Users of today's information highway demand up-to-the-minute
information that's easy to access and read. htmSQL
meets the challenge by integrating your SAS data with Web
interface technology.
htmSQL is a CGI program that enables you to perform SQL processing
from a Web page. You provide an input file containing SQL statements
that are embedded in HTML; htmSQL performs updates and queries
on your data source and then formats any results.
Because htmSQL uses the Web for information
delivery, your users can easily access your SAS data from anywhere on
your network.
With htmSQL, you design the Web page--it can be as simple or as
sophisticated as you want, and you
can use whatever HTML elements your browser
supports. You can display the results of any number of
SQL statements on a single page and embed the results anywhere in a
page. htmSQL dynamically processes the SQL in response to user
requests, ensuring that the most current SAS data is processed.
htmSQL is available for the UNIX, Windows, and z/OS platforms.
Note: z/OS is the successor to the OS/390 and MVS operating systems. SAS/IntrNet 9.1 for z/OS is supported on the MVS, OS/390, and z/OS operating systems and, throughout this document, any reference to z/OS also applies to OS/390 and MVS, unless otherwise stated.