// SpecifyColumns:

// To generate a WaterfallChart for each value of a categorical variable
// and align the charts horizontally, assign the Column variable role
// to an appropriate categorical variable.

   import com.sas.graphics.components.waterfallchart.WaterfallChart;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.waterfallchart.WaterfallChartTableDataModel;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.AnalysisVariable;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable;
   import com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants;
   import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
   import java.awt.BorderLayout;
   import java.awt.Color;
   import java.awt.Container;
   import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
   import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
   import javax.swing.JFrame;
   import javax.swing.JPanel;

   public class SpecifyColumns extends JPanel  {
     private SpecifyColumns  theApp;
     public SpecifyColumns () {
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());

     // Create a WaterfallChart and a data source 
        WaterfallChart waterfallChart=new WaterfallChart();
        SampleData dataTable=new SampleData();

     // Set the bar label content

     // Create a data model and attach the data source
        WaterfallChartTableDataModel dataModel=
                  new WaterfallChartTableDataModel();

     // Generate a separate chart for each Year of transactions
                 new ClassificationVariable("Year"));

     // Assign the variable roles and sort category values in descending order
                 new ClassificationVariable("Id", GraphConstants.SORT_DESCENDING));

     // Assign the Response variable role and apply the NLMNLUSD format so
     // that Transaction amounts in the output are displayed in an
     // internationalized representation of US dollars.
                  new AnalysisVariable("Transaction", "nlmnlusd"));

     // Call the data model's setCategorySortVariable() method
     // to sort bars according to the values of the response variable

     // Assign the data model to the WaterfallChart

     // Set a graph title
        waterfallChart.getTitle1().setText("BIP Waterfall Chart");
        add(waterfallChart, BorderLayout.CENTER);
   // Create the data source
      static private class SampleData extends DefaultTableModel {
        private static Class  columnClass[]={Double.class, String.class, String.class};
        private static String columnNames[]={  "Transaction"  ,  "Id" ,  "Year" };
          public SampleData() {
            Object data[][] = {
                                  {new Double(  23),"D","2004"}
                                , {new Double(  85),"C","2004"}
                                , {new Double(  27),"A","2004"}
                                , {new Double( -20),"E","2004"}
                                , {new Double( 125),"B","2004"}
                                , {new Double(   3),"F","2004"}
                                , {new Double(   6),"G","2004"}
                                , {new Double( 142),"H","2004"}
                                , {new Double(-117),"I","2004"}
                                , {new Double(  26),"J","2004"}
                                , {new Double(  73),"K","2004"}
                                , {new Double(  16),"L","2004"}
                                , {new Double( -82),"M","2004"}
                                , {new Double(  93),"N","2004"}
                                , {new Double( 126),"O","2004"}

                                , {new Double(  13),"D","2003"}
                                , {new Double(  65),"C","2003"}
                                , {new Double(  27),"A","2003"}
                                , {new Double( -25),"E","2003"}
                                , {new Double( 110),"B","2003"}
                                , {new Double(   4),"F","2003"}
                                , {new Double(   4),"G","2003"}
                                , {new Double( 122),"H","2003"}
                                , {new Double(-121),"I","2003"}
                                , {new Double(  20),"J","2003"}
                                , {new Double(  70),"K","2003"}
                                , {new Double(  19),"L","2003"}
                                , {new Double( -89),"M","2003"}
                                , {new Double(  85),"N","2003"}
                                , {new Double( 112),"O","2003"}

                                , {new Double(  20),"D","2002"}
                                , {new Double(  45),"C","2002"}
                                , {new Double(  19),"A","2002"}
                                , {new Double( -24),"E","2002"}
                                , {new Double(  95),"B","2002"}
                                , {new Double(   2),"F","2002"}
                                , {new Double(   5),"G","2002"}
                                , {new Double( 101),"H","2002"}
                                , {new Double(-126),"I","2002"}
                                , {new Double(  16),"J","2002"}
                                , {new Double(  60),"K","2002"}
                                , {new Double(  17),"L","2002"}
                                , {new Double( -85),"M","2002"}
                                , {new Double(  80),"N","2002"}
                                , {new Double(  98),"O","2002"}
            setDataVector(data, columnNames);
          public Class getColumnClass(int column) {
	    return columnClass[column];
      public static void main(String[] args) {
      	  JFrame frame = new JFrame("BIP Graph Sample");
      	  Container container = frame.getContentPane();
          container.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

          JPanel bipPanel = new JPanel();
          bipPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
          SpecifyColumns  bipGraphSample = new SpecifyColumns ();

          bipPanel.add(bipGraphSample, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          container.add(bipPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

          frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
              public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
          } );