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CORBA Interface IUtilities

Various utility features for controlling a SAS workspace.



IUtilities Description

This component provides a number of services that control various utility features with the SAS Workspace. These features include result packages, formats, informats, options and the specifics of the server host.

CORBA Definitions
 attribute Parent  The SAS workspace.
 attribute HostSystem  The server host that is executing this workspace.
 attribute FormatService  A service for processing data using SAS formats and informats.
 attribute ResultPackageService  The interface for managing result packages.
 attribute OptionService  The interface for handling SAS system options.

Java Classes
 IUtilitiesHelper  Used to manipulate the IUtilities type
 IUtilitiesHolder  Used to process the IUtilities type as an out parameter

Java Interfaces
 IUtilities  Various utility features for controlling a SAS workspace.

Java Interface IUtilities

Various utility features for controlling a SAS workspace.


IUtilities Description
This component provides a number of services that control various utility features with the SAS Workspace. These features include result packages, formats, informats, options and the specifics of the server host.

public interface IUtilities
extends org.omg.CORBA.Object

Method Summary

CORBA Attribute Parent (readonly)

The SAS workspace.

The SAS Workspace containing these utilities.


Java Method Parent

public IWorkspace Parent ();

CORBA Attribute HostSystem (readonly)

The server host that is executing this workspace.

This property provides the HostSystem component from which you can get information about the host on which this Workspace is running.


Java Method HostSystem

public IHostSystem HostSystem ();

CORBA Attribute FormatService (readonly)

A service for processing data using SAS formats and informats.

This property provides the FormatService component, which enables you to enumerate the full range of SAS formats and informats available on the server and then use them to convert data.


Java Method FormatService

public IFormatService FormatService ();

CORBA Attribute ResultPackageService (readonly)

The interface for managing result packages.

This property provides the ResultPackageService component, which enables you to access, create and publish result packages.


Java Method ResultPackageService

public IResultPackageService ResultPackageService ();

CORBA Attribute OptionService (readonly)

The interface for handling SAS system options.

This property provides the OptionService component, which enables you to get and set SAS system options.


Java Method OptionService

public IOptionService OptionService ();

Contents Developing Java Clients