There is currently a bug in the 5.4 migrations utility that result in the data for diagram Documents being deleted from the DAV content. The meta-data with the name is still present so that the document name is visible, but when opened it generates an error that the content is missing. This fix will cause the utility to skip the migrations of these documents and prevent this from happening. Since the only change the migration of these documents made was to update the version number, this will not impact users in anyway. The new zipped jar file can be found here: \\d20999\Public\54MigrationFix along with the following instructions. Installation of temporary 5.4 migration fix. 1) On the mid-tier machine locate the SAS Versioned Jar Repository entries. Typical windows location: C:\Program Files\SAS\SASVersionedJarRepository\9.2\eclipse\plugins 2) Find the VJR folder named: 3) Move the jar named from the VJR to a backup location 4) Unzip the new zip file and export the jar back into the VJR folder: It must be named: Testing the install: Now, run: sasciutils_console.(exe|sh) -migration -buildcheck Unsuccessful: If it's not picking up the jar, you will get this as your output: -previousrelease must be passed. Success: If it is picking up the jar, you will get this as your output: Implementation Version: 5.4_20111102 If successful you may run the utility as stated in the standard documentation.