
Used to create a TreeView in a JSP page. It can have two nodeLoading states, PROGRESSIVE and FULL. PROGRESSIVE will create nodes as you need them while FULL creates all the nodes at execution of the page.


   [usingURLLinks="true|false"] />

      [<sas:StyleMapKey .../>]
      [<sas:TreeNode ...>
         [<sas:TreeNode .../>]
         [<sas:StyleMapKey .../>]
         [<sas:SetProperty ...>
            The value to set on the parent tag
         [Additional <sas:TreeNode>, <sas:StyleMapKey>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
      [<sas:SetProperty ...>
         The value to set on the parent tag
      [Additional <sas:StyleMapKey>, <sas:TreeNode>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]


customAttributesa list of attributes in the form of attribute="value", space delimited
deselectNodeFunctionNamename of the JavaScript function called when the node is deselected
epilogText that is output immediately after the last markup tag.
expansionLevelThe expansion level of the tree.
idCase-sensitive name used to identify the object instance.
imageLocationThe location of the needed images
imageVisibleBoolean value if images are to be displayed.
initialExpansionLevelThe expansion level of the tree.
instantiateFlag that, if true, indicates that a new instance of the underlying class should be loaded if one cannot be found in PageContext. Must be used with an id attribute.
lineStyleDetermines if lines in a PROGRESSIVE tree are written using various images or with HTML.
localeSpecifies the locale to use for this instance of the class.
modelthe model String
nameValue assigned to the markup tag's name attribute.
nodeLoadingDetermines if the tree is written all at once or incrementally.
nodeRendererFunctionNamename of the JavaScript function to render a node
objectDataPropertyValue assigned to the output tag's objectDataProperty attribute.
postExpandNodeFunctionNamename of the JavaScript function called node expansion.
postSelectNodeFunctionNamename of the JavaScript function called after the normal select behavior when the node is selected
preExpandNodeFunctionNamename of the JavaScript function called prior to node expansion
preSelectNodeFunctionNamename of the JavaScript function called prior to normal select behavior when the node is selected
prologText that is output immediately preceeding the first markup tag.
refThe variable String value that represents an object created earlier in the same scope.
renderFlag that, if true, indicates that the complete markup of the bean is output when the tag is closed. It also sets the the visible property on the underlying TransformationBean.
rootNodeVisibleBoolean value to set if rootNode is visible.
scopeThe scope (or page context) within which the reference is available.
selectedNodeThe selected node.
selectedNodesModelThe model of selected nodes specified in the TreeView.
selectionModeThe selectionMode to set
selectNodeFunctionNamename of the JavaScript function called when the node is selected
styleClassPrefixstyle prefix used for the TreeView
targetArgument of each folders anchor tag.
usePlusMinusFlag which determines whether or not to use the +/- images on the tree.
usingURLLinksBoolean value which determines whether or not to use URL links.

More Information

To view the documentation for the related TransformationBean, see com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.TreeView.

If you need to subclass the tag handler class for the sas:TreeView tag, extend com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.TreeViewTag.