Chapter Contents


Signal-Handling Functions

Handling Signals

Either the SAS/C library or USS defines a default action for each signal that can occur. If you want to override the default action for a signal, you can define a function called a signal handler that performs your own signal-handling actions. You can also request that the library or USS ignore some signals.

A signal handler may be identified by either the signal or the sigaction function, regardless of whether the signal is managed by SAS/C or USS. In general, sigaction is more flexible because it does not have to be reissued every time you enter a handler. However, signal is more portable because it is defined by the ISO/ANSI standard and it is defined by traditional UNIX C compilers; whereas, the sigaction function is defined by the POSIX standard and is often not available with traditional UNIX C compilers.

Using signal

These basic actions are used to define a signal handler using the signal function defined by the ISO/ANSI standard:

The signal function requires two arguments: the name of the signal and the address of the function that handles the signal when it occurs. When a signal occurs, the handler defined by use of the signal function is called. The handler can do anything a normal C function can do. Frequently, a handler calls exit or abort to terminate program execution, or it calls longjmp to transfer control to a higher-level function. (For example, a handler for SIGINT may use longjmp to transfer control to the main function to immediately get new input from the terminal.)

After processing a signal, you may want the program to continue execution from the point at which it was interrupted. In this case, the handler simply executes a return statement. However, for some signals (such as SIGILL ), it is impossible to resume at the point at which the signal occurred. If a signal handler returns in such a situation, the program is abnormally terminated.

The call to signal establishes signal handling for only one occurrence of a signal. Before the signal-handling function is called, the library resets the signal so that the default action is performed if the same signal occurs again. Resetting signal handling helps to prevent an infinite loop if, for example, an action performed in the signal handler raises the same signal again. If you want your handler to be used for a signal each time it occurs, you must call signal within the handler to reinstate it. You should be cautious in reinstating signal handling. For example, if you continually reinstate SIGINT handling, you may lose the ability to interrupt and terminate your program.

Using sigaction

These basic actions are used to define a signal handler using the sigaction function defined by the POSIX standard:

As you can see from the previous list, the signal handling process used with sigaction is significantly different from the one used with signal . The sigaction structure, which contains information that describes the action to be performed when a signal is received, is defined as:

struct sigaction {
   _HANDLER sa_handler;
   sigset_t sa_mask;
   int sa_flags;

sa_handler is a pointer to the signal handler; sa_mask is the signal mask that will be used while the signal handler is running, and sa_flags specifies the flags that affect the handling of the signal.

Here is a brief example of how you can use the sigaction structure to define the action that should be performed when a SIGQUIT signal is received:

extern void quitHandler(int);

#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>

   struct sigaction quitAction;

   quitAction.sa_handler = quitHandler;
   quitAction.sa_flags = 0;
   sigaction(SIGQUIT, &quitAction, NULL);

void quitHandler(int signum)
   .  /* Signal handler code goes here. */

If this code is executed, the quitAction signal handler is called whenever a SIGQUIT signal is received. The call to sigfillset causes the quitAction.sa_mask to block all signals during the execution of the signal handler. Any signals blocked by the signal-action mask are delivered after the handler returns. Setting the quitAction.sa_flags to 0 specifies that no flags are used to modify the behavior of the signal. See the description of sigaction for a discussion of the signal action flags that you can specify.

Notice that the sigaction function does not require you to reinstate the signal handler within the signal handling function itself. The handling of a signal identified by sigaction is not reset to the default action after an occurrence of the signal. This behavior is different from the behavior of a signal handler identified by the signal function.

ABEND Handling

Before Release 6.00, SAS/C used the signal SIGTERM to represent a system ABEND of a C program. USS defines the signal SIGABND for this purpose. Therefore, with Release 6.00, SAS/C uses SIGABND rather than SIGTERM to represent an ABEND to be compatible with USS and to allow programs to handle SIGTERM in a more portable fashion.

Note:    SIGABND has been assigned the old signal number for SIGTERM and SIGTERM has been given a new signal number. Thus, existing load modules that use the SIGTERM signal to intercept system ABENDs continue to work until they are recompiled.  [cautionend]

SAS/C uses the signal SIGABRT to represent user ABENDs including library ABENDs. This is different from USS, which expects all ABENDs to be treated as SIGABND .

Note:    If library ABEND handling is suppressed by the =nohtsig run-time option, or if library errors occur handling an ABEND, USS reports the status of an ABEND as terminated by SIGKILL rather than as terminated by SIGABND .  [cautionend]

Getting More Information about a Signal

For some signals, you can get more information about the signal by calling the siginfo function in the signal handler. The siginfo function returns a pointer to the information associated with the signal being handled.

For example, when SIGMEM is raised, a call to siginfo provides information on the number of bytes of memory needed for additional stack space. If SIGFPE is raised, siginfo returns pointers to data that can be modified by the handler. For example, when SIGFPE is raised by a floating-point overflow, the information returned by siginfo includes the result of the computation that caused the overflow. You can replace this value and resume execution.

Some signals have no additional information available. If you call siginfo for one of these signals or if no signal has occurred, siginfo returns NULL . Refer to the descriptions of each signal for details on the information returned by siginfo . Summary of Information from siginfo summarizes the information returned by siginfo .

Note:    siginfo is not a standard C function; avoid using it in programs that must be portable.  [cautionend]

Summary of Information from siginfo
Signal Information Returned by siginfo for Signals Raised Naturally
SIGABND pointer to structure of type ABND_t
SIGABRT pointer to structure of type ABRT_t
SIGFPE pointer to structure of type FPE_t
SIGFPDIV pointer to structure of type FPE_t
SIGFPOFL pointer to structure of type FPE_t
SIGFPUFL pointer to structure of type FPE_t
SIGILL pointer to structure of type ILL_t
SIGIUCV pointer to various types of structures; refer to Chapter 5, "Inter-User Communications Vehicle (IUCV) Functions," in the SAS/C Library Reference, Third Edition, Volume 2, Release 6.00.
SIGMEM pointer to integer
SIGSEGV pointer to structure of type SEGV_t

The return value of siginfo is always 0 for any signal managed by USS, unless the signal was generated by siggen or the signal was a program check or ABEND directly associated with a program error.

Default Signal Handling

If you do not define a special handler for a signal or invoke a signal handler with the signal function and do not reinstate signal handling, the library performs default actions specific to each signal. You can also invoke default signal handling by using the special action SIG_DFL as the second argument to signal . For most signals, the default action is to abnormally terminate the program. Detailed discussions of default actions are in Signal Descriptions; default actions are listed in Summary of Default Actions.

Summary of Default Actions
Signal SAS/C Library Default Action
( SIG_DFL Handler)
USS Default Action
( SIG_DFL Handler)

SIGABND ABEND with system code ABE ends the process
SIGABRT ABEND with user code 1210 ends the process
SIGALRM ABEND with user coded 1225 ends the process
SIGBUS not supported ends the process
SIGCHLD not supported signal is ignored
SIGCONT not supported continues a stopped process; otherwise, the signal is ignored
SIGFPDIV ABEND with 0CF. not supported
SIGFPE raises another signal: SIGFPOFL , SIGFPUFL , SIGFPDIV , or SIGIDIV . Refer to the descriptions of these signals for defaults. ends the process
SIGFPOFL ABEND with 0CC not supported
SIGFPUFL changes result of computation to 0; execution continues not supported
SIGHUP not supported ends the process
SIGIOER not supported signal is ignored
SIGKILL not supported ends the process
SIGIDIV ABEND with 0C9 not supported
SIGILL ABEND with appropriate code (0C1, 0C2, 0C3, or 0C6) ends the process
SIGINT no default actions by library; TSO default action is to ABEND; CMS default action ignores the signal ends the process
SIGIO ignored ignored
SIGIUCV ABEND with user code 1225 not supported
SIGMEM attempts to continue execution; ABEND with code 80A (under TSO) or 0F7 (under CMS) if more than 4K of stack space is required. not supported
SIGPIPE not supported ends the process
SIGPOLL not supported ends the process
SIGPROF not supported ends the process
SIGQUIT not supported ends the process
SIGSEGV ABEND with appropriate code (0C4 or 0C5) ends the process
SIGSYS not supported ends the process
SIGSTOP not supported stops the process
SIGTERM ABEND with user code 1225 ends the process
SIGTRAP not supported ends the process
SIGTSTP not supported stops the process
SIGTTIN not supported stops the process
SIGTTOU not supported stops the process
SIGURG not supported ends the process
SIGVTALRM not supported ends the process
SIGWINCH not supported signal is ignored
SIGXCPU not supported ends the process
SIGXFSZ not supported ends the process

Ignoring Signals

If you want to ignore the occurrence of a signal, specify the special action SIG_IGN as the second argument to signal . Ignoring a signal causes the program to resume execution at the point at which the signal occurred. Some signals, such as SIGABRT , cannot be ignored because it is impossible to resume program execution at the point at which these signals occur.

Also, some signals such as SIGSEGV should not be ignored when they are managed by USS, even though it is possible to do so because the results are unpredictable. These signals are ignored if the specified action is SIG_IGN and they are generated by a call to the kill function; however, if the signal is generated by either a program check or an ABEND, the most likely result is that another ABEND will occur.

Summary of Ignoring Signals lists which signals can be ignored. For more information, refer to the descriptions of the signals.

Summary of Ignoring Signals
Signal SAS/C Library Ignored Signals
( SIG_IGN Handler)
USS Ignored Signals
( SIG_IGN Handler)
SIGABND cannot be ignored; ABEND as described in Table 5.2 should not be ignored; results unpredictale
SIGABRT cannot be ignored; ABEND as described in Table 5.2 should not be ignored; results unpredictable
SIGALRM program continues; signal has not effect program continues; signal has no effect
SIGBUS not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGCHLD not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGCONT not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGFPDIV program continues; result of computation undefined not supported
SIGFPE program continues; result of computation undefined except for SIGFPUFL signals (see SIGFPUFL ) same as SAS/C
SIGFPOFL program continues; result of computation undefined not supported
SIGFPUFL program continues; result of computation set to 0 not supported
SIGHUP not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGIOER not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGKILL not supported cannot be ignored
SIGIDIV program continues; result of computation undefined not supported
SIGILL cannot be ignored; ABEND as described in Table 5.2 should not be ignored; results unpredictable
SIGINT use of ATTN or PA1 key under OS/390, or IC command under CMS; signal has no effect program continues; signal has no effect
SIGIO program continues, signal has no effect program continues; signal has no effect
SIGIUCV cannot be ignored; ABEND as describd in Table 5.2 not supported
SIGMEM execution continues until storage exhausted not supported
SIGPIPE not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGPOLL not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGPROF not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGQUIT not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGSEGV cannot be ignored; ABEND as described in Table 5.2 should not be ignored; results unpredictable
SIGSTOP not supported cannot be ignored
SIGSYS not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGTERM program continues; signal has no effect not supported
SIGTRAP not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGTSTP not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGTTIN not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGTTOU not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGURG not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGVTALRM not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGWINCH not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGXCPU not supported program continues; signal has no effect
SIGXFSZ not supported program continues; signal has no effect

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