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Properties are characteristics of an OLE DB component. For example, a data source, a session, and a rowset all have properties.

OLE DB consumer programs set properties in order to ask the component to act in a certain way. For instance, a consumer can set a property to indicate that a rowset should support bookmarks.

Consumer programs get properties to find out what a component can do.  For instance, a consumer can get the value of a property that tells whether a data source is read-only, or if it can be updated.

Every property has a description, a value, and a type. A property can be read-only or read/write.   Each property belongs to a property set and a property group.  A property set is a tightly knit collection of properties that deal with one OLE DB component (for example, rowsets) or with one kind of functionality (for example, initializing the data source component).  Every property also belongs to a property group, which is a more loosely knit collection of properties, in order to deal with a certain component or kind of functionality.  A property group contains multiple property sets.

The following section describes property sets and groups and how to get information about properties and their values, and how to set their values.  It discusses which property groups and sets the SAS providers support and which individual properties they support.

Property Groups and Property Sets

The SAS providers place one or more property sets in each property group.  Some property sets are standard (listed in the OLE DB documentation) and other property sets are custom (specific to the SAS providers).  Not all property sets are supported across all three providers.

The following is a list of the major property groups and their associated SAS providers 

Property GroupDescriptionSupported by Local ProviderSupported by IOM ProviderSupported by SHARE Provider
ColumnProperties related to columns.        X         X        X
Data SourceProperties related to data sources.                              
Data Source InformationProperties that describe data sources.  These properties are read-only and give unchanging information about the provider and data source.        X         X        X
InitializationProperties for initializing the data source.        X         X        X
RowsetProperties related to rowsets.        X         X        X
SessionProperties related to sessions.        X         X        X

A SAS provider that supports a certain property group might not necessarily support all of the properties that belong to that group.  To find out which group a property belongs to, call IDBProperties::GetPropertyInfo().  For more information on IDBProperties::GetPropertyInfo(), See the OLE DB documentation. To identify a property, use its GUID and its property ID. The GUID tells to which property set a property belongs.  All properties in a single property set have the same GUID. The following is a list of the property sets that the SAS providers support.  A SAS provider that supports a property set might not support all properties in that property set. 

Property Set  (GUIDs for each property set are given in this column)Belongs to Property GroupDescriptionStandard or CustomSupported by Local ProviderSupported by IOM ProviderSupported by SHARE Provider
DBPROPSET_COLUMNColumnProperties for creating columns.Standard       X       X       X
DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEData SourceAssociated with data sources.Standard      
DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEINFOData Source InfoStatic information about data sources.Standard       X       X       X
DBPROPSET_ SAS_DATASOURCEINFOData Source InfoStatic information about data sources that are specific to SAS providers.Custom       X  
DBPROPSET_DBINITInitializationAssociated with initializing the data source.Standard       X       X       X
DBPROPSET_SAS_DBINITInitializationSAS-specific aspects of initializing the data source.Custom       X       X       X
DBPROPSET_SAS_ROWSETRowsetSAS-specific aspects of rowsets.Custom       X        X        X
DBPROPSET_ROWSET Rowset Associated with rowsets. Standard        X        X        X
DBPROPSET_SESSION Session Associated with sessions. Standard        X        X        X
DBPROPSET_SAS_SESSION Session SAS-specific aspects of sessions. Custom               X        X

Property-Related Methods

The following is a list of property-related methods.  See the OLE DB documentation for full details on these methods. 

OLE DB Component Interface Method Purpose Supported by Local Provider Supported by SAS IOM Provider Supported by SAS/SHARE Provider
Data source IDBProperties GetPropertyInfo() Get information about any property supported by a provider.         X         X         X
Data source IDBProperties GetProperties() Get properties' values that are presently set on data source, where such properties are also in Data Source, Data Source Information, or Initialization property groups.         X         X         X
Data source IDBProperties SetProperties() Set properties on data source components, where such properties belong to Data Source or Initialization property groups.         X         X         X
Session IOpenRowset OpenRowset() Set properties on a rowset created from all rows in a single base table.         X         X         X
Session ISessionProperties GetProperties() Get properties' values that are presently set in the session, where such properties are also in Session property group.         X         X         X
Session ISessionProperties SetProperties() Set properties in Session property group.         X         X         X
Session IDBSchemaRowset GetRowset() Ask for a schema rowset (it gives metadata) and set certain properties on the schema rowset that are returned.  Properties must belong to Rowset property group.         X         X         X
Session ITableDefinition CreateTable() Create a new base table in the data source.  Set certain Column-property-group properties for the new table.         X         X         X
Command ICommandProperties GetProperties() ICommandProperties tells the Command which Rowset-group properties must be supported by the rowsets that are returned by executing the Command.  GetProperties() obtains the Rowset-group properties that are presently requested for the rowset.        X         X         X
Command ICommandProperties SetProperties() Set Rowset-group properties that the rowset(s) returned by executing the command must support.         X         X         X
Rowset IRowsetInfo GetProperties() Get values for all properties that the rowset supports.         X         X         X

Property Lists

SAS specific properties in the list are named according to the following convention: DBPROP_SAS_xxx, where xxx varies from property to property.  Standard, OLE DB properties, in contrast, do not have SAS in their names. SAS specific properties are also called custom properties.


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