Chapter Contents


Function Categories

File Management Functions

The SAS/C library provides a number of file management functions that enable you to interact with the file system in various ways. For example, functions are provided to test and change file attributes, remove or rename files, and search for all files whose names match a pattern. The file management functions are
access test for the existence and access privileges of a file
_access test for USS HFS file existence or access privileges
chdir change the USS working directory
chmod change the protection bits of an USS HFS file
cmsdfind find the first CMS fileid matching a pattern
cmsdnext find the next CMS fileid matching a pattern
cmsffind find the first CMS fileid matching a pattern
cmsfnext find the next CMS fileid matching a pattern
cmsfquit release data held by cmsffind
cmsstat fill in a structure with information about a CMS file
fchmod change the protection bits of an USS file
fstat get status information for an USS file
getcwd return the name of the USS working directory
link create a hard link to an existing USS file
lstat get status information about an USS file or symbolic link
mkdir create a new USS directory
mkfifo create an USS FIFO special file
oeddinfo get information about a DD statement allocated to an USS HFS file
osddinfo obtain information about a data set by DDname
osdfind find the first OS/390 file/member matching a pattern
osdnext find the next OS/390 file/member matching a pattern
osdquit terminate OS/390 file/member search
osdsinfo obtain information about an OS/390 data set by dsname
pfsctl pass command and arguments to a physical file system (PFS)
readlink read the contents of an USS symbolic link
remove delete a file
rename rename a file
_rename rename an USS disk file or directory
rmdir remove an empty USS directory
sfsstat return information about a CMS shared file system file or directory
stat get status information for an USS file
symlink create a symbolic link to an USS file
unlink delete a file
_unlink delete an USS HFS file
utime update the access and modification times for an USS file.

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