SAS/OR Papers A-Z

Session 1224-2017:
A Moment-Matching Approach for Generating Synthetic Data in SAS®
Disseminating data to potential collaborators can be essential in the development of models, algorithms, and innovative research opportunities. However, it is often time-consuming to get approval to access sensitive data such as health data. An alternative to sharing the real data is to use synthetic data, which has similar properties to the original data but does not disclose sensitive information. The collaborators can use the synthetic data to make preliminary models or to work out bugs in their code while waiting to get approval to access the original data. A data owner can also use the synthetic data to crowdsource solutions from the public through competitions like Kaggle and then test those solutions on the original data. This paper implements a method that generates fully synthetic data in a way that matches the statistical moments of the true data up to a specified moment order as a SAS® macro. Variables in the synthetic data set are of the same data type as the true data (for example, integer, binary, continuous). The implementation uses the linear programming solver within a column generation algorithm and the mixed integer linear programming solver from the OPTMODEL procedure in SAS/OR® software. The COFOR statement in PROC OPTMODEL automatically parallelizes a portion of the algorithm. This paper demonstrates the method by using the Sashelp.Heart data set to generate fully synthetic data copies.
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Brittany Bogle, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jared Erickson, SAS
Session SAS0339-2017:
An Oasis of Serenity in a Sea of Chaos: Automating the Management of Your UNIX/Linux Multi-tiered SAS® Services
UNIX and Linux SAS® administrators, have you ever been greeted by one of these statements as you walk into the office before you have gotten your first cup of coffee? Power outage! SAS servers are down. I cannot access my reports. Have you frantically tried to restart the SAS servers to avoid loss of productivity and missed one of the steps in the process, causing further delays while other work continues to pile up? If you have had this experience, you understand the benefit to be gained from a utility that automates the management of these multi-tiered deployments. Until recently, there was no method for automatically starting and stopping multi-tiered services in an orchestrated fashion. Instead, you had to use time-consuming manual procedures to manage SAS services. These procedures were also prone to human error, which could result in corrupted services and additional time lost, debugging and resolving issues injected by this process. To address this challenge, SAS Technical Support created the SAS Local Services Management (SAS_lsm) utility, which provides automated, orderly management of your SAS® multi-tiered deployments. The intent of this paper is to demonstrate the deployment and usage of the SAS_lsm utility. Now, go grab a coffee, and let's see how SAS_lsm can make life less chaotic.
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Clifford Meyers, SAS
Session SAS0454-2017:
Change Management: Best Practices for Implementing SAS® Prescriptive Analytics
When new technologies, workflows, or processes are implemented, an organization and its employees must embrace changes in order to ensure long-term success. This paper provides guidelines and best practices in change management that the SAS Advanced Analytics Division uses with customers when it implements prescriptive analytics solutions (provided by SAS/OR® software). Highlights include engaging technical leaders in defining project scope and providing functional design documents. The paper also highlights SAS' approach in engaging business leaders on business scope, garnering executive-level project involvement, establishing steering committees, defining use cases, developing an effective communication strategy, training, and implementing of SAS/OR solutions.
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Scott Shuler, SAS
Session SAS0593-2017:
Key Components and Finished Products Inventory Optimization for a Multi-Echelon Assembly System
A leading global information and communications technology solution company provides a broad range of telecom products across the world. Their finished products share commonality in key components, and, in most cases, are assembled after the customer orders are realized. Each finished product typically consists of a large number of key components, and the stockout of any components causes a delay of customer orders. For these reasons, the optimal inventory policy of one component should be determined in conjunction with those of other components. Currently the company uses business experience to manage inventory across their supply chain network for all of the components and finished products. However, the increasing variety of products and business expansion raise difficulties in inventory management. The company wants to explore a systematic approach to optimizing inventory policies, assuring customer service level and minimizing total inventory cost. This paper describes using SAS/OR® software and SAS® inventory optimization technologies to model such a multi-echelon assembly system and optimize inventory policies for key components and finished products.
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Sherry Xu, SAS
Kansun Xia, SAS
Ruonan Qiu, SAS
Session 0302-2017:
Optimize My Stock Portfolio! A Case Study with Three Different Estimates of Risk
People typically invest in more than one stock to help diversify their risk. These stock portfolios are a collection of assets that each have their own inherit risk. If you know the future risk of each of the assets, you can optimize how much of each asset to keep in the portfolio. The real challenge is trying to evaluate the potential future risk of these assets. Different techniques provide different forecasts, which can drastically change the optimal allocation of assets. This talk presents a case study of portfolio optimization in three different scenarios historical standard deviation estimation, capital asset pricing model (CAPM), and GARCH-based volatility modeling. The structure and results of these three approaches are discussed.
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Aric LaBarr, Institute for Advanced Analytics at NC State University
Session 0851-2017:
Optimizing Delivery Routes with SAS® Software
Optimizing delivery routes and efficiently using delivery drivers are examples of classic problems in Operations Research, such as the Traveling Salesman Problem. In this paper, Oberweis and Zencos collaborate to describe how to leverage SAS/OR® procedures to solve these problems and optimize delivery routes for a retail delivery service. Oberweis Dairy specializes in home delivery service that delivers premium dairy products directly to customers homes. Because freshness is critical to delivering an excellent customer experience, Oberweis is especially motivated to optimize their delivery logistics. As Oberweis works to develop an expanding footprint and a growing business, Zencos is helping to ensure that delivery routes are optimized and delivery drivers are used efficiently.
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Ben Murphy, Zencos
Bruce Bedford, Oberweis Dairy, Inc.
Session SAS0681-2017:
Using SAS/OR® Software to Optimize the Capacity Expansion Plan of a Robust Oil Products Distribution Network
A Middle Eastern company is responsible for daily distribution of over 230 million liters of oil products. For this distribution network, a failure scenario is defined as occurring when oil transport is interrupted or slows down, and/or when product demands fluctuate outside the normal range. Under all failure scenarios, the company plans to provide additional transport capacity at minimum cost so as to meet all point-to-point product demands. Currently, the company uses a wait-and-see strategy, which carries a high operating cost and depends on the availability of third-party transportation. This paper describes the use of the OPTMODEL procedure to implement a mixed integer programming model to model and solve this problem. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate the utility of this approach. It was discovered that larger instances of the problem, with greater numbers of potential failure scenarios, can become computationally extensive. In order to efficiently handle such instances of the problem, we have also implemented a Benders decomposition algorithm in PROC OPTMODEL.
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Dr. Shahrzad Azizzadeh, SAS
Session 1055-2017:
Using the CLP Procedure to Solve the Agent-District Assignment Problem
The challenge is to assign outbound calling agents in a telemarketing campaign to geographic districts. The districts have a variable number of leads, and each agent needs to be assigned entire districts with the total number of leads being as close as possible to a specified number for each of the agents (usually, but not always, an equal number). In addition, there are constraints concerning the distribution of assigned districts across time zones, in order to maximize productivity and availability. The SAS/OR® CLP procedure solves the problem by formulating the challenge as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). Our use of PROC CLP places the actual leads within a specified percentage of the target number.
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Stephen Sloan, Accenture
Kevin Gillette, Accenture Federal Services
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