level A)Not Applicable
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Level A)Not Applicable
1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A)Partially Supported

In the software itself, content conveyed through presentation is also presented via text.

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (Level A)Supported
1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics (Level A)Partially Supported

In the software itself, content conveyed through presentation is also presented via text.

1.4.1 Use of Color (Level A)Supported
1.4.2 Audio Control (Level A)Not Applicable
2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A)Not Supported

While portions of the software are reachable with only a keyboard, there are sufficient blockages to prevent meaningful work.

2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap (Level A)Supported
2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts (Level A)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

2.2.1 Timing Adjustable (Level A)Supported
2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide (Level A)Not Applicable
2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold (Level A)Supported

There is no content in the software flashing between 5hz and 55hz.

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (Level A)Not Supported

Bypass blocks are not available in the software.

2.4.2 Page Titled (Level A)Supported
2.4.3 Focus Order (Level A)Partially Supported

Focus is consistent throughout the software with some exceptions. Exceptions include but are not limited to:

  • Focus can be lost or travel in the wrong order in some areas
2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)Partially Supported

There are some links where the immediate context of the link may not be clear.

2.5.1 Pointer Gestures (Level A)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation (Level A)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

2.5.3 Label in Name (Level A)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

2.5.4 Motion Actuation (Level A)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

3.1.1 Language of Page (Level A)Supported
3.2.1 On Focus (Level A)Supported
3.2.2 On Input (Level A)Supported
3.3.1 Error Identification (Level A)Supported
3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (Level A)Supported

When user input is required, there are labels to describe what is required. This does not pertain to AT interaction. See 4.1.2.

4.1.1 Parsing (Level A)Partially Supported

Some parsing errors are present.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A)Not Supported

Screen readers are not supported in large portions of the software.

Table 2: Success Criteria, Level AA

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
1.2.4 Captions (Live) (Level AA)Not Applicable
1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) (Level AA)Not Applicable
1.3.4 Orientation (Level AA)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (Level AA)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA)Partially Supported

Most elements in the software have the minimum 4.5:1 contrast ratio. There are some areas where contrast does not meet the minimum requirements, however.

1.4.4 Resize text (Level AA)Supported
1.4.5 Images of Text (Level AA)Supported

There are no images of text in the software. It is possible for the user to generate content that contains images of text, however.

1.4.10 Reflow (Level AA)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

1.4.11 Non-text Contrast (Level AA)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

1.4.12 Text Spacing (Level AA)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

2.4.5 Multiple Ways (Level AA)Not Applicable

The software is a complex web software, and not a set of static pages. As such, there is explicitly only one way to do many of the paths of functionality within the software.

2.4.6 Headings and Labels (Level AA)Supported
2.4.7 Focus Visible (Level AA)Partially Supported

Visual focus is maintained through some of the software. There are areas however where visual focus is lost.

3.1.2 Language of Parts (Level AA)Supported
3.2.3 Consistent Navigation (Level AA)Supported
3.2.4 Consistent Identification (Level AA)Supported
3.3.3 Error Suggestion (Level AA)Supported

When errors are present, there is a description of the issue and potential corrections. Note that this does not apply to AT interaction. See 4.1.2.

3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) (Level AA)Supported
4.1.3 Status Messages (Level AA)Not Evaluated

This software was not tested against WCAG 2.1 criteria.

Table 3: Success Criteria, Level AAA

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
1.2.6 Sign Language (Prerecorded) (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
1.2.7 Extended Audio Description (Prerecorded) (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
1.2.8 Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
1.2.9 Audio-only (Live) (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
1.3.6 Identify Purpose (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
1.4.6 Contrast Enhanced (Level AAA)Not Supported

The software itself does not contain a 7:1 theme.

1.4.7 Low or No Background Audio (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
1.4.8 Visual Presentation (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
1.4.9 Images of Text (No Exception) (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception) (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.2.3 No Timing (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.2.4 Interruptions (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.2.5 Re-authenticating (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.2.6 Timeouts (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.3.2 Three Flashes (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.3.3 Animation and Interactions (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.4.8 Location (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only) (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.4.10 Section Headings (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.5.5 Target Size (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
2.5.6 Concurrent Input Mechanisms (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
3.1.3 Unusual Words (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
3.1.4 Abbreviations (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
3.1.5 Reading Level (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
3.1.6 Pronunciation (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
3.2.5 Change on Request (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
3.3.5 Help (Level AAA)Not Evaluated
3.3.6 Error Prevention (All) (Level AAA)Not Evaluated

2017 Section 508 Report

Chapter 3: Functional Performance Criteria (FPC)

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
302.1 Without Vision Not Supported

Screen readers are not supported in large portions of the software

302.2 With Limited Vision Partially Supported

Users with limited vision should be able to use the software successfully, but there could be portions of the software that are difficult for them to use.

302.3 Without Perception of Color Partially Supported

Users without color perception should be able to use the software successfully, but there could be portions of the software that are difficult for them to use.

302.4 Without Hearing Supported
302.5 With Limited Hearing Supported
302.6 Without Speech Supported
302.7 With Limited Manipulation Not Supported

While portions of the software are reachable with only a keyboard, there are sufficient blockages to prevent meaningful work.

302.8 With Limited Reach and Strength Not Supported

While portions of the software are reachable with only a keyboard, there are sufficient blockages to prevent meaningful work.

302.9 With Limited Language, Cognitive, and Learning Abilities Partially Supported

Users of a different language shouldn’t have too much trouble. Users with cognitive impairments may not be as successful.

Chapter 5: Software

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
502 Interoperability with Assistive Technology

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

502.2.1 User Control of Accessibility Features Not Applicable

Software is not platform software.

502.2.2 No Disruption of Accessibility Features Supported

The software does not disrupt OS level accessibility features. Note that this applies to features such as StickyKeys and Zooming, not OS level screen readers.

502.3 Accessibility Services

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

502.3.1 Object Information Not Supported

Many objects are not accessible to assistive technology

502.3.2 Modification of Object Information Not Supported

Most objects and components cannot be modified correctly using assistive technology.

502.3.3 Row, Column, and Headers Not Supported

Some tables are perceivable by screen readers, but column headers are not announced, and keyboard interaction is not supported.

502.3.4 Values Not Supported

The current values of all objects are not read correctly.

502.3.5 Modification of Values Not Supported

The modification of values using assistive technology is not read correctly.

502.3.6 Label Relationships Not Supported

Inter-object labeling does not work correctly. Note that this does not pertain to objects with their own label. See. 502.3.1.

502.3.7 Hierarchical Relationships Not Supported

Hierarchical relationships are not conveyed correctly.

502.3.8 Text Not Supported

Text is not read correctly throughout the software. In addition, text attributes are not presented to assistive technology.

502.3.9 Modification of Text Not Supported

Assistive technology can not properly modify and edit all text.

502.3.10 List of Actions Not Supported

When actions can be performed on an object, possible actions are not conveyed to assistive technology.

502.3.11 Actions on Objects Not Supported

When actions can be performed on an object, input actions are not conveyed via assistive technology.

502.3.12 Focus Cursor Partially Supported

Focus order is consistent throughout most of the software.

502.3.13 Modification of Focus Cursor Supported
502.3.14 Event Notification Not Supported

As noted in WCAG 4.1.2, there are some events in the software that do not correctly inform a screen reader user.

503 Applications

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

503.2 User Preferences Not Applicable

software is web software

503.3 Alternative User Interfaces Not Applicable
503.4 User Controls for Captions and Audio Description

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

503.4.1 Caption Controls Not Applicable
503.4.2 Audio Description Controls Not Applicable
504 Authoring Tools

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

504.2 Content Creation or Editing (if not authoring tool, enter "not applicable")

See information in WCAG section

See information in WCAG section

504.2.1 Preservation of Information Provided for Accessibility in Format Conversion Not Supported

When using the software to create content, it is not possible to make it so that output contains the information necessary for accessibility.

504.2.2 PDF Export Partially Supported

There are some accessibility information elements that will be lost when exporting output to PDF.

504.3 Prompts Not Supported

There are no prompts in the software advising the user of WCAG 2 A and AA requirements.

504.4 Templates Supported

There are provided templates (report styles) and systems in place to enable users to create output with sufficient accessibility information.

Chapter 6: Support Documentation and Services

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
602 Support Documentation

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

602.2 Accessibility and Compatibility Features Not Supported

Documentation does not list accessibility issues and workarounds when available.

602.3 Electronic Support Documentation

See information in WCAG section

See information in WCAG section

602.4 Alternate Formats for Non-Electronic Support Documentation Not Applicable

All support documentation is available in an electronic version.

603 Support Services

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

603.2 Information on Accessibility and Compatibility Features Supported

SAS Technical Support has information on accessibility related features of software.

603.3 Accommodation of Communication Needs Supported

SAS Technical Support works with the communication needs of users.

EN 301 549 Report

Chapter 4: 4.2 Functional Performance Statements (FPS)

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
4.2.1 Usage without vision Not Supported

Screen readers are not supported in large portions of the software

4.2.2 Usage with limited vision Partially Supported

Users with limited vision should be able to use the software successfully, but there could be portions of the software that are difficult for them to use.

4.2.3 Usage without perception of color Partially Supported

Users without perception of color should be able to use the software successfully, but there could be portions of the software that are difficult for them to use.

4.2.4 Usage without hearing Supported
4.2.5 Usage with limited hearing Supported
4.2.6 Usage without vocal capability Supported
4.2.7 Usage with limited manipulation or strength Not Supported

While portions of the software are reachable with only a keyboard, there are sufficient blockages to prevent meaningful work.

4.2.8 Usage with limited reach Not Supported

While portions of the software are reachable with only a keyboard, there are sufficient blockages to prevent meaningful work.

4.2.9 Minimize photosensitive seizure triggers Supported

There is no content in the software flashing between 5hz and 55hz.

4.2.10 Usage with limited cognition, language or learning Partially Supported

Users of a different language shouldn’t have too much trouble. Users with cognitive impairments may not be as successful.

4.2.11 Privacy Supported

User information is controlled by user and site admin team.

Chapter 5: Generic Requirements

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
5.1.3 Non-visual access

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required Audio output of visual information Not Applicable

Software is not a closed system, so EN 301 - 5.1.5 do not apply. Auditory output delivery including speech Not Applicable Auditory output correlation Not Applicable Speech output user control Not Applicable Speech output automatic interruption Not Applicable Speech output for non-text content Not Applicable Speech output for video information Not Applicable Masked entry Not Applicable Private access to personal data Not Applicable Non-interfering audio output Not Applicable Private listening volume Not Applicable Speaker volume Not Applicable Volume reset Not Applicable Spoken languages Not Applicable Non-visual error identification Not Applicable Receipts, tickets, and transactional outputs Not Applicable
5.1.4 Functionality closed to text enlargement Not Applicable
5.1.5 Visual output for auditory information Not Applicable

Chapter 7: ICT with Video Capabilities

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
7.1 Caption processing technology

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

7.1.1 Captioning playback Not Applicable
7.1.2 Captioning synchronization Not Applicable
7.1.3 Preservation of captioning Not Applicable
7.1.4 Captions characteristics Not Applicable
7.1.5 Spoken subtitles Not Applicable
7.2.1 Audio description playback Not Applicable
7.2.2 Audio description synchronization Not Applicable
7.2.3 Preservation of audio description Not Applicable
7.3 User controls for captions and audio description Not Applicable

Chapter 9: Web (see WCAG 2.x section)

Chapter 11: Software

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations Use of accessibility services Partially Supported

Software does not block some OS level accessibility services. Screen inversion, Magnification, Sticky Keys, Filter Keys and mouse keys are supported. Built in screen readers are not. Assistive technology Not Supported

Screen readers are not supported in large portions of the software. Object information Not Supported

Many objects are not accessible to assistive technology Row, column, and headers Not Supported

Some tables are perceivable by screen readers, but column headers are not announced, and keyboard interaction is not supported. Values Not Supported

The current values of all objects are not read correctly. Label relationships Not Supported

Inter-object labeling does not work correctly. Note that this does not pertain to objects with their own label. See. 502.3.1. Parent-child relationships Not Supported

Hierarchical relationships are not always conveyed correctly. Text Not Supported

Text is not read correctly throughout the software. In addition, text attributes are not presented to assistive technology. List of available actions Not Supported

When actions can be performed on an object, possible actions are not conveyed to assistive technology. Execution of available actions Not Supported

When actions can be performed on an object, input actions are not conveyed via assistive technology. Tracking of focus and selection attributes Partially Supported

Focus order is consistent throughout most of the software.? Modification of focus and selection attributes Partially Supported

Focus can be manipulated correctly using assistive technology. Change notification Not Supported

As noted in WCAG 4.1.2, there are some events in the software that do not correctly inform a screen reader user. Modifications of states and properties Not Supported

The modification of states and properties using assistive technology is not always read correctly. Modifications of values and text Not Supported

The modification of values and text using assistive technology is not always read correctly.

11.6 Documented accessibility usage

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

11.6.1 User control of accessibility features Not Applicable

Software is not platform software.

11.6.2 No disruption of accessibility features Partially Supported

Software does not block some OS level accessibility services. Screen inversion, Magnification, Sticky Keys, Filter Keys and mouse keys are supported. Built in screen readers are not.

11.7 User preferences Partially Supported

There are user preferences in the software, but it does not contain the full breadth of specifics listed in this criterion.

11.8 Authoring tools

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

11.8.1 Content technology

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

11.8.2 Accessible content creation (if not authoring tool, enter "not applicable")

See information in WCAG section

See information in WCAG section

11.8.3 Preservation of accessibility information in transformations Not Applicable

Other than outputs, there is no method of transforming the content within the software.

11.8.4 Repair assistance Not Supported

There is no automatic or manual accessibility repair assistance in the software.

11.8.5 Templates Supported

There are provided templates (report styles) and systems in place to enable users to create output with sufficient accessibility information.

Chapter 12: Documentation and Support Services

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
12.1 Product documentation

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

12.1.1 Accessibility and compatibility features Not Supported

Documentation does not list accessibility issues and workarounds when available.

12.1.2 Accessible documentation

See information in WCAG section

See information in WCAG section

12.2 Support Services

Heading cell - no response required

Heading cell - no response required

12.2.2 Information on accessibility and compatibility features Supported

SAS Technical Support has information on accessibility related features of software.

12.2.3 Effective communication Supported

SAS Technical Support works with the communication needs of users.

12.2.4 Accessible documentation

See information in WCAG section

See information in WCAG section