Significant growth of the Internet has created an enormous volume of unstructured text data. In recent years, the amount of this type of data that is available for analysis has exploded. While the amount of textual data is increasing rapidly, an ability to obtain key pieces of information from such data in a fast, flexible, and efficient way is still posing challenges. This paper introduces SAS® Contextual Analysis In-Database Scoring for Hadoop, which integrates SAS® Contextual Analysis with the SAS® Embedded Process. SAS® Contextual Analysis enables users to customize their text analytics models in order to realize the value of their text-based data. The SAS® Embedded Process enables users to take advantage of SAS® Scoring Accelerator for Hadoop to run scoring models. By using these key SAS® technologies, the overall experience of analyzing unstructured text data can be greatly improved. The paper also provides guidelines and examples on how to publish and run category, concept, and sentiment models for text analytics in Hadoop.
Seung Lee, SAS
Xu Yang, SAS
Saratendu Sethi, SAS
UNIX and Linux SAS® administrators, have you ever been greeted by one of these statements as you walk into the office before you have gotten your first cup of coffee? Power outage! SAS servers are down. I cannot access my reports. Have you frantically tried to restart the SAS servers to avoid loss of productivity and missed one of the steps in the process, causing further delays while other work continues to pile up? If you have had this experience, you understand the benefit to be gained from a utility that automates the management of these multi-tiered deployments. Until recently, there was no method for automatically starting and stopping multi-tiered services in an orchestrated fashion. Instead, you had to use time-consuming manual procedures to manage SAS services. These procedures were also prone to human error, which could result in corrupted services and additional time lost, debugging and resolving issues injected by this process. To address this challenge, SAS Technical Support created the SAS Local Services Management (SAS_lsm) utility, which provides automated, orderly management of your SAS® multi-tiered deployments. The intent of this paper is to demonstrate the deployment and usage of the SAS_lsm utility. Now, go grab a coffee, and let's see how SAS_lsm can make life less chaotic.
Clifford Meyers, SAS
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) collects tens of thousands of complaints against companies each year, many of which result in the companies in question taking action, including making payouts to the individuals who filed the complaints. Given the volume of the complaints, how can an overseeing organization quantitatively assess the data for various trends, including the areas of greatest concern for consumers? In this presentation, we propose a repeatable model of text analytics techniques to the publicly available CFPB data. Specifically, we use SAS® Contextual Analysis to explore sentiment, and machine learning techniques to model the natural language available in each free-form complaint against a disposition code for the complaint, primarily focusing on whether a company paid out money. This process generates a taxonomy in an automated manner. We also explore methods to structure and visualize the results, showcasing how areas of concern are made available to analysts using SAS® Visual Analytics and SAS® Visual Statistics. Finally, we discuss the applications of this methodology for overseeing government agencies and financial institutions alike.
Tom Sabo, SAS
As in any analytical process, data sampling is a definitive step for unstructured data analysis. Sampling is of paramount importance if your data is fed from social media reservoirs such as Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and Reddit, where information proliferation happens minute by minute. Unless you have a sophisticated analytical engine and robust physical servers to handle billions of pieces of data, you can't use all your data for analysis without sampling. So, how do you sample textual data? The standard method is to generate either a simple random sample, or a stratified random sample if a stratification variable exists in the data. Neither of these two methods can reliably produce a representative sample of documents from the population data simply because the process does not encompass a step to ensure that the distribution of terms between the population and sample sets remains similar. This shortcoming can cause the supervised or unsupervised learning to yield inaccurate results. If the generated sample is not representative of the population data, it is difficult to train and validate categories or sub-categories for those rare events during taxonomy development. In this paper, we show you new methods for sampling text data. We rely on a term-by-document matrix and SAS® macros to generate representative samples. Using these methods helps generate sufficient samples to train and validate every category in rule-based modeling approaches using SAS® Contextual Analysis.
Murali Pagolu, SAS
Traditional analytical modeling, with roots in statistical techniques, works best on structured data. Structured data enables you to impose certain standards and formats in which to store the data values. For example, a variable indicating gas mileage in miles per gallon should always be a number (for example, 25). However, with unstructured data analysis, the free-form text no longer limits you to expressing this information in only one way (25 mpg, twenty-five mpg, and 25M/G). The nuances of language, context, and subjectivity of text make it more complex to fit generalized models. Although statistical methods using supervised learning prove efficient and effective in some cases, sometimes you need a different approach. These situations are when rule-based models with Natural Language Processing capabilities can add significant value. In what context would you choose a rule-based modeling versus a statistical approach? How do you assess the tradeoffs of choosing a rule-based modeling approach with higher interpretability versus a statistical model that is black-box in nature? How can we develop rule-based models that optimize model performance without compromising accuracy? How can we design, construct, and maintain a complex rule-based model? What is a data-driven approach to rule writing? What are the common pitfalls to avoid? In this paper, we discuss all these questions based on our experiences working with SAS® Contextual Analysis and SAS® Sentiment Analysis.
Murali Pagolu, SAS
Cheyanne Baird, SAS
Christina Engelhardt, SAS
Session SAS2004-2017:
Hands-On Workshop: Text Mining using SAS® Text Miner
This workshop provides hands-on experience using SAS® Text Miner. For a collection of documents, workshop participants will learn how to: read and convert documents for use by SAS Text Miner; retrieve information from the collection using query features of the software; identify the dominant themes and concepts in the collection; and classify documents having pre-assigned categories.
Terry Woodfield, SAS
Immediately after a new credit card product is launched and in the wallets of cardholders, sentiment begins to build. Positive and negative experiences of current customers posted online generate impressions among prospective cardholders in the form of technological word of mouth. Companies that issue credit cards can use sentiment analysis to understand how their product is being received by consumers, and, by taking suitable measure, can propel the card's market success. With the help of text mining and sentiment analysis using SAS® Enterprise Miner and SAS® Sentiment Analysis Studio, we are trying to answer which aspects of a credit card garnered the most favor, and conversely, which generated negative impressions among consumers. Credit Karma is a free credit and financial management platform for US consumers available on the web and on major mobile platforms. It provides free weekly updated credit scores and credit reports from the national credit bureaus TransUnion and Equifax. The implications of this project are as follows: 1) all companies that issue credit cards can use this technique to determine how their product is fairing in the market, and they can make business decisions to improve the flaws, based on public opinion; and 2) sentiment analysis can simulate the word-of-mouth influence of millions of existing users about a credit card.
Anirban Chakraborty, Oklahoma State University
Surya Bhaskar Ayyalasomayajula, Oklahoma State University
This paper presents a case study in which social media posts by individuals related to public transport companies in the United Kingdom were collected from social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook and also from forums using SAS® and Python. The posts were then further processed by SAS® Text Miner and SAS® Visual Analytics to retrieve brand names, means of public transport (underground, trains, buses), and any mentioned attributes. Relevant concepts and topics are identified using text mining techniques and visualized using concept maps and word clouds. Later, we aim to identify and categorize sentiments against public transport in the corpus of the posts. Finally, we create an association map/mind-map of the different service dimensions/topics and the brands of public transport, using correspondence analysis.
Tamas Bosznay, Amadeus Software Limited
Self-driving cars are no longer a futuristic dream. In the recent past, Google has launched a prototype of the self-driving car, while Apple is also developing its own self-driving car. Companies like Tesla have just introduced an Auto Pilot version in their newer version of electric cars which have created quite a buzz in the car market. This technology is said to enable aging or disabled people to remain mobile, while also increasing overall traffic saftery. But many people are still skeptical about the idea of self-driving cars, and that's our area of interest. In this project, we plan to do sentiment analysis on thoughts voiced by people on the Internet about self-driving cars. We have obtained the data from which contain these reviews about the self-driving cars. Our dataset contains 7,156 observations and 9 variables. We plan to do descriptive analysis of the reviews to identify key topics and then use supervised sentiment analysis. We also plan to track and report how the topics and the sentiments change over time.
Nachiket Kawitkar, Oklahoma State University
Swapneel Deshpande, Oklahoma State University
Temporal text mining (TTM) is the discovery of temporal patterns in documents that are collected over time. It involves discovery of latent themes, construction of a thematic evolution graph, and analysis of thematic patterns. This paper uses text mining and time series analysis techniques to explore Don Quixote de la Mancha, a two-volume master work of Western literature. First, it uses singular value decomposition in SAS® Text Miner to discover 25 key themes that characterize the two volumes. Then it treats the chapters of the two books as time-ordered documents and creates a semiautomated visual summary of the two volumes. It also explores the trajectory of individual themes over the course of the chapters and identifies episodes, recurring themes, and climaxes. Finally, it uses time series clustering in SAS® Enterprise Miner to group chapters that have similar themes and to group themes that have similar trajectories. The TTM methods demonstrated in this paper lend themselves to business applications such as monitoring changes in customer sentiment and summarizing research and legislative trends.
Ray Wright, SAS