%macro roc(version, data=, var=, response=, contrast=, details=no, alpha=.05); %let _version=1.6; %if &version ne %then %put ROC macro Version &_version; %let opts = %sysfunc(getoption(notes)) _last_=%sysfunc(getoption(_last_)); options nonotes; /* Check for newer version */ %if %sysevalf(&sysver >= 8.2) %then %do; filename _ver url 'http://ftp.sas.com/techsup/download/stat/versions.dat' termstr=crlf; data _null_; infile _ver; input name:$15. ver; if upcase(name)="&sysmacroname" then call symput("_newver",ver); run; %if &syserr ne 0 %then %put ROC: Unable to check for newer version; %else %if %sysevalf(&_newver > &_version) %then %do; %put ROC: A newer version of the ROC macro is available.; %put %str( ) You can get the newer version at this location:; %put %str( ) http://support.sas.com/ctx/samples/index.jsp; %end; %end; title "The ROC Macro"; title2 " "; %let error=0; /* Verify that DATA= option is specified */ %if &data= %then %do; %put ERROR: Specify DATA= containing the OUT= data sets of models to be compared; %goto exit; %end; /* Verify that VAR= option is specified */ %if &var= %then %do; %put ERROR: Specify predictor or XBETA variables in the VAR= argument; %goto exit; %end; /* Verify that RESPONSE= option is specified */ %if &response= %then %do; %put ERROR: Specify response variable in the RESPONSE= argument; %goto exit; %end; %let i=1; %do %while (%scan(&data,&i) ne %str() ); %let data&i=%scan(&data,&i); %let i=%eval(&i+1); %end; %let ndata=%eval(&i-1); data _comp(keep = &var &response); %if &data=%str() or &ndata=1 %then set; %else merge; &data; if &response not in (0,1) then call symput('error',1); run; %if &error=1 %then %do; %put ERROR: Response must have values 0 or 1 only.; %goto exit; %end; /* Original SAS/IML code from author follows */ proc iml; start mwcomp(psi,z); *; * program to compute the mann-whitney components ; * z is (nn by 2); * z[,1] is the column of data values; * z[,2] is the column of indicator variables; * z[i,2]=1 if the observation is from the x population; * z[i,2]=0 if the observation is from the y population; * * psi is the returned vector of u-statistic components; rz = ranktie( z[,1] ); * average ranks; nx = sum( z[,2] ); * num. of Xs ; ny = nrow(z)-nx; * num of Ys ; loc = loc( z[,2]=1 ); * x indexes ; psi = j(nrow(z),1,0); psi[loc] = (rz[loc] - ranktie(z[loc,1]))/ny; * x components ; loc = loc( z[,2]=0 ); * y indexes ; psi[loc] = ( nx+ranktie(z[loc,1])-rz[loc])/nx; * y components ; free rz loc nx ny; * free space ; finish; start mwvar(t,v,nx,ny,z); *; * compute mann-whitney statistics and variance; * input z, n by (k+1); * z[,1:k] are the different variables; * z[,k+1] are indicator values, * 1 if the observation is from population x and ; * 0 if the observation is from population y; * t is the k by k vector of estimated statistics; * the (i,j) entry is the MannWhitney statistic for the * i-th column when used with the j-th column. The only * observations with nonmissing values in each column are * used. The diagonal elements are, hence, based only on the * single column of values. * v is the k by k estimated variance matrix; * nx is the matrix of x population counts on a pairwise basis; * ny is the matrix of y population counts on a pairwise basis; k = ncol(z)-1; ind = z[,k+1]; v = j(k,k,0); t=v; nx=v; ny=v; * The following computes components after pairwise deletion of * observations with missing values. If either there are no missing * values or it is desired to use the components without doing * pairwise deletion first, the nested do loops could be evaded. *; do i=1 to k; do j=1 to i; who = loc( (z[,i]^=.)#(z[,j]^=.) ); * nonmissing pairs; run mwcomp(psii,(z[,i]||ind)[who,]); * components; run mwcomp(psij,(z[,j]||ind)[who,]); inow = ind[who,]; * Xs and Ys; m = inow[+]; * current Xs; n = nrow(psii)-m; * current Ys; nx[i,j] = m; ny[i,j] = n; mi = (psii#inow)[+] / m; * means; mj = (psij#inow)[+] / m; t[i,j] = mi; t[j,i] = mj; psii = psii-mi; psij = psij-mj; * center; v[i,j] = (psii#psij#inow)[+] / (m#(m-1)) + (psii#psij#(1-inow))[+] / (n#(n-1)); v[j,i] = v[i,j]; end; end; free psii psij inow ind who; finish; /* start of execution of the IML program */ use _comp var {&var &response}; read all into data [colname=names]; run mwvar(t,v,nx,ny,data); * estimates and variances; vname = names[1:(ncol(names)-1)]; manwhit = vecdiag(t); /* omit: 0 for intercept-only model; not needed for further computations c=sqrt( vecdiag(v) ); c=v / (c@c`); %if %upcase(%substr(&details,1,1)) ne N %then %do; print c [label='Estimated Correlations' colname=vname rowname=vname]; %end; */ %if &contrast= %then %do; %put ROC: No contrast specified. Pairwise contrasts of all; %put %str( ) curves will be generated.; call symput('col',char(ncol(data)-1)); %if &col=1 %then %str(l=1;); %else %do; l=(j(&col-1,1)||-i(&col-1)) %do i=&col-2 %to 1 %by -1; //(j(&i,&col-&i-1,0)||j(&i,1)||-i(&i)) %end; ; %end; %end; %else %do; l = { &contrast }; %end; lt=l*manwhit; lv=l*v*l`; c = ginv(lv); chisq = lt`*c*lt; df = trace(c*lv); p = 1 - probchi( chisq, df ); /* Original SAS/IML code by author ends */ /* Individual area stderrs and CIs */ stderr=sqrt(vecdiag(v)); arealcl=manwhit-probit(1-&alpha/2)*stderr; areaucl=manwhit+probit(1-&alpha/2)*stderr; areastab=putn(manwhit||stderr||arealcl||areaucl,'7.4'); /* Pairwise difference stderrs and CIs */ sediff=sqrt(vecdiag(lv)); difflcl=lt-probit(1-&alpha/2)*sediff; diffucl=lt+probit(1-&alpha/2)*sediff; diffchi=(lt##2)/vecdiag(lv); diffp=1-probchi(diffchi,1); %if %upcase(%substr(&details,1,1)) ne N %then %do; print t [label='Pairwise Deletion Mann-Whitney Statistics' colname=vname rowname=vname]; %end; print areastab [label= "ROC Curve Areas and %sysevalf(100*(1-&alpha))% Confidence Intervals" rowname=vname colname={'ROC Area' 'Std Error' 'Confidence' 'Limits'}]; call symput('maxrow',char(comb(max(nrow(l),2),2))); rname='Row1':"Row&maxrow"; %if %upcase(%substr(&details,1,1)) ne N %then %do; print v [label='Estimated Variance Matrix' colname=vname rowname=vname]; print nx [label='X populations sample sizes' colname=vname rowname=vname]; print ny [label='Y populations sample sizes' colname=vname rowname=vname]; print lv [label='Variance Estimates of Contrast' rowname=rname colname=rname]; %end; print l [label='Contrast Coefficients' rowname=rname colname=vname]; fdiffchi=putn(diffchi,'9.4'); fdiffp=putn(diffp,'pvalue.'); diffs=putn(lt||sediff||difflcl||diffucl,'7.4'); diffstab=diffs||fdiffchi||fdiffp; print diffstab [label= "Tests and %sysevalf(100*(1-&alpha))% Confidence Intervals for Contrast Rows" rowname=rname colname={'Estimate' 'Std Error' 'Confidence' 'Limits' 'Chi-square' 'Pr > ChiSq'}]; c2=putn(chisq,'9.4'); df2=putn(df,'3.'); p2=putn(p,'pvalue.'); ctest=c2||df2||p2; print ctest [label='Contrast Test Results' colname={'Chi-Square' ' DF' 'Pr > ChiSq'}]; /* Make overall p-value available */ %global pvalue; call symput('pvalue',p2); quit; %exit: options &opts; title; title2; %mend;