Default Logic Used to Map OLAP Data

OLAP data structures can be varied and complex. To map an OLAP structure onto a BIP graph, you can select measures in the OLAP data or allow the component's OLAP data model to select measures by default.

The default mapping of data values onto graphical elements is determined by the dimension and measure specifications defined within the OLAPDataSetInterface, and also by property settings within the component's OLAP data model.

The following general logic (derived from a more detailed algorithm) is used for the default mapping of OLAP data values onto graphical elements:

  1. Get column levels from the OLAP structure (excluding measures).
  2. Get row levels from the OLAP structure (excluding measures).
  3. Get measures (they can be on any axis).
  4. Choose category and subgroup roles for the graph. The model always chooses these roles from either the OLAP column or row axis, depending on which axis has the levels to support them. If neither axis has multiple levels, then the model uses the chosen axis's sole level for the category role. Here's the general logic:
  5. Use all remaining OLAP column levels in the graph column role, and all remaining OLAP row levels in the graph row role.
  6. Set response roles, using the measures.

    Note. For BarLine components, the first measure is the bar response and remaining measures are line responses. For all other chart components, each measure is used as a separate response.

By default, a graph shows all the measures defined within the OLAPDataSetInterface. If the component cannot accurately represent the data within the graph display area, it suppresses the graph display and issues a message. To fix the problem, reduce the amount of data and/or increase the display area. Alternatively, select measures from the OLAP model and set them using the component's API. For example, a BarChart can set selected measures on the responseVariable and/or response2Variable properties.

Note. Selecting measures can also be useful when the OLAPDataSetInterface is shared across multiple viewers (where separate viewers may be used to display only portions of the data) and all viewers can react to actions performed on the one OLAPDataSetInterface.

The following table shows how the default logic is applied for several OLAP data structures. The table shows a resulting BarChart, but the same logic would be applied to any of the BIP graph components.

OLAP Data Structure Resulting Graph for a BarChart

  • The OLAP column axis has one level, excluding measures. The one level, member State, is assigned the category role. There are no column levels available for a subgroup role.
  • There is one measure, SALES_COST, which is assigned the response role.

  • The OLAP column axis has one level, excluding measures. The one level, member Year, is assigned the category role. There are no column levels available for a subgroup role.
  • There are two measures, PREDICT_SUM and ACTUAL_SUM. Thus, each measure is used as a separate response.

  • The OLAP column axis has two levels, excluding measures. The more detailed level, member Year, is assigned the subgroup role if subgroupEnabled is true or the column role if subgroupEnabled is false. The next level, Catalog, is assigned the category role.
  • There is one measure, COST_N, which is assigned the response role.