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Configuration File Example: Minimal Configuration

The following LDIF file can be used as a minimal configuration file for your IOM Bridge server. It contains a definition for the spawner and the object server.

These definitions assume that the spawner and the object server are running on a UNIX machine. If your server is running on a different platform, then the value for the SASCommand attribute will need to be changed.

# Spawner Definition
dn: cn=Finance,o=AlpineAirways,c=US
objectClass: sasSpawner
sasSpawnercn: mySASObjectSpawner
sasMachineDNSName: localhost
sasLogFile: objspawn.log
sasOperatorService: sasobjoper
sasOperatorPassword: sasobjspawn
description: SAS Object Spawner

# Object Server Definition listening on default service "sasobjspawn"
dn: cn=Finance,o=AlpineAirways,c=US
objectClass: sasServer
sasServercn: mySASObjectServer
sasService: sasobjspawn
sasMachineDNSName: localhost
sasProtocol: bridge
sasCommand: /sasv8/usrlibsas/sas
description: SAS Object Server

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