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Adding SAS® Tables to the Portal

Users of the SAS Information Delivery Portal can view SAS tables using the Portal Table Viewer. The Table Viewer presents an input form that allows the user to specify which table columns to display and the order in which they are to appear. In addition, the user can enter a Standard Query Language (SQL) WHERE expression to specify which rows of the table to display. The portal application then renders the table based on these criteria.

To set up a table in the portal, you must:

  1. Create the table and place it on a SAS server that is accessible to the portal users who will access it.

  2. Specify the necessary format catalog libref(s) in the SAS configuration file if any of the columns in the table has a user-defined format.

  3. Update the portal application's enterprise directory with metadata about the table and its columns.

  4. Use the Personalize tool to make the table appear as a selection on the portal.

Step 1: Create the Table and Place it on a SAS Server

First, use SAS to create the table. A table is any SAS data set that is made up of rows and columns. Place the table on a server that the portal application can access. The server must be defined on the portal application's enterprise directory.

Step 2: Specify Format Catalog Librefs in the SAS Configuration File

If any of the columns in the table has a user-defined format, you must specify the necessary format catalogs on the SAS server as follows:

Be sure to keep the SAS configuration file updated with environment variables and FMTSEARCH= statements to define the necessary format librefs for all tables in the portal.

Step 3: Update the Enterprise Directory with Metadata about the Table and its Columns

Use the SAS Integration Technologies (IT) Administrator interface to update your enterprise directory with metadata about the table and each of the table's columns. For detailed instructions on the use of this interface, refer to the IT Administrator section of the SAS Integration Technologies Web site.

Perform the following tasks using IT Administrator. Refer to the Table Metadata Example for an annotated illustration of these tasks. The links below point to specific portions of the example.

Step 4: Use the Personalize Tool to Make the Table Appear as a Selection on the Portal

Depending on who has access permission to the stored process, you can use one of several methods to make a table appear as a selection on the portal:

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