%macro magree(version, data=_last_, items=, raters=, response=, stat=ALL, alpha=0.05, weight=, wtparm=, options=PRINT WEIGHTS NOCOUNTS SUMMARY Z NOFIXRATERONLY NOPERCATEGORY NOWCL NOITEMEFFECTS NORATEREFFECTS ) / minoperator; %let time = %sysfunc(datetime()); %let _version=3.91; %if &version ne %then %put NOTE: &sysmacroname macro Version &_version; %if &data=_last_ %then %let data=&syslast; %local notesopt; %let notesopt = %sysfunc(getoption(notes)); %let newchk=1; %let version=%upcase(&version); %if %index(&version,DEBUG) %then %do; options notes mprint %if %index(&version,DEBUG2) %then mlogic symbolgen; ; ods select all; %put _user_; %end; %else %do; %if %index(&version,NOCHK) %then %let newchk=0; options nonotes nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen; ods exclude all; %end; /* Check for newer version ======================================================================*/ %if &newchk %then %do; %let _notfound=0; filename _ver url 'http://ftp.sas.com/techsup/download/stat/versions.dat' termstr=crlf; data _null_; infile _ver end=_eof; input name:$15. ver; if upcase(name)="&sysmacroname" then do; call symput("_newver",ver); stop; end; if _eof then call symput("_notfound",1); run; options notes; %if &syserr ne 0 or &_notfound=1 or &_newver=0 %then %put NOTE: Unable to check for newer version of &sysmacroname macro.; %else %if %sysevalf(&_newver > &_version) %then %do; %put NOTE: A newer version of the &sysmacroname macro is available at; %put NOTE- this location: http://support.sas.com/ ; %end; %if %index(&version,DEBUG)=0 %then options nonotes;; %end; /* Check inputs ======================================================================*/ %let data=%upcase(&data); %let stat=%upcase(&stat); %let weight=%upcase(&weight); %let options=%upcase(&options); %let items=%upcase(&items); %let raters=%upcase(&raters); %let response=%upcase(&response); %let wtmat=; %let wtpow=; /* Verify DATA= is specified and the data set exists */ %if &data ne %then %do; %if %sysfunc(exist(&data)) ne 1 %then %do; %put ERROR: DATA= data set, &data, not found.; %goto exit; %end; %end; %else %do; %put ERROR: The DATA= parameter is required.; %goto exit; %end; /* Verify required parameters were specified */ %if &items= %then %do; %put ERROR: The ITEMS= parameter is required.; %goto exit; %end; %if &raters= %then %do; %put ERROR: The RATERS= parameter is required.; %goto exit; %end; %if &response= %then %do; %put ERROR: The RESPONSE= parameter is required.; %goto exit; %end; /* Verify valid STAT= and OPTIONS= values */ %let validstats=KAPPA KENDALL GWET GLMM ALL NOMINAL ORDINAL; %let kappa=0; %let kendall=0; %let gwet=0; %let glmm=0; %let ord=0; %let nom=0; %if (NOMINAL in &stat) and (ORDINAL in &stat) %then %let stat=ALL; %if (NOMINAL in &stat) %then %do; %let nom=1; %let stat=KAPPA GWET; %let kappa=1; %let kendall=0; %let gwet=1; %let glmm=0; %end; %else %if (ORDINAL in &stat) %then %do; %let ord=1; %let stat=KENDALL GWET GLMM; %let kappa=0; %let kendall=1; %let gwet=1; %let glmm=1; %end; %else %do; %let i=1; %do %while (%scan(&stat,&i) ne %str() ); %let stat&i=%upcase(%scan(&stat,&i)); %if &&stat&i=ALL %then %do; %let kappa=1; %let kendall=1; %let gwet=1; %let glmm=1; %end; %else %if &&stat&i=KAPPA %then %let kappa=1; %else %if &&stat&i=KENDALL %then %let kendall=1; %else %if &&stat&i=GWET %then %let gwet=1; %else %if &&stat&i=GLMM %then %let glmm=1; %else %do; %let chk=%eval(&&stat&i in &validstats); %if not &chk %then %do; %put ERROR: Valid values of STAT= are &validstats..; %goto exit; %end; %end; %let i=%eval(&i+1); %end; %end; %let validopts=PRINT NOPRINT WEIGHTS NOWEIGHTS COUNTS NOCOUNTS SUMMARY NOSUMMARY T Z FIXRATERONLY NOFIXRATERONLY PERCATEGORY NOPERCATEGORY WCL NOWCL ITEMEFFECTS NOITEMEFFECTS RATEREFFECTS NORATEREFFECTS; %let print=1; %let wttab=1; %let cnttab=0; %let ratsumm=1; %let t=0; %let jack=1; %let percat=0; %let wcl=0; %let effi=0; %let effr=0; %let i=1; %do %while (%scan(&options,&i) ne %str() ); %let option&i=%upcase(%scan(&options,&i)); %if &&option&i=NOPRINT %then %let print=0; %else %if &&option&i=NOWEIGHTS %then %let wttab=0; %else %if &&option&i=COUNTS %then %let cnttab=1; %else %if &&option&i=NOSUMMARY %then %let ratsumm=0; %else %if &&option&i=T %then %let t=1; %else %if &&option&i=FIXRATERONLY %then %let jack=0; %else %if &&option&i=PERCATEGORY %then %let percat=1; %else %if &&option&i=WCL %then %let wcl=1; %else %if &&option&i=ITEMEFFECTS %then %let effi=1; %else %if &&option&i=RATEREFFECTS %then %let effr=1; %else %do; %let chk=%eval(&&option&i in &validopts); %if not &chk %then %do; %put ERROR: Valid values of OPTIONS= are &validopts..; %goto exit; %end; %end; %let i=%eval(&i+1); %end; /* Check for existence of variable names, get response variable type */ %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&data)); %if &dsid %then %do; %let chkitem=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&items)); %let chkrate=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&raters)); %let chkresp=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&response)); %let ytype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&chkresp)); %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); %end; %else %do; %put ERROR: Could not open DATA= data set.; %goto exit; %end; %if &chkitem=0 %then %do; %put ERROR: Variable &items not found.; %goto exit; %end; %if &chkrate=0 %then %do; %put ERROR: Variable &raters not found.; %goto exit; %end; %if &chkresp=0 %then %do; %put ERROR: Variable &response not found.; %goto exit; %end; title2 "The MAGREE macro"; /* Remove missing values. Rename ITEMS, RATERS, or RESPONSE variable * to avoid collision with FREQ OUT= names COUNT or PERCENT ======================================================================*/ data _nomiss; set &data(where=(not missing(&items) and not missing(&raters) and not missing(&response))); %if &items=COUNT %then %do; _ITEMS=count; %let items=_ITEMS; drop count; %end; %if &items=PERCENT %then %do; _ITEMS=percent; %let items=_ITEMS; drop percent; %end; %if &raters=COUNT %then %do; _RATERS=count; %let raters=_RATERS; drop count; %end; %if &raters=PERCENT %then %do; _RATERS=percent; %let raters=_RATERS; drop percent; %end; %if &response=COUNT %then %do; _RESPONSE=count; label _response="&response"; %let response=_RESPONSE; drop count; %end; %if &response=PERCENT %then %do; _RESPONSE=percent; label _response="&response"; %let response=_RESPONSE; drop percent; %end; run; /* Get numbers of items, raters, and response categories ======================================================================*/ proc freq data=_nomiss nlevels; table &items*&raters / sparse out=_balance; table &items / out=_Ri(drop=percent rename=(count=Ri)); table &response; ods output nlevels=_nlvls; run; data _null_; set _nlvls; if upcase(TableVar)="&raters" then call symput('m',cats(nlevels)); if upcase(TableVar)="&items" then call symput('n',cats(nlevels)); if upcase(TableVar)="&response" then call symput('ncat',cats(nlevels)); run; data _TRi; /* save for later printing */ set _Ri; run; /* Check for conditions when statistics cannot be computed ======================================================================*/ %if &m=1 or &n=1 %then %do; %put ERROR: There must be more than one rater and more than one item.; %put ERROR- No statistics are computed.; %goto exit; %end; %if &ncat=1 %then %do; %put ERROR: Only one response category. All ratings are the same.; %put ERROR- No statistics are computed.; %goto exit; %end; %if &ytype ne C %then %do; proc summary data=_nomiss nway; var &response; class &items; output out=_vars var=var; run; proc sql noprint; select sum(var) into :var from _vars; quit; %if %sysevalf(&var < 1e-8) %then %do; %put ERROR: All ratings identical in each subject. No variability.; %put ERROR- No statistics are computed.; %goto exit; %end; %end; %let kaptest=1; %let kap1rate=0; %let multrate=0; %let kenmissrate=0; %let glmmnoprod=0; %let kennoprod=0; data _null_; set _balance nobs=_nobs; if count ne 1 then do; call symput('kenmissrate',1); call symput('kaptest',0); end; if count>1 then call symput('multrate',1); run; %if &multrate %then %do; %put ERROR: No rater may rate any item more than once.; %put ERROR- No statistics are computed.; %goto exit; %end; data _null_; set _Ri; if Ri<=1 then call symput('kap1rate',1); run; %if &glmm and (%sysprod(iml)=0 or %sysprod(stat)=0) %then call symput('glmmnoprod',1); %if &kendall and %sysprod(stat)=0 %then call symput('kennoprod',1); /* Notes */ options notes; %if &kappa %then %do; %if &kap1rate %then %do; %let kappa=0; %put NOTE: One or more items have only one rating. Kappa statistics not computed.; %end; %if &weight ne %then %do; %let kappa=0; %put NOTE: Kappa statistics not computed when weights are specified.; %end; %if &kappa and &kaptest=0 %then %do; %put NOTE: Tests for kappa are only available when all items have an equal; %put NOTE- number of ratings.; %end; %end; %if &gwet %then %do; %if &m<3 %then %do; %put NOTE: For Gwet statistics, unconditional and fixed items standard errors; %put NOTE- require 3 raters or more.; %end; %end; %if &kendall %then %do; %if &kenmissrate %then %do; %let kendall=0; %put NOTE: To compute the Kendall statistic, each rater must rate each; %put NOTE- item exactly once. Kendall statistics not computed.; %end; %if &ytype=C %then %do; %let kendall=0; %put NOTE: The Kendall statistic requires a numeric, ordinal response.; %put NOTE- Kendall statistics not computed.; %end; %if &weight ne %then %do; %let kendall=0; %put NOTE: Kendall statistic not computed when weights are specified.; %end; %if &kennoprod %then %do; %let kendall=0; %put NOTE: The Kendall statistic requires SAS/STAT.; %put NOTE- Kendall statistics not computed.; %end; %end; %if &glmm %then %do; %if &m<3 %then %do; %let glmm=0; %put NOTE: GLMM-based statistics require 3 raters or more.; %put NOTE- GLMM-based statistics not computed.; %end; %if &ytype=C %then %do; %let glmm=0; %put NOTE: The GLMM-based statistics requires a numeric, ordinal response.; %put NOTE- GLMM-based statistics not computed.; %end; %if &glmmnoprod %then %do; %let glmm=0; %put NOTE: The GLMM-based statistics require SAS/IML and SAS/STAT.; %put NOTE- GLMM-based statistics not computed.; %end; %end; %if &ord and &weight= %then %do; %let gwet=0; %put NOTE: With an ordinal response, WEIGHT= is required for the Gwet statistic.; %end; %if &nom and &weight ne %then %do; %let weight=; %put NOTE: With an nominal response, WEIGHT= is ignored for the Gwet statistic.; %end; %if &weight ne %then %do; %let wterr=0; %if &gwet=0 and &glmm=0 %then %do; %put NOTE: WEIGHT= is ignored unless GWET, GLMM, ORDINAL, or ALL is specified in STAT=.; %end; %else %do; %if &weight=LINEAR %then %let wtpow=1; %else %if &weight=QUADRATIC %then %let wtpow=2; %else %if &weight=SQRT %then %let wtpow=0.5; %else %if %sysevalf(&weight>=.01 and &weight<=5) %then %let wtpow=&weight; %else %if %sysfunc(exist(&weight)) %then %do; %let wtmat=&weight; %let weight=USER; %end; %else %if &weight ne ID %then %do; %put ERROR: Valid values of WEIGHT= are LINEAR, QUADRATIC, SQRT, ID, a real; %put ERROR- value between 0.01 and 5, or a data set name containing a valid; %put ERROR- weight matrix.; %goto exit; %end; %end; %end; %if &wtparm ne %then %do; %if &weight= or &weight=USER or (&gwet=0 and &glmm=0) %then %do; %put NOTE: WTPARM= is ignored since weight computation was not requested; %put NOTE- or GWET, GLMM, ORDINAL, or ALL was not specified in STAT=.; %end; %else %if %sysevalf(&wtparm<.01 or &wtparm>A) %then %do; %put ERROR: WTPARM must be a real number greater than or equal to 0.01.; %goto exit; %end; %end; %if %index(&version,DEBUG)=0 %then options nonotes;; /* Errors */ %if (&gwet or &glmm) and &weight=USER %then %do; data _null_; set &wtmat end=eof; array w (*) _numeric_; do i=1 to dim(w); if w(i)<0 then do; call symput('gwet',0); call symput('glmm',0); end; if i=_n_ then if w(i) ne 1 then do; call symput('gwet',0); call symput('glmm',0); end; end; if eof then do; if _n_ ne dim(w) then do; call symput('gwet',0); call symput('glmm',0); end; if dim(w) ne &ncat then do; call symput('gwet',0); call symput('glmm',0); end; end; run; %if &gwet=0 and &glmm=0 %then %do; %put ERROR: The symmetric matrix specified in WEIGHT= must have &ncat rows and; %put ERROR- columns and all values must be positive with 1 on the diagonal.; %put ERROR- Gwet and GLMM-based statistics will not be computed.; %goto exit; %end; %end; /* Delete old data sets to avoid append problem */ proc datasets nolist nowarn; delete _kappas _gacJack; run; quit; /* Code the response levels in sorted order as _LEVEL=1,2,... */ %if &kappa or &gwet or &glmm %then %do; proc sort data=_nomiss out=_kapnomiss; by &response; run; data _kapnomiss; set _kapnomiss; by &response; if first.&response then _code+1; _level=_code; run; %end; /* For Gwet or GLMM: Generate weights and get sum of weights */ %if (&gwet or &glmm) and &weight ne and &weight ne USER %then %do; %if &ytype=N %then %let cats=&response; %else %let cats=_level; proc freq data=_kapnomiss; table &cats / noprint out=_wtcats; run; proc transpose data=_wtcats out=_wtcats(keep=col:); var &cats; run; data _gwts; set _wtcats; array cat (&ncat) col:; array w (&ncat); keep w:; do i=1 to &ncat; do j=1 to &ncat; %if &wtpow ne %then %do; p=1-(abs(cat(i)-cat(j))/(cat(&ncat)-cat(1)))**&wtpow; %end; %else %if &weight=ID %then %do; p=(i=j); %end; %if &wtparm ne %then %do; p=min(max(p,1e-8),1-1e-8); w(j)=max(0,1-quantile("exponential",1-p,&wtparm)); %end; %else w(j)=p %str(;); end; output; end; run; %let wtmat=_gwts; %end; data _null_; set &wtmat end=eof; _rowsum+sum(of _numeric_)-_rowsum; if eof then call symputx('sumwt',_rowsum); run; /******************** Compute Fleiss' kappas *************************/ /***********************************************************************/ %if &kappa %then %do; /* Compute kappa statistics for each response level and overall */ %do i=1 %to &ncat+1; data _sub; set _kapnomiss; %if &percat=0 %then %let i=%eval(&ncat+1); %if &i < &ncat+1 %then %do; if _code = &i then _level=1; else _level=2; %end; run; proc freq data=_sub; table &items*_level / out=_nij(drop=percent rename=(count=nij)); run; data _nij2; merge _nij _Ri; by &items; run; data _pj; set _nij2; pij=nij/(&n*Ri); run; proc summary data=_pj nway; class _level; var pij; output out=_pj sum=pj; run; data _Spj3(keep=Spj3); set _pj end=eof; Spj3 + pj**3; if eof then output; run; proc sort data=_nij2; by _level; run; data _nij3; merge _nij2 _pj; by _level; Peij=nij*pj/Ri; Poij=nij*(nij-1)/(Ri*(Ri-1)); run; proc summary data=_nij3 nway; class &items; var Poij Peij; output out=_Poei sum=Poi Pei; run; proc summary data=_Poei; var Poi Pei; output out=_Poe mean=Po Pe; run; data _flkappa; set _Poei end=eof; if _n_=1 then do; set _Poe; set _Spj3; end; left + ((1-Pe)*Poi-2*(1-Po)*Pei)**2; if eof then do; kapp = (Po-Pe)/(1-Pe); var + ( left/&n - (Po*Pe-2*Pe+Po)**2 ) / (&n*(1-Pe)**4); stderr = sqrt(var); %if &kaptest %then %do; stderrH0 = sqrt( 2*((1-Pe)**2+3*Pe-1-2*Spj3) / ((1-Pe)**2*&n*&m*(&m-1)) ); %end; %else stderrH0=.;; z = kapp/stderrH0; prob = 1-probnorm(z); lcl = kapp - probit(1-&alpha/2)*stderr; ucl = kapp + probit(1-&alpha/2)*stderr; keep kapp stderrH0 z prob Po Pe stderr lcl ucl; output; end; run; proc append base=_kappas data=_flkappa; run; %end; %if &percat %then %do; proc freq data=_kapnomiss; table &response / out=_respvals(keep=&response); run; data _kappas; merge _kappas _respvals; run; %end; %else %do; %let ytype=N; data _kappas; set _kappas; &response=.; run; %end; %end; /********************* Compute Gwet Statistic ************************/ /***********************************************************************/ %if &gwet %then %do; proc sort data=_kapnomiss out=_gnomiss; by &raters; run; /* Code the raters as _RATER=1,2,... */ data _gnomiss; set _gnomiss; by &raters; if first.&raters then _RATER+1; run; proc datasets nolist nowarn; delete _gac; run; quit; %let var0=0; %do cat=1 %to &ncat+1; %if &percat=0 %then %let cat=%eval(&ncat+1); %else %do; data _gnomiss; set _gnomiss; _level=_code; %if &cat<&ncat+1 %then if _code ne &cat then _level=0 %str(;); run; %end; /* Jackknife loop for Var(gac|raters fixed) * jiter=1 computes overall gac, 2 thru m+1 drops one rater each ======================================================================*/ proc datasets nolist nowarn; delete _gacJack; run; quit; %if &jack %then %let jstop=%eval(&m+1); %else %let jstop=2; %do jiter=1 %to &jstop; data _sub; set _gnomiss; %if &jiter>1 %then where _rater ne %eval(&jiter-1)%str(;); run; proc freq data=_sub; table &items / noprint out=_Ri(drop=percent rename=(count=Ri)); table &items*_level / noprint sparse out=_nij(drop=percent rename=(count=nij)); run; %if &weight ne and &cat=&ncat+1 %then %do; %if &jiter=1 %then %do; data _fullnij0; set _nij; nij=0; run; data _fullRi; set _TRi; Ri=0; run; %end; %else %do; data _nij; merge _fullnij0 _nij; by &items _level; run; data _Ri; merge _fullRi _Ri; by &items; run; %end; proc transpose data=_nij out=_catcnts(keep=__:) prefix=__; var nij; by &items; id _level; run; proc fcmp; * Define matrix nij; array nij[&n,&ncat]/nosymbols; rc=read_array('_catcnts',nij); * Define full weight matrix w; array w[&ncat,&ncat]/nosymbols; rc=read_array("&wtmat",w); * Define nij transpose, nijt; array nijt[&ncat,&n]/nosymbols; call transpose(nij,nijt); * Compute weighted counts: wnijt = w * nijt; array wnijt[&ncat,&n]/nosymbols; call mult(w,nijt,wnijt); * Define wnijt transpose, wnij; array wnij[&n,&ncat]/nosymbols; call transpose(wnijt,wnij); * Save weighted counts in data set _wcnts; rc=write_array('_wcnts',wnij); run; data _wnij; merge _wcnts _Ri(keep=&items); keep &items _level wnij; %do j=1 %to &ncat; _level=&j; wnij=wnij&j; output; %end; run; %end; data _nij; merge _nij %if &weight ne and &cat=&ncat+1 %then _wnij; _Ri; by &items; %if &weight ne and &cat=&ncat+1 %then nn1ij=nij*(wnij-1) %str(;); %else nn1ij=nij*(nij-1) %str(;); if Ri=0 then propij=.; else propij=nij/Ri; run; proc summary data=_nij nway; class &items; var nn1ij; output out=_sumnn sum=; run; data _pai; merge _sumnn _Ri; if Ri<=1 then pai=.; else pai=nn1ij/(Ri*(Ri-1)); run; proc summary data=_pai; var pai; output out=_pa mean=pa n=ncontrib; run; proc summary data=_nij nway; class _level; var propij; output out=_pj mean=pj; run; data _pe; set _pj end=eof; %if &weight ne and &cat=&ncat+1 %then pe + &sumwt*pj*(1-pj)/(&ncat*(&ncat-1)) %str(;); %else pe + pj*(1-pj)/(&ncat-1) %str(;); if eof then output; run; data _gacsub; merge _pa _pe; gac=(pa-pe)/(1-pe); run; %if &jiter=1 %then %do; proc transpose data=_pj out=_pjt(drop=_name_) prefix=__; var pj; id _level; run; data _nij; set _nij; if _n_=1 then set _pjt; array apj (*) __:; %if &cat<&ncat+1 %then %do; if _level=0 then __pickpj=1; else __pickpj=2; %end; %else __pickpj=_level %str(;); pj=apj(__pickpj); %if &weight ne and &cat=&ncat+1 %then pei=&sumwt*nij*(1-pj)/(Ri*&ncat*(&ncat-1)) %str(;); %else %do; %if &cat=&ncat+1 %then pei=nij*(1-pj)/(Ri*(&ncat-1)) %str(;); %else pei=nij*(1-pj)/Ri %str(;); %end; drop __:; run; proc summary data=_nij nway; var pei; class &items; output out=_pei sum=; run; data _gacAllN; merge _pai _pei end=eof; if _n_=1 then set _gacsub (rename=(gac=gacAllN)); gacihat=(&n/(ncontrib))*(pai-pe)/(1-pe); if gacihat=. then gacihat=0; gaci=gacihat-2*(1-gacAllN)*(pei-pe)/(1-pe); ssdiff+(gaci-gacAllN)**2; if eof then do; gacVs=ssdiff/(&n*(&n-1)); keep gacAllN gacVs; output; end; run; %end; %else %do; proc append base=_gacJack data=_gacsub; run; %end; %end; /* end jackknife loop */ proc summary data=_gacJack vardef=n; var gac; output out=_gacVr var=gacVr; run; data _gaccat; set _gacAllN; set _gacVr; _level=&cat; gacVr=(&m-1)*gacVr; df=&n-1; keep _level Fixed gacAllN gacSE stat df p l u; label %if &weight= %then gacAllN="AC1"; %else gacAllN="AC2"; ; gacSE=sqrt(gacVs); Fixed="Raters"; stat=.; p=.; l=.; u=.; if gacSE ne 0 then do; stat=gacAllN/gacSE; %if &t %then %do; q=quantile("t",1-(&alpha/2),df); pr=probt(stat,df); %end; %else %do; q=quantile("normal",1-(&alpha/2)); pr=probnorm(stat); %end; p=2*(1-pr); l=max(-1,gacAllN-q*gacSE); u=min(1,gacAllN+q*gacSE); end; else call symput("var0","1"); output; %if &jack and &m>2 %then %do; gacSE=sqrt(gacVr); Fixed="Items "; stat=.; p=.; l=.; u=.; if gacSE ne 0 then do; stat=gacAllN/gacSE; %if &t %then %do; q=quantile("t",1-(&alpha/2),df); pr=probt(stat,df); %end; %else %do; q=quantile("normal",1-(&alpha/2)); pr=probnorm(stat); %end; p=2*(1-pr); l=max(-1,gacAllN-q*gacSE); u=min(1,gacAllN+q*gacSE); end; else call symput("var0","1"); output; gacSE=sqrt(gacVs+gacVr); Fixed=" "; stat=.; p=.; l=.; u=.; if gacSE ne 0 then do; stat=gacAllN/gacSE; %if &t %then %do; q=quantile("t",1-(&alpha/2),df); pr=probt(stat,df); %end; %else %do; q=quantile("normal",1-(&alpha/2)); pr=probnorm(stat); %end; p=2*(1-pr); l=max(-1,gacAllN-q*gacSE); u=min(1,gacAllN+q*gacSE); end; else call symput("var0","1"); output; %end; run; proc append base=_gac data=_gaccat; run; %end; /* end per category loop */ %if &percat %then %do; proc freq data=_kapnomiss; table _level*&response/noprint out=_levlab; run; data _gac; merge _gac _levlab; by _level; drop count percent _level; run; %end; %end; /******************* Compute GLMM-based statistics *********************/ /***********************************************************************/ %if &glmm %then %do; proc glimmix data=_kapnomiss method=laplace; class &items &raters; model _level(descending)= / dist=mult link=cumprobit; random int/subject=&items %if &effi %then solution cl; ; random int/subject=&raters %if &effr %then solution cl; ; ods output covparms=_covparms convergencestatus=_cs; %if &effi %then ods output solutionr=_glmmui(where=(upcase(subject) ? "&items") drop=effect); ; %if &effr %then ods output solutionr=_glmmvi(where=(upcase(subject) ? "&raters") drop=effect); ; run; %let glmmerr=&syserr; proc sql noprint; select status into :convstat from _cs; select pdg into :npdstat from _cs; quit; %if &glmmerr or &convstat>0 or &npdstat=0 %then %let glmmerr=1; %if &glmmerr=0 %then %do; %let quaderr=0; proc iml; use _covparms; read all var {Estimate} into var; rho=var[1]/(var[1]+var[2]+1); rho_se=sqrt( (2*var[1]##2*(var[2]+1)##2)/(&n*(var[1]+var[2]+1)##4) + (2*var[2]##2*var[1]##2)/(&m*(var[1]+var[2]+1)##4) ); call symput("rho",cats(rho)); %if &weight= %then %do; /* k_m */ c=1:(&ncat-1); start kmint(t) global(c, rho); p=probnorm(((quantile('normal',c/&ncat)-t*sqrt(rho))/sqrt(1-rho))); p1=p||1; p2=0||p; ssdif=((p1-p2)##2)[+]; v = ssdif*pdf('normal',t); return(v); finish; lims = {.M .P}; call quad(z, "kmint", lims,,,,"NO"); if z=. then call symput("quaderr","1"); km=z*&ncat/(&ncat-1)-(1/(&ncat-1)); /* k_m stderr */ start kmseint(t) global(c, rho); q=(quantile('normal',c/&ncat)-t*sqrt(rho))/sqrt(1-rho); p=probnorm(q); p1=p||1; p2=0||p; pdif=p1-p2; phi=pdf('normal',q)#( -t/(2*sqrt(rho*(1-rho))) + (quantile('normal',c/&ncat)-t*sqrt(rho))/(2*(1-rho)##(3/2)) ); phi1=phi||0; phi2=0||phi; sumvdif=(2*pdif#(phi1-phi2))[+]; v = sumvdif*pdf('normal',t); return(v); finish; if rho > 1e-8 then do; call quad(z, "kmseint", lims,,,,"NO"); if z=. then call symput("quaderr","2"); km_se=z*rho_se*(&ncat/(&ncat-1)); km_lcl=km-probit(1-&alpha/2)*km_se; km_ucl=km+probit(1-&alpha/2)*km_se; end; else do; km_se=.; km_lcl=.; km_ucl=.; end; glmm=km||km_se||km_lcl||km_ucl||rho||rho_se; cname="Km"||"KmSE"||"KmLCL"||"KmUCL"||"Rho"||"RhoSE"; create _glmm from glmm[colname=cname]; append from glmm; close _glmm; %end; %else %do; use &wtmat; read all into wt; /* k_ma */ a=(1:(&ncat-1))*1e-5; start kmaint(t) global(a, wt, rho); p=probnorm(((a-t*sqrt(rho))/sqrt(1-rho))); p1=p||1; p2=0||p; x=(p1-p2)`*(p1-p2); v = sum(wt#x)*pdf('normal',t); return(v); finish; lims = {.M .P}; call quad(z, "kmaint", lims,,,,"NO"); if z=. then call symput("quaderr","3"); kma=2*z-1; /* k_ma stderr */ start kmaseint(t) global(a, wt, rho); pa=(a-t*sqrt(rho))/sqrt(1-rho); pb=(a-t*sqrt(rho))/(2*(1-rho)##(3/2)); p=probnorm(pa); p1=p||1; p2=0||p; pdif=p1-p2; phi=pdf('normal',pa)#( -t/(2*sqrt(rho*(1-rho))) + pb ); phi1=phi||0; phi2=0||phi; phidif=phi1-phi2; sumarg=wt#(pdif`*phidif + phidif`*pdif); v = sum(sumarg)*pdf('normal',t); return(v); finish; if rho > 1e-8 then do; call quad(z, "kmaseint", lims,,,,"NO"); if z=. then call symput("quaderr","4"); kma_se=2*rho_se*z; kma_lcl=kma-probit(1-&alpha/2)*kma_se; kma_ucl=kma+probit(1-&alpha/2)*kma_se; end; else do; kma_se=.; kma_lcl=.; kma_ucl=.; end; glmm=kma||kma_se||kma_lcl||kma_ucl||rho||rho_se; cname="Kma"||"KmaSE"||"KmaLCL"||"KmaUCL"||"Rho"||"RhoSE"; create _glmm from glmm[colname=cname]; append from glmm; close _glmm; %end; quit; %if &quaderr %then %do; %put ERROR: Could not compute the GLMM-based statistic or standard error.; %end; %if %sysevalf(&rho<1e-8) %then %do; %put ERROR: Rho = 0. Could not compute the GLMM-based standard error.; %end; %end; %else %do; %if &npdstat=0 %then %do; %put ERROR: G matrix is not positive definite. Item and/or rater; %put ERROR- variability might be too small to estimate effects.; %end; %put ERROR: Unable to fit GLMM model for GLMM-based statistics.; %end; %end; /*********** Compute Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance, W ***********/ /***********************************************************************/ %if &kendall %then %do; /* Rank the data using average ranks for ties (no change if data are ranks) */ proc sort data=_nomiss out=_sortr; by &raters; run; proc rank data=_sortr out=_ranked; by &raters; var &response; run; /* R-square from one-way ANOVA is Kendall's W */ proc anova data=_ranked outstat=_anova plots=none; class &items; model &response = &items; run; /* Compute F statistic and p-value for testing W=0 */ data _concord; set _anova; retain SSsubj; if _n_=2 then do; numdf=&n-1-2/&m; dendf=(&m-1)*numdf; if ss=0 and SSsubj=0 then do; w=1; f=.; prob=.; end; else do; w=ss/(ss+SSsubj); if w=1 then do; f=.I; prob=0; end; else do; f=(&m-1)*w/(1-w); prob=1-probf(f,numdf,dendf); end; end; keep w f numdf dendf prob; output; end; SSsubj=ss; run; /* Jackknife for Var(W) ======================================================================*/ %if &wcl %then %do; proc sort data=_nomiss out=_wnomiss; by &items; run; data _wnomiss; set _wnomiss; by &items; if first.&items then _item+1; run; proc sort data=_wnomiss out=_sortr; by &raters; run; proc datasets nolist nowarn; delete _wjack; run; quit; %if %index(&version,DEBUG2)=0 %then ods exclude all %str(;); %do i=1 %to &n; proc rank data=_sortr out=_ranked; where _item ne &i; by &raters; var &response; run; proc anova data=_ranked outstat=_anova; class &items; model &response = &items; run; data _wsub; set _anova; retain SSsubj; if _n_=2 then do; if ss=0 and SSsubj=0 then w=1; else w=ss/(ss+SSsubj); keep w; output; end; SSsubj=ss; run; proc append base=_wjack data=_wsub; run; %end; /* jackknife loop */ proc summary data=_wjack vardef=n; var w; output out=_wvar var=wvar; run; data _concord; set _concord; set _wvar; drop _type_ _freq_ wvar; wSE=sqrt((&n-1)*wvar); %if &t %then q=quantile("t",1-(&alpha/2),&n-1) %str(;); %else q=quantile("normal",1-(&alpha/2)) %str(;); l=max(0,w-q*wSE); u=min(1,w+q*wSE); run; %end; /* WCL */ %end; /* Kendall */ ods select all; %if &print %then %do; /* Print table to assess balance across items on number of ratings ======================================================================*/ %if &ratsumm %then %do; proc freq data=_TRi noprint; table Ri/out=_Risumm; run; proc print data=_Risumm label; id Ri; var count; label Ri="Ratings Count" count="Items"; title3 "Ratings Summary"; run; %end; /* Print table of table of rating counts per item ======================================================================*/ %if &cnttab %then %do; proc freq data=_nomiss; table &items*&response / nocol norow nopercent; title3 "Rating counts per item"; run; %end; proc format; value %if &ytype=C %then %do; $_yfmt " "="Overall"; %end; %else %do; _yfmt .="Overall"; %end; run; /* Print kappa statistics ======================================================================*/ %if &kappa and %sysfunc(exist(_kappas)) %then %do; proc print data=_kappas label split="/"; format prob pvalue. &response %if &ytype=C %then $_yfmt.; %else _yfmt.; ; id &response; var kapp %if &kaptest %then stderrH0 z prob; stderr lcl ucl; label kapp="Kappa" stderrH0="Standard/Error|H0" z="Z" prob="Prob>|Z|" stderr="Standard/Error" lcl="Lower/Confidence/Limit" ucl="Upper/Confidence/Limit"; title3 "Kappa statistics for nominal response"; run; %end; /* Print weight matrix for Gwet and/or GLMM statistics ======================================================================*/ %if (&gwet or &glmm) and (%sysfunc(exist(_gac)) or %sysfunc(exist(_glmm))) and &wttab and &weight ne %then %do; ods escapechar='^'; proc print data=&wtmat noobs; title3 "Weight matrix for Gwet's AC^{sub 2} and/or GLMM Kappa^{sub ma}"; run; %end; /* Print Gwet statistics ======================================================================*/ %if &gwet and %sysfunc(exist(_gac)) %then %do; %if &var0 %then %do; options notes; %put NOTE: Zero variance detected. Some statistics set to missing.; %if %index(&version,DEBUG)=0 %then options nonotes;; %end; proc print data=_gac label split="/"; format p pvalue. %if &percat %then %do; &response %if &ytype=C %then $_yfmt.; %else _yfmt.; %end; ; id %if &percat %then &response; Fixed; var gacAllN %if &t %then df; gacSE stat p l u; label gacSE="Standard/Error" %if &t %then %do; stat="t Value" df="DF" p="Pr > |t|" %end; %else %do; stat="Z Value" p="Pr > |Z|" %end; l="Lower/Confidence/Limit" u="Upper/Confidence/Limit"; title3 "Gwet's Agreement Coefficient"; run; %end; /* Print GLMM statistics ======================================================================*/ %if &glmm %then %do; %if &glmmerr=0 and %sysfunc(exist(_glmm)) %then %do; ods escapechar='^'; proc print data=_glmm noobs label split='/'; %if &weight= %then %do; title3 "GLMM-based ordinal measure Kappa^{sub m}"; label Km="Kappa_m" KmSE="Standard/Error" KmLCL="Lower/Confidence/Limit" KmUCL="Upper/Confidence/Limit" RhoSE="Rho/Standard/Error"; %end; %else %do; title3 "Weighted GLMM-based ordinal measure Kappa^{sub ma}"; label Kma="Kappa_ma" KmaSE="Standard/Error" KmaLCL="Lower/Confidence/Limit" KmaUCL="Upper/Confidence/Limit" RhoSE="Rho/Standard/Error"; %end; run; %if &effi and %sysfunc(exist(_glmmui)) %then %do; proc print data=_glmmui label split='/'; id subject; label subject="Item" stderrpred="Standard/Error" upper="Upper/Confidence/Limit" lower="Lower/Confidence/Limit"; title3 "Estimated Item (&items) random effects"; run; %end; %if &effr and %sysfunc(exist(_glmmvi)) %then %do; proc print data=_glmmvi label split='/'; id subject; label subject="Rater" stderrpred="Standard/Error" upper="Upper/Confidence/Limit" lower="Lower/Confidence/Limit"; title3 "Estimated Rater (&raters) random effects"; run; %end; %end; %if &npdstat=0 and %sysfunc(exist(_covparms)) %then %do; proc print data=_covparms noobs; title "GLMM Variance components"; run; %end; %end; /* Print Kendall's coefficient of concordance and test ======================================================================*/ %if &kendall and %sysfunc(exist(_concord)) %then %do; proc format; value _fval .i='Infty'; run; proc print data=_concord label split="/"; id w; var f numdf dendf prob %if &wcl %then wSE l u; ; format prob pvalue. f _fval.; label w="Coefficient/of/Concordance" numdf="Num DF" dendf="Den DF" prob="Prob>F" %if &wcl %then wSE="Standard/Error" l="Lower/Confidence/Limit" u="Upper/Confidence/Limit"; ; title3 "Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance for ordinal response"; run; %end; %end; /* Clean up and exit ======================================================================*/ %exit: %if %index(&version,DEBUG)=0 %then %do; options nonotes;; proc datasets nolist nowarn; delete _nomiss _nlvls _balance _Ri _sub _nij: _pj _Spj3 _Poei _Poe _flkappa _respvals _sortr _ranked _anova _Risumm _sumnn _pai _pei _pa _pe _catcnts _wcnts _wnij _gacsub _gacAllN _gacJack _pjt _gwts _gacvr _gnomiss _kapnomiss _TRi _fullnij0 _fullRi _wtcats _gaccat _levlab _wvar _wsub _wjack _wnomiss _covparms _vars _cs; run; quit; %end; %if %index(&version,DEBUG) %then %do; options nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen; %put _user_; %end; ods select all; options ¬esopt; title; %let time = %sysfunc(round(%sysevalf(%sysfunc(datetime()) - &time), 0.01)); %put NOTE: The &sysmacroname macro used &time seconds.; %mend magree;