%macro rebuild_promo_fact_futr(); proc sql noprint; select path into :didm_path from sashelp.vlibnam where upcase(libname) = "DI_DM" and level in (0,1); quit; %let didm_path = &didm_path; %put didm_path = &didm_path; option mprint source; libname PFACT "&didm_path/promotion_fact"; proc sql; create table work.promo_part_meta as select memname as part_table from dictionary.tables where libname = 'PFACT' and memname like 'PARTITION_%'; quit; proc sql noprint; select spec_value into :num_parallel_executions from di_dm.global_setting where spec_nm = 'NUM_PARALLEL_EXECUTIONS'; quit; %let num_parallel_executions = &num_parallel_executions; %di_util_mp_connect(mac_name=post_process_promo_fact_f1mi42, arg_table=work.promo_part_meta, nm_prll_exec=&num_parallel_executions ); %mend; * include the post_process_promo_fact_f1mi42 code; %include "/post_process_promo_fact_f1mi42.sas"; * run macro; %rebuild_promo_fact_futr();