Accessibility Features of SAS® Data Loader 2.3 for Hadoop


SAS Data Loader 2.3 for Hadoop has been tested against the accessibility standards for electronic information technology that were adopted by the U.S. Government under Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (2008 draft proposal initiative update). It was also tested against Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 levels A and AA, part of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C). For detailed information about the accessibility of this product, send email to or call SAS Technical Support.
We recommend that you use the latest version of JAWS for a better experience using our products with assistive technologies.

Documentation Format

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User Interface Layout

SAS Data Loader 2.3 for Hadoop provides two web-based interfaces: the Information Center and the SAS Data Loader web application.

Information Center

The Information Center consists of the following sections:
  • a banner that indicates your Hadoop distribution and provides a Settings icon that you can use to access settings for your deployment. The Help menu provides options for additional resources, including support and documentation links.
  • a Start SAS Data Loader button that opens the SAS Data Loader web application in a separate browser tab.
  • a notifications area that indicates whether updates are available. You can click Check for Updates to determine whether SAS Data Loader is up-to-date.
  • a resources area that includes links to the SAS Data Loader for Hadoop community website and to the product documentation page.

SAS Data Loader Web Application

The starting page of the SAS Data Loader web application includes the following features:
  • a banner that provides a More menu for access to configuration settings for the application and a Help menu with links to the product documentation page and version information. This banner is also included on other pages within the web application.
  • a list of all of the directives that are available for SAS Data Loader. You can tab to a directive and then press Enter or the spacebar to open the directive.
Each directive page contains a header area that displays the name of the directive and provides a link to return to the page of directives. For most directives, the header area also includes Save and Save As icons to save the current directive.
In addition to the header area for the directive, each directive page contains a content area that contains one or more tasks. The tasks provide a guided path through the directive. Each task consists of a header that displays the name of the task and a content area where you complete the steps required by the task. As you progress through the tasks for a directive, the content areas for completed tasks are collapsed so that only the headers are displayed. You can tab to the header for a completed task and click the spacebar to expand the task and access the content area again.
Depending on the directive, the header for a task might also include icons to access additional features, such as setting advanced options or viewing sample data.
For more information about the layout and features of the SAS Data Loader web application, see SAS Data Loader for Hadoop: User's Guide.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Product Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcut
Select all of the text in the code editor.
Copy text in the code editor.
Cut text in the code editor.
Paste text in the code editor.
Add or remove comment tags for SAS code in the code editor.
Note: This shortcut might not work if your keyboard does not have the forward slash (/) character on the same key as the question mark (?) character.
In the code editor, display the currently applicable list of SAS keywords (autocomplete feature).
Ctrl+spacebar (This shortcut also navigates to the next list if more than one is available.)
Ctrl+Shift+spacebar (This shortcut also navigates to the previous list if more than one is available.)

Exceptions to Accessibility Standards

Known Accessibility Limitations
Accessibility Issue
You cannot access the items in a drop-down menu when VoiceOver is on.
If you touch an item in the drop-down menu, VoiceOver reads it. You can then also double-tap to select the item.
The screen reader does not read the column heading when it reads the contents of a table cell.
No workaround is available.
When high-contrast settings are applied, focus might not be visible on some items. In addition, some buttons and icons might not be visible.
No workaround is available.
When using Google Chrome, user color and contrast settings are not inherited.
No workaround is available.
When using Google Chrome, JAWS reads only the column headings when viewing tables.
No workaround is available.
When using Mozilla Firefox and JAWS screen reader, directives and tables are not read.
No workaround is available.
Expand and Collapse links are read without indication of what is being expanded or collapsed.
No workaround is available.
Text editing fields are read without their associated labels.
No workaround is available.
There is no way to read the "How do Roles Work?" text in Transpose Data in Hadoop.
No workaround is available.
The arrow buttons that are used to move items between lists are not labeled for screen readers.
No workaround is available.
Help buttons are not labeled for screen readers.
No workaround is available.
Radio buttons are not read properly by screen readers.
No workaround is available.
List boxes are not announced with labels.
No workaround is available.
Add and Delete buttons are not labeled properly for screen readers.
No workaround is available.
The ellipsis buttons that are associated with selecting tables are not read with a label or purpose.
No workaround is available.
When navigating drop-down menus that have icons next to the text, screen readers might read the title of the image used along with the text itself.
No workaround is available.
Labels that are associated with lists are not read by screen readers.
No workaround is available.
When using Mozilla Firefox, screen readers read extraneous information for all menus.
No workaround is available.
When using Internet Explorer, screen readers read extraneous information for all buttons and menus.
No workaround is available.
When a drop-down menu in a toolbar receives focus, focus cannot be navigated away from the drop-down menu by using only the keyboard.
No workaround is available.
When the panel is active in Profile Reports, the Outline panel does not receive focus before the main content.
No workaround is available.
In a Profile Report, there is no visual indication of focus reaching the Outline panel.
No workaround is available.
After selecting a table to profile in Profile Data, focus does not move to the Next button.
No workaround is available.
There is no way to access editable fields or drop-down menus in lists or tables by using only the keyboard.
No workaround is available.
There is no visual indication of focus in the Select a Table dialog box lists.
No workaround is available.
Check boxes do not have visual indication of focus.
No workaround is available.