<%// SetHighLowTargets:%>

// To set target values on a BarChart, use the AnalysisVariable
// constructor to specify the variable(s) that store the
// target values and then assigning that Analysis variable
// to the chart's Response role. This example sets High
// and Low target values.

<%@page import="com.sas.servlet.tbeans.graphics.html.BarChart,
     // Create a BarChart and a data source 
        BarChart barChart=new BarChart();

     // Create the data source
        String columnNames[] = {"Product", "ProductN", "Sales", "SalesTarget", "TargetDelta", "Low", "High" };
        DefaultTableModel dataTable = new DefaultTableModel();
            Object data[][] = {
              {"Product A V1.0", new Double(4), new Double(32),  new Double(21),   new Double(32-21),   new Double(18),   new Double(40) },
              {"Product A V1.1", new Double(3), new Double(24),  new Double(31),   new Double(24-31),   new Double(28),   new Double(45) },
              {"Product A V2.0", new Double(8), new Double(43),  new Double(38),   new Double(43-38),   new Double(30),   new Double(40) },
              {"Product X V1.0", new Double(2), new Double(69),  new Double(76),   new Double(69-76),   new Double(65),   new Double(75) },
              {"Product X V1.1", new Double(2), new Double(-70), new Double(-50),  new Double(-70-50),  new Double(-135), new Double(50) },
              {"Product X V1.2", new Double(2), new Double(-80), new Double(-150), new Double(-70-150), new Double(-180), new Double(-50)},
              {"Product X V1.3", new Double(6), new Double(11),  new Double(100),  new Double(11-100),  new Double(-110), new Double(125)}
            dataTable.setDataVector(data, columnNames);

     // Create a data model and attach the data source
        BarChartTableDataModel dataModel=
                  new BarChartTableDataModel();

     // Assign the Category variable role and Response
     // variable role to appropriate variable
        dataModel.setCategoryVariable(new ClassificationVariable(
              "Product" // Data Column name
             , null // format
             , null // informat
             , null // label
             , GraphConstants.SORT_ASCENDING // sort 
        dataModel.setResponseVariable(new AnalysisVariable(
              "Sales"                       // data column name
            , "dollar"                      // format
            ,  null                         // informat
            , "Sales 2007"                  // label
            ,  GraphConstants.STATISTIC_SUM // statistic
            , "High"                        // data column with high values
            , "High Target"                 // label
            , "Low"                         // data column with low values
            , "Low Target"                  // label

     // Assign the data model to the BarChart

     // Set a graph title
        barChart.getTitle1().setText("High-Low Targets");

 // Set HTTP-specific response and request functionality

 // Write the chart to the display