
Used to set the CellContentsLabelRenderer on a TableView cell's CellRenderer. This class will render the cell's contents as a label.

This tag must be nested within a sas:CellRenderer tag.


      [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
      [<sas:SetProperty ...>
         The value to set on the parent tag
      [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]


customAttributesa list of attributes in the form of attribute="value", space delimited
encodedURLSpecifies whether to encode the URL.
encodeTextSpecifies whether to encode the Label text for html, such as replacing < with &lt;
epilogText that is output immediately after the last markup tag.
forId of the element this Label is for
idCase-sensitive name used to identify the object instance.
localeSpecifies the locale to use for this instance of the class.
modelThe StringDataInterface model for the LabelTag
nameValue assigned to the markup tag's name attribute.
nullTextStringWritten out if the label's text is null.
objectDataPropertyValue assigned to the output tag's objectDataProperty attribute.
prologText that is output immediately preceeding the first markup tag.
targetThe value of the TARGET= argument on the anchor tag
textText string that is displayed
URLThe URL to which the text should be linked.

More Information

To view the documentation for the related TransformationBean, see com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsLabelRenderer.

If you need to subclass the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsLabelRenderer tag, extend com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsLabelRendererTag.