Chapter Contents


Introduction to the SAS/C C++ Development System

C++ Language Definition

This section describes the main features of the SAS/C C++ Development System implementation. The discussion does not attempt to teach you C++ and assumes you have access to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide.

The C++ language accepted by the SAS/C C++ Development System is based on the C++ Standard, ISO/IEC 14882-1998, Programming languages - C++. Some more recent features of the Standard are not yet implemented. These are described below. Exception handling and Run-Time Type Identification (RTTI) are supported if the appropriate compile time options are specified.

No universal character names.

No identifier form alternative tokens (for example, and, and_eq, and so on).

3.5 and 7.1.1
Statics in namespace scopes will conflict with declarations for objects in the same namespace that have external linkage.

3.6.2 and 3.6.3
Global/static initialization/destruction order differs from the C++ Standard. In particular local statics are destroyed at module cleanup, not synced with atexit().

No extern inline. Inline functions with external linkage, such as member functions, may have different addresses in different compilation units. Also static variables defined inside such functions will refer to different objects in different compilation units.
Friend names are injected into the enclosing namespace.

No asm declaration.

Language linkage is not applied to function declarators.

Default arguments for functions declared inside classes that reference member template identifiers may need to be enclosed within parentheses to avoid parsing problems.

No overriding of virtual function return types.

No export keyword or separate compilation of template definitions.
No out of line definition of member classes of templates.

Member templates of templates must be defined in the class.

No template conversion operators.

No template class member friend declarations.

No partial specialization of template classes.
No partial ordering of function templates for overload resolution.

Name lookup in template class and function bodies does not observe the dependency rules.

Complex dependent names may be restricted in declarations.

14.7.1 and 14.7.3
Member classes of class template specializations are instantiated with the containing class, and may not be defined out of line or explicitly specialized.

Because C++ is in general a superset of C, the C++ language accepted by the SAS/C C++ Development System includes many SAS/C features. You can find a detailed definition of the SAS/C implementation in "Language Definition" section in the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide. This section describes only those features that are different from SAS/C behavior or that are specific to the C++ environment.

C++ code written for previous releases of the SAS/C C++ Development System generally will be accepted by Release 7.00. However, in this release the C++ Standard has taken priority over compatibility with older code in determining the language accepted. Some changes which may cause compatiblity problems are noted in Improved Conformance with the C++ Standard.

For a complete list of which anachronisms are supported by the SAS/C C++ Development System, see Anachronisms .

Improved Conformance with the C++ Standard

We continue to improve the SAS/C compiler conformance with the ISO C++ Standard. The following information indicates new SAS/C conformance with the C++ Standard. The numbers at the beginning of each item indicate the relevant section number in the ISO/IEC 14882: 1998 Programming Languages - C++.

New Conformance Items

Character literals with multiple narrow chars are now correctly typed as int. All but the last character are now ignored in wide character literals with multiple chars.

The C++ translator now supports argument dependent name lookup. This extends the name lookup used for an unqualified name that is the function expression of a function call. The set of namespaces in which the identifier is looked up is augmented by namespaces associated with the argument types. A similar lookup is also performed for overloaded operator functions.

Note:    The C++ translator still injects the names from friend declarations into the containing namespace when defining a class, so such declarations will always be considered if lookup includes the containing namespace.  [cautionend]

The operator new[] and operator delete[] forms of the allocation and deallocation functions are now supported. Note that any user-defined new operators now need the corresponding array versions to be declared if they are to be used for array allocation.

Note:    Remember to update the old code when there is a user placement new that takes a single object pointer placement argument. Otherwise the library array placment new defined in <new>

    operator new[]( size_t, void* ),
could easily be called and produce unexpected results.  [cautionend]
Failure is now reported from the non-placement operator new and new[] by throwing a std::bad_alloc exception. The nothrow placement new operators are now defined. These operators do not exit via throw and report failure by returning NULL.

3.9.1 and others
The C++ translator now supports the bool and wchar_t type keywords.

The C++ translator uses the updated type rules for string literals. This implies the array type will decay to const char* in certain cases, which will cause errors with some C and older C++ code.

4.8 and 4.9
The translator now generates the compile time error LSCT595 when an attempt is made to assign or initialize from a floating-point constant that is outside the range of the target type.

Void return expressions are now allowed in void functions.

The mutable storage class specifier for class members is now supported.

The explicit function specifier is supported.

Enumeration types can now have non-int underlying types. The translator will use unsigned int as the underlying type if one of the enumeration constant values is an unsigned quantity outside the range of int.

The C++ translator now supports namespaces, using directives, and using declarations.

Default arguments may be specified for function templates. Based on the C++ Standard, all default arguments must be defined on the first declaration of the template.

Initialization semantics have been updated to more closely match the C++ Standard. The translator now diagnoses const objects that are not explicitly initialized and do not have a user-defined default constructor.

Zero-initialization is now supported. Explicit default initialization (of types other than void, non-POD [Plain Old Data] classes, or arrays of non-POD classes in contexts such as constructor initializers, new initializers, or call-style type conversion) is performed by zeroing the elements of the target. See Chapter 9, "Classes," in the C++ Standard for information on non-POD classes.

An empty initializer list, {}, may now be used as an aggregate initializer.

The binding of non-const references to non-lvalues is no longer allowed. Warning LSCT550 was formerly generated in such situations.

Static const data members with integral or enumeration types may be initialized with a constant expression when declared in the class body.

Access checking has been cleaned up to more closely follow the standard. The translator now performs access checking in many cases where it was not performed before, such as names used in nested name specifiers. Also, access checking has been generalized, so access is allowed to names that are not directly accessible through the class they are named in, but are accessible through a base class.

The translator now handles conditional and logical operators so the destruction of temporaries is deferred until the end of the containing full expression or initialization. Formerly, temporaries for conditionally executed subexpression were destroyed at the end of the subexpression.

The class layout was modified to support virtual function calls while an object is being constructed or destructed for functions that override virtual base members.

Many updates have been made to overload resolution.

The translator now performs built-in operator overloading for enums.

The signatures for the built-in operators have been updated. The changes for built-in operator[] and operator+ should be noted. The signatures formerly included combinations of a pointer and any integral index type. The index type has changed to ptrdiff_t (a signed type). This may cause ambiguity errors with existing code.

Template default arguments are now supported for class templates.

Template arguments may now be function-member pointer constants. The rules for equivalence of function-member pointer constants are intended to match the run-time behavior of function member pointer comparison.

Note:    The results may be a little surprising in some cases. In particular, a member pointer to a base virtual function may not be equal to a member pointer to an overriding virtual function, even when both have been converted to the same type.  [cautionend]

Template template formals are now supported.

Restrictions on matching expressions in template declarations have been removed. Formerly, complex expressions were matched on a textual basis.

The translator now checks actuals on dependent template identifiers in template function prototypes.

Restricted member function and class templates are now supported. Template members of template classes can only be defined in the containing template class body. However, template conversion operators are not yet supported.

Type and value dependency in template-dependent expressions are now handled separately in template declarations. This allows non-dependent name lookup to occur at declaration time for expressions in template declarations. Names in class and function bodies are still bound at instantiation time.
Template argument deduction now allows derived-to-base conversions for function arguments.
Template argument deduction now supports nondeduced contexts.

Exception handling is now supported with the EXCEPT option.

The sign promotion rules within #if expressions have been corrected to match the C++ rules.

17 and others
The C standard headers have been modified for compatability with the C++ Standard. When compiling C++ code, most are now structured to include the corresponding C++ header (for example <stdio.h> includes <cstdio>) and provide using declarations to make the appropriate names available in both the global and std namespace scopes.

Incompatibility with Previous Releases

Object code generated by Release 7.00 of the C++ translator is not compatible with object code generated by previous releases of the C++ translator and is not compatible with the C++ library for previous releases.

Environmental Elements

This section describes four important environmental elements:

Special characters

C++ uses a number of special characters. Many IBM mainframe terminals and printers do not supply all of these characters. The SAS/C C++ Development System provides two solutions to this problem:

The special character translation table enables each site to customize the representation of special characters. That is, sites can decide which hexadecimal bit pattern or patterns represent that character and so can choose a representation that is available on their terminals and printers.

The special characters that can be customized are braces, square brackets, circumflex, tilde, backslash, vertical bar, pound sign, and exclamation point. You should determine if your site has customized values for these characters and find out what the values are. Otherwise, the default representations listed in Default Representations for Special Characters are in effect. Consult your SAS Installation Representative for details about customized values. Default Representations for Special Characters shows the two possible default representations for each character. These primary and alternate representations in columns two and three are EBCDIC equivalents of the characters in hexadecimal notation.

Remember that the alternate representations for characters apply only to C++ program source code and not to general file contents read by C++ programs.

Default Representations for Special Characters
Source File Representation
Character Primary Alternate
left brace { 0xc0




right brace } 0xd0




left bracket [ 0xad




right bracket ] 0xbd




circumflex ^

(exclusive or)





tilde ~ 0xa1




backslash \ 0xe0




vertical bar | or ¦

(inclusive or)





pound sign # 0x7b




exclamation point ! 0x5a




Storage class limits

The SAS/C Compiler imposes several limits on the sizes of various objects and these may affect your C++ program after it is translated into C and compiled.

The total size of all objects declared in one translation with the same storage class is limited according to the particular storage class, as follows:

extern 16,777,215 (16M-1) bytes
static 8,388,607 (8M-1) bytes
auto 8,388,607 (8M-1) bytes
formal 65,535 (64K-1) bytes.

Individual objects can be up to 8 megabytes in size. The translator imposes no limit on array sizes.

The following types of programs generate very large CSECTS:

You should consider alternatives to using large amounts of static data. One alternative is to use the new operator for dynamic storage allocation. Storage allocated with the new operator is limited only by available memory.

Numerical limits

The numerical limits are what one would expect for a 32-bit, twos complement machine such as the IBM 370. Integral Type Sizes shows the size ranges for the integral types.

Integral Type Sizes
Type Length in Bytes Range
1 0 to 255 (EBCDIC character set)
signed char
1 -128 to 127
2 -32,768 to 32,767
unsigned short
2 0 to 65,535
4 -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
unsigned int
4 0 to 4,294,967,295
4 -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
unsigned long
4 0 to 4,294,967,295

Float and Double Type Sizes shows the size ranges for float and double types.

Float and Double Type Sizes
Type Length in Bytes Range
4 +/- 5.4E-79 to +/- 7.2E75
8 +/- 5.4E-79 to +/- 7.2E75
long double
8 +/- 5.4E-79 to +/- 7.2E75

Additional details on the implementation of the various data types can be found in "Compiler Processing and Code Generation Conventions," in the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide.

Source file sequence number handling

The translator examines the first record in the source file and each #include file to determine if the file contains sequence numbers. Therefore, you can safely mix files with and without sequence numbers and use the translator on sequenced or nonsequenced files without worrying about specifying a sequence number parameter.

For a file with varying-length records, if the first four characters in the first record are alphanumeric and the following four characters are numeric, then the file is assumed to have sequence numbers.

For a file with fixed-length records, if the last four characters in the first record are all numeric and the preceding four characters are alphanumeric, then the file is assumed to have sequence numbers.

If a file is assumed to have sequence numbers, then the characters in each record at the sequence number position are ignored. This algorithm detects sequence numbers or their absence correctly for almost all files, regardless of record type or record length. Occasionally the algorithm may cause problems, as in the following examples:

Language Elements

Certain language elements, such as constants and predefined constants, deserve special explanation, as the translator treats them in accordance with the language described in The C++ Programming Language.


This section describes how the translator treats character constants and string literals.

Character constants
The translator produces a unique char value for certain alphabetic escape sequences that represent nongraphic characters. This char value corresponds to the hex values shown in column 2 of Escape Sequence Values .

Escape Sequence Values
Sequence Hex Value Meaning
\a 0x2f alert
\b 0x16 backspace
\f 0x0c form feed
\n 0x15 newline
\r 0x0d carriage return
\t 0x05 horizontal tab
\v 0x0b vertical tab

String literals
By default, identically written string constants refer to the same storage location: only one copy of the string is generated by the translator. The NOSTringdup compiler option can be used to force a separate copy to be generated for each use of a string literal. However, modifying string constants is not recommended and renders a program nonreentrant.

Note:    Strings used to initialize char arrays (not char* ) are not actually generated because they are shorthand for a comma-separated list of single-character constants.  [cautionend]

Predefined constants

The translator supports several predefined constants:

These macros are useful for generating diagnostic messages and inline program documentation. The following list explains the meaning of each macro:

_ _cplusplus
expands to the decimal constant 1.

expands to the decimal constant 1.

_ _DATE_ _
expands to the current date, in the form Mmm dd yyyy (for example, Jan 01 1990). Double quotes are a part of the expansion; no double quotes should surround _ _DATE_ _ in your source code.

_ _FILE_ _
expands to a string literal that specifies the current filename. Double quotes are a part of the expansion; no double quotes should surround _ _FILE_ _ in your source code.

For the primary source file under OS/390 batch, _ _FILE_ _ expands to the data set name of the source file, if it is a disk data set, or the DDname allocated to the source file. For the primary source file under CMS, _ _FILE_ _ expands to "filename filetype", where filename is the CMS filename and filetype is the CMS filetype.

For a #include or header file, under both OS/390 and CMS, _ _FILE_ _ expands to the name that appears in the #include statement, including the angle brackets or double quotes as part of the string. Thus, for the following, _ _FILE_ _ expands to "\" myfile.h \"":

#include "myfile.h"

For the following, _ _FILE_ _ expands to " <myfile h e> ":

#include <myfile h e>

_ _LINE_ _
expands to an integer constant that is the relative number of the current source line within the file (primary source file or #include file) that contains it.

_ _TIME_ _
expands to the current time, in the form hh:mm:ss (for example, 10:15:30 ). Double quotes are a part of the expansion; no double quotes should surround _ _TIME_ _ in your source code.

None of the above predefined macros can be undefined with the #undef directive.

The translator also provides the following predefined macro names. Automatic predefinition of these names can be collectively suppressed by using the undef translator option. (Refer to Option Descriptions for more information on undef .) These macro names also can be undefined by the #undef preprocessor directive.

The following code shows their usage:

#define OSVS 1   // if translating under TSO
                 // or MVS batch
#define CMS 1    // if translating under CMS
#define I370 1   // indicates the SAS/C
                 // Compiler or the translator
#define DEBUG 1  // if the DEBug option is
                 // used
#define NDEBUG 1 // if the DEbug option is not used

A few of the predefined macros can only be undefined by the #undef preprocessor directive. They are not affected by the undef translator option. These macros are:

#define _ _COMPILER_ _ "SAS/C C++ 6.50B" // indicates
      // the current release
      // as a string
#define _ _I370_ _ 1   // indicates the SAS/C
      // Compiler or the translator
#define _ _SASC_ _ 650 // indicates the current
      // version as a number,
      // for example, 650

Note:    Because the translator is not a C compiler, the _ _STDC_ _ macro is not defined.  [cautionend]

Language Extensions

This section describes SAS/C extensions to the language described in The C++ Programming Language.

Note:    Use of these extensions is likely to render a program nonportable.  [cautionend]

For information on SAS/C extensions to the C language, such as the _ _asm keyword, the _ _alignmem and _ _noalignmem keywords, and keywords used in declarations of functions that are neither C++ nor C, see the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide. Also refer to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide for a discussion of the implementation-defined behavior of the SAS/C Compiler.


The C++ translator supports the ASCIIOUT option. See the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide for more information on the ASCIIOUT option.

A and E Character Support

SAS/C Release 7.00 introduces A and E qualifiers for character and string constants for C++. The new qualifiers cause the string to be either ASCII or EBCDIC.

A string literal prefixed with A is parsed and stored by the compiler as an ASCII string. Here is an example of its usage:

A"this is an ASCII string"

A string literal prefixed with E is parsed and stored by the compiler as an EBCDIC string. Here is an example of its usage:

E"this is an EBCDIC string"

long long Type Support

The C++ translator supports the long long type. The declaration types long long int and unsigned long long int are available. long long arithmetic constants can be specified using the suffix ll or LL, as in 1ULL. There are some restrictions compared to other integral types, however. long long types may not be used as the field type of a bit field. Values outside the range of long or unsigned long may not be used to specify enumeration constant values. Array sizes must still be in the range of unsigned long. Also, the preprocessor does not yet support long long values in #if expressions.

Preprocessor extensions

Two #pragma directives are handled by the SAS/C C++ Development System directly:

#pragma linkage
#pragma map

These #pragma directives are described in the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide. In C++ programs, these directives can be applied only to functions and variables that have extern "C" linkage (that is, they are declared in an extern "C" block or have extern "C" in their declaration).

The _ _ibmos SAS/C extension keyword is a simpler and more direct replacement for #pragma linkage . The _ _ibmos keyword is described in the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide. AR370 is a simpler and more powerful replacement for #pragma map . The AR370 utility is described in the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide.

All other #pragma directives are passed on directly to the output C file and are otherwise ignored by C++.

Protected Include Files

In Release 7.00, the translator can identify include files that are protected by a preprocessor symbol, for example:

// optional comments and newlines
// included definitions...
// end of file

When a second #include of the same file is found, the preprocessor can check the specified preprocessor symbol and avoid rereading the file if the symbol is defined. The recognized forms of the test are as follows:

#ifndef SYMBOL


#if !defined SYMBOL


#if !defined(SYMBOL)

SAS/C extension keywords

You can use the following SAS/C extension keywords in your C++ programs:

_ _asm         _ _local      _ _weak
_ _cobol       _ _pascal
_ _foreign     _ _pli
_ _fortran     _ _ref
_ _ibmos       _ _remote

Overloading on these SAS/C extension keywords is supported. The following example shows overloading error_trap to take both local and remote function pointers:

int error_trap(_\x12_local void(*f)());
int error_trap(_\x12_remote void(*f)());

Functions defined using one or more of the keywords _ _ibmos , _ _asm , or _ _ref must be written in assembler. Therefore, the translator assumes "C" linkage for these functions, even if extern "C" is not explicitly used. Similarly, _ _pli , _ _cobol , _ _fortran , _ _pascal , and _ _foreign functions have linkage appropriate for the language and therefore do not have C++ linkage. The main effect of this behavior is that overloading the following functions is not allowed:

_ _asm int myfunc(int);
_ _pli int myfunc(int*);

These functions cannot be overloaded because only one linkage version of a function that is not C++ is permitted.

For more information on SASC extension keywords, see the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide.

Alternate forms for operators and tokens

C++ is traditionally implemented using the ASCII character set. The translator uses EBCDIC as its native character set because EBCDIC is the preferred character set under TSO, CMS, and OS/390 batch. Because some characters used by the C++ language are not normal EBCDIC characters (that is, they do not appear on many terminal keyboards), alternate representations are available. Also, for some characters, there is more than one similar EBCDIC character. The translator accepts either character.

Digraph Sequences for Special Characters lists alternate representations that the translator accepts (this set of digraphs is identical to the digraph set accepted by the SAS/C Compiler). The digraph option(s) chosen determines which alternate forms are used:

digraph option 1
turns on the new ISO digraph support.

digraph option 2
turns on SAS/C bracket digraph support, '(|' or '|)'.

digraph option 3
turns on all SAS/C digraphs but does not activate the new ISO digraphs unless option 1 is also activated.

See Option Descriptions for more information on digraph options.

Digraph Sequences for Special Characters
C++ Character EBCDIC Value(s) (hex) Alternate Forms (for use with digraph options 2, 3) Alternate Forms (for use with digraph option 1)
[ (left bracket) 0xad (| <:
] (right bracket) 0xbd |) :>
{ (left brace) 0x8b, 0xc0 \( or (< <%
} (right brace) 0x9b, 0xd0 \) or >) %>
| (inclusive or) 0x4f, 0x6a \!
~ (tilde) 0xa1
#(pound sign) 0x7b
##(double pound sign) 0x7b 0x7b
\ (backslash) 0xe0, 0xbe (see below)

For all symbols except the backslash, substitute sequences are not replaced in string constants or character constants. For example, the string constant "<:" contains two characters, not a single left bracket. Contrast this behavior with the ANSI trigraphs, which are replaced in string and character constants.

The backslash is a special case because it has meaning within string and character constants as well as within C++ statements. You can also customize the translator to accept an alternate single character for the backslash, as well as for other characters in Digraph Sequences for Special Characters . The default alternate representations are listed in Default Representations for Special Characters . See your SAS Installation Representative for more information.

Embedded $ in identifiers

The dollar sign ($) can be used as an embedded character in identifiers. If the dollar sign is used in identifiers, the dollars translator option must be specified. Use of the dollar sign is not portable because the dollar sign is not part of the portable C++ character set. The dollar sign cannot be used as the first character in an identifier; such usage is reserved for the library.

Floating-point constants in hexadecimal

An extended format for floating-point constants enables them to be specified in hexadecimal to indicate the exact bit pattern to be placed in memory. A hexadecimal double constant consists of the sequence 0.x , followed by 1 to 14 hexadecimal digits. If there are fewer than 14 digits, the number is extended to 14 digits on the right with 0s. A hexadecimal double constant defines the exact bit pattern to be used for the constant. For example, 0.x411 has the same value as 1.0 . Use of this feature is nonportable.

Call-by-reference operator (@)

The @ operator is a language extension provided primarily to aid communication between C++ and other programs.

In C++ (as in C), the normal argument-passing convention is to use call-by-value; that is, the value of an argument is passed. The normal IBM 370 (neither C nor C++) argument-passing conventions differ from this in two ways. First, arguments are passed by reference; each item in the parameter list is an argument address, not an argument value. Second, the last argument address in the list is usually flagged by setting the high-order bit.

One approach to the call-by-reference problem is to precede each function argument by the & operator, thereby passing the argument address rather than its value. For example, you can write asmcode(&x) rather than asmcode(x) . This approach is not generally applicable because it is frequently necessary to pass constants or computed expressions, which are not valid operands of the address-of operator. The translator provides an option to solve this problem.

When the translator option at is specified, the at sign ( @ ) is treated as an operator. The @ operator can be used only on an argument to a function call. The result of using it in any other context is undefined. The @ operator has the same syntax as the C ampersand ( & ) operator. In situations where the C & can be used, @ has the same meaning as & . In addition, @ can be used on values that are not lvalues such as constants and expressions. In these cases, the value of @ expr is the address of a temporary storage area to which the value of expr is copied. One special case for the @ operator is when its argument is an array name or a string literal. In this case, @array is different from &array . The latter still addresses the array, while @array addresses a pointer addressing the array. Use of @ is, of course, nonportable. Its use should be restricted to programs that call routines, that are not C++, .using call-by-reference.

When declaring a call by reference instead of using the @ notation, you may want to use the _ _asm or _ _ref keyword described in the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide.

Nesting of #define

If the redef translator option is specified, multiple #define statements for the same symbol can appear in a source file. When a new #define statement is encountered for a symbol, the old definition is stacked but is restored if an #undef statement for the symbol occurs. For example, if the line

#define XYZ 12

is followed later by

#define XYZ 43

the new definition takes effect, but the old one is not forgotten. Then, when the translator encounters the following, the former definition (12) is restored:

#undef XYZ

To completely undefine XYZ, an additional #undef is required. Each #define must be matched by a corresponding #undef before the symbol is truly forgotten. Identical #define statements for a symbol (those permitted when redef is not specified) do not stack.

Zero-length arrays

An array of length 0 can be declared as a member of a structure or class. No space is allocated for the array, but the following member is aligned on the boundary required for the array type. Zero-length arrays are useful for aligning members to particular boundaries (to match the format of external data for example) and for allocating varying-length arrays following a structure. In the following structure definition, no space is allocated for member d , but the member b is aligned on a doubleword boundary:

struct ABC
   int a;
   double d[0];
   int b;

Zero-length arrays are not permitted in any other context.

_ _inline and _ _actual storage class modifiers

_ _inline is a storage class modifier. It can be used in the same places as a storage class specifier and can be declared in addition to a storage class specifier. If a function is declared as _ _inline and the module contains at least one definition of the function, the translator sees this as a recommendation that the function be inlined. If a function is declared as _ _inline and has external linkage, a real copy of the function is created so that other external functions can call it.

With the 6.50 release, if you use inline functions and have DEBUG turned off, the translator performs inlining of inline functions whether the optimize option is on or off. If DEBUG is turned on, the translator disables inlining. The optimize option is on by default.

_ _actual is also a storage class modifier. It can be specified with or without the _ _inline qualifier, but it implies _ _inline . _ _actual specifies that the translator should produce an actual (callable) copy of the function if the function has external linkage. If the function has internal linkage, the translator creates an actual function unless it does not need one.

For additional information, see the discussion of _ _inline and _ _actual in the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide.

Note:    The difference between the _ _inline modifier and the inline C++ keyword is that the inline keyword causes inline functions to behave as if they were declared static while _ _inline does not. In some cases, current ANSI C++ rules may treat the inline function as if it has external linkage.  [cautionend]

signed long long Support

The handling of decimal constants like 4000000000 that are too large to represent as signed long but do not have a U or u suffix has changed. In Release 6.50, such constants were treated as unsigned long (the C89 rule). In Release 7.00, such constants are treated as signed long long (the C99 rule). Octal, hexadecimal, and explicitly unsigned constants are unaffected.

extern ``OS'' Linkage Specifier

In Release 7.00, the translator accepts the extern "OS" linkage specifier. An object or function declared with extern "OS" linkage effectively receives extern "C" linkage. The type for any non-member function declarators in the scope of the linkage specification implicitly receives the _ _ibmos function specifier.

typename Keyword

The typename keyword is optional for template formal dependent qualified type specifiers in a template actual, providing the template name is a known class template or template template formal. The `typename' keyword must be specified for the actuals of function templates, or when the template name itself has a nested name specifier dependent on a template formal.

Enabling Warning with the strict Option

The warnings LSCT426, LSCT454, LSCT455, LSCT456, LSCT594, LSCT628, and LSCT738 are now, by default, only diagnosed at the strict warning level. These warnings can be turned on or off explicitly or enabled as a group with the strict option.

C++ iostream Library Constructors

The old C++ iostream library was modified for Release 7.00 to avoid a problem with constructors when a user class was derived from a library stream class. The non-default constructors for the base library streams istream, ostream, and iostream now call ios::init(streambuf*) directly. This means that constructors for user-derived stream classes no longer need to specify the ios::ios(streambuf*) constructor or call ios::init(streambuf*) themselves.

Implementation-Defined Behavior

Implementation-defined behaviors are translator actions that are not explicitly defined by the language standard. For example, in The C++ Programming Language, Stroustrup leaves the range of values that can be accommodated by a double to the discretion of individual implementations. Each implementation is simply required to document the chosen behavior. Allowing implementation-defined behavior enables each vendor to implement the C++ language as efficiently as possible with in the particular operating system and environment. This section describes the implementation-defined behaviors of the translator.

Much of the implementation-defined behavior of the translator corresponds to the implementation-defined behavior of the SAS/C Compiler, while some behaviors are specific to C++. The next two sections describe the implementation-defined behavior of the translator in detail.

Behaviors related to the SAS/C Compiler

The following list enumerates those behaviors common to both the translator and compiler or behaviors that are similar but have small differences. The following list gives a brief description of the behavior and a reference to the SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide, where necessary.

C++-specific behaviors

Some implementation-defined behavior is specific to the C++ language. The following list enumerates these behaviors.

Initialization and termination

This section describes the order of initialization and termination of file-scope objects defined in C++. Initialization of an object consists of executing its initializer. This includes executing the object's constructor if it has one. Termination of an object consists of executing the object's destructor, if it has one. In general, objects are terminated in the reverse of the order that they are initialized, but this is not necessarily the case for objects in dynamically loaded modules.

When a program containing C++ code is started, file-scope objects defined in C++ translation units in the main load module are initialized in the reverse order of the translation unit's inclusion into the load module by COOL. (For more information on this topic, see INCLUDE Statement .) Within a translation unit, objects are initialized in the order that they are defined in the translation unit.

When the main program ends, either by calling exit or by returning from main , file-scope objects defined in C++ translation units in the main load module are terminated in the reverse order of how they were initialized.

Objects defined in C++ translation units in dynamically loaded modules are initialized when the module is loaded and terminated when the module is unloaded. Within a dynamically-loaded module, the order of initialization and termination is the same as for the main load module.


The following list enumerates several features that a C++ implementation may provide to support old coding styles and features. The following list enumerates these compatibility issues and indicates which are supported by the SAS/C C++ translator.

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