
Generates the appropriate HTML 4.0/XHTML 1.0 SELECT tag attributes and INPUT tag to represent a dual list selector.


      [<sas:Item .../>]
      [<sas:StyleMapKey .../>]
      [<sas:SetProperty ...>
         The value to set on the parent tag
      [Additional <sas:Item>, <sas:StyleMapKey>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]


customAttributesa list of attributes in the form of attribute="value", space delimited
descriptionModelAlternate display name for items in the model at run-time.
doubleLeftArrowImagethe image location of the double left arrow.
doubleRightArrowImageThe image location of the double right arrow.
downArrowImagethe image location of the down arrow.
epilogText that is output immediately after the last markup tag.
formActionThe action URL
formMethodThe HTTP method
formTargetvalue of the ACTION= attribute on the FORM tag.
idCase-sensitive name used to identify the object instance.
instantiateFlag that, if true, indicates that a new instance of the underlying class should be loaded if one cannot be found in PageContext. Must be used with an id attribute.
leftArrowImagethe image location of the left arrow.
localeSpecifies the locale to use for this instance of the class.
modelThe model of the DualListSelector.
multipleSelectionsSpecifies whether or not multiple items can be selected in the Listbox.
nameValue assigned to the markup tag's name attribute.
objectDataPropertyValue assigned to the output tag's objectDataProperty attribute.
postDownTriggerThe postTargetTrigger function name.
postSourceTriggerThe postSourceTrigger JavaScript function name.
postTargetTriggerThe postTargetTrigger JavaScript function name.
postUpTriggerThe postTargetTrigger function name.
preDownTriggerThe preTargetTrigger function name.
preSourceTriggerThe preSourceTrigger function name.
preTargetTriggerThe preTargetTrigger JavaScript function name.
preUpTriggerThe preTargetTrigger function name.
prologText that is output immediately preceeding the first markup tag.
refThe variable String value that represents an object created earlier in the same scope.
renderFlag that, if true, indicates that the complete markup of the bean is output when the tag is closed. It also sets the the visible property on the underlying TransformationBean.
rightArrowImageThe image location of the right arrow.
scopeThe scope (or page context) within which the reference is available.
sizeThe viewable size of the Listbox at one time.
sourceAlphabetizedSpecifies whether or not the source will be alphabetized when item(s) are moved from the target
sourceLabelThe label
staticSourceSpecifies whether or not the item in the source list remain on the list
styleClassPrefixThe styleClassPrefix to use for the selector.
submitButtonLabelThe submit button label
submitButtonVisibleSpecifies whether or not the submit button is visible.
targetAlphabetizedSpecifies whether or not the source will be alphabetized when item(s) are moved from the source
targetButtonsVisibleSpecifies whether or not move up and move down buttons are visible.
targetDescriptionModelAlternate display name for items in the model at run-time.
targetDuplicateAllowedSpecifies whether or not the target allow duplicate item(s)
targetLabelThe label
targetMaximumCountthe maximum number of target items.
targetModelThe model of the DualListSelector.
transferAllButtonVisibleSpecifies whether or not move all buttons are visible.
upArrowImagethe image location of the up arrow.
writeFormSpecifies whether or not the form tag will be written

More Information

If you need to subclass the tag handler class for the sas:DualListSelector tag, extend com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.dualselector.DualListSelectorTag.