
A connection to the SAS Metadata Server may be established using one of the following approaches.

Connect Using Credential Specified on stdin

One may specify a login ID on the command line and specify that the credential is to be obtained via stdin using options specified in the following table. Alternatively, one can to specify the credential on the command line.

Connection Options: Login Credential on stdin
-metauser User ID used to login to the SAS Metadata Server
-password_on_stdin true to indicate that the credential will be written to stdin using "-metapass <MyPassword>"

Connect Using Credential Specified on Command Line

One may specify a login ID and credential on the command line using options specified in the following table. Alternatively, if one wants to omit the credential from the command line, then the credential can be specified via stdin.

Connection Options: Login Credential on command line
-metauser User ID used to login to the SAS Metadata Server
-metapass User password used to login to the SAS Metadata Server

Connect Using SSPI (Windows Platform)

The following options are used to specify that a connection should be established using Microsoft's Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI). One must specify the desired security package list and optionally a service principal name.

Connection Options: SSPI
-secpackagelist Security Package List (e.g. "Kerberos,NTLM")
-metaspn Optional service principal name