Socket Function Reference


This chapter contains a description of each function in the SAS/C Socket Library, along with example code. Each description contains a definition of the function, a synopsis, discussions of return values and portability issues, and an example. Also, errors, cautions, diagnostics, implementation details, usage notes, and a list of related functions are included, if appropriate.

accept -- Accepts a Connection Request


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int accept(int s, void *addr, int *addrlen);


accept extracts the first connection in the queue of connection requests, creates a new socket with the same properties as socket descriptor s, and allocates a new socket descriptor for the socket. Connection-based servers use accept to create a connection that is requested by a client. Socket s is a connection-based socket of type SOCK_STREAM that is bound to an address with a bind call and listens for connections with a listen call.

If there are no pending connection requests and ioctl or fcntl has not been used to designate the socket as non-blocking, accept blocks the caller until there is a connection. If the socket is designated as non-blocking, and there are no pending connection requests, accept returns a -1 and sets errno to EWOULDBLOCK; the new socket descriptor cannot be used to accept more connections. Socket descriptor s remains open.

addr and addrlen describe the buffer into which accept places the address of the new peer. addr can be NULL. If it is not NULL, it should point to a sockaddr structure or one of its derivatives, such as sockaddr_in.

addrlen points to an integer containing the size of the buffer in bytes. If the buffer size is not large enough to contain the address of the peer, the value of the address is not completely copied. No error occurs in this situation. On return, the integer pointed to by addrlen is set to the length that was actually copied.

If socket s is a member of the read descriptor set (readfds), you can use a select call to discover whether or not any connections are pending.


If accept is successful, it returns a nonnegative value that is the descriptor of the newly created socket. Otherwise, it returns a -1.


accept is portable to other environments, including UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


In the following example, accept is used to accept incoming connection requests.
 /* This is a complete example of a simple server for the      */
 /* daytime protocol. A daytime server waits on port           */
 /* 13 and returns a human readable date and time string       */
 /* whenever any client requests a connection.                 */
 /* This server handles only TCP. The client does not need     */
 /* to write to the server. The server responds with           */
 /* the date and time as soon as the connection is made.       */
 /* We will implement an iterative server (one which handles   */
 /* connections one at a time) instead of a concurrent         */
 /* server (one which handles several connections              */
 /* simultaneously).                                           */
 /* This program runs until it is stopped by an operating      */
 /* system command.                                            */

 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <time.h>

    /* No need to translate characters on ASCII systems.       */
 #ifndef  __SASC__
 #define ntohcs(c) (c)
 #define htoncs(c) (c)

    /* Define some useful constants.                           */
 #define TRUE 1
 #define DAYTIME_PORT 13

       /* Socket descriptors. "s" will be the model descriptor */
       /* that indicates the type of connections that we       */
       /* want to accept. "cs" will be the socket used for     */
       /* communications with clients.                         */
    int s, cs;

       /* socket addresses for server and client               */
    struct sockaddr_in sa_serv;
    struct sockaddr_in sa_clnt;
    int sa_len;

       /* will contain information about the daytime service   */
    struct servent *serv;

       /* variables used to obtain the time                    */
    char *p;
    int len;
    time_t t;
       /* buffer for outgoing time string                      */
    char outbuf[128];

       /* Get a socket of the proper type. We use SOCK_STREAM  */
       /* because we want to communicate using TCP.            */
    s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (s == -1) {
       perror("daytime - socket() failed");

       /* Find the port for the daytime service. If the        */
       /* services file is not available, we will use the      */
       /* standard number. We specify "tcp" as the protocol.   */
       /* This call will attempt to find the services file.    */
    serv = getservbyname("daytime", "tcp");

       /* Prepare a socket address for the server. We specify  */
       /* INADDR_ANY instead of an IP address because we       */
       /* want to accept connections over any IP address       */
       /* by which this host is known. We specify the          */
       /* well-known port number for the daytime server if     */
       /* the program is compiled for a PRIVILEGED user        */
       /* (root on UNIX). Otherwise, we let TCP/IP select      */
       /* the port and then we print it so that clients will   */
       /* know what port to ask for.                           */
    sa_serv.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sa_serv.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    sa_serv.sin_port = serv ? serv->s_port : htons(DAYTIME_PORT);
    sa_serv.sin_port = 0;

       /* Bind our socket to the desired address. Now clients  */
       /* specifying this address will reach this server.      */
    if (bind(s, &sa_serv, sizeof(sa_serv)) == -1) {
       perror("daytime - bind() failed");

  #ifndef PRIVILEGED
    sa_len = sizeof(sa_serv);
    if (getsockname(s, &sa_serv, &sa_len) == -1) {
       perror("daytime - getsockname() failed");
    printf("Daytime server port is: %d\n",
                   (int) ntohs(sa_serv.sin_port));

       /* Set up a queue for incoming connection requests.     */
    listen(s, SOMAXCONN);

       /* Accept incoming requests until cancelled by the      */
       /*   operating system or an error occurs.               */
    while (TRUE) {
          /* Accept a new request. Ask for client's address    */
          /* so that we can print it if there is an error.     */
       sa_len = sizeof(sa_clnt);
       cs = accept(s, &sa_clnt, &sa_len);
       if (cs==-1) {
         perror("daytime - accept() failed");
         return EXIT_FAILURE;

          /* Send the time to the client. Daytime clients      */
          /* expect the string to be in ASCII.                 */
       time(&t);                     /* machine-readable time  */
       p = ctime(&t);                /* human-readable time    */
          /* Convert to ASCII if necessary. */
       for (len=0; p[len]  && len<sizeof(outbuf); len++)
          outbuf[len]  = htoncs(p[len] );

       if (write(cs,outbuf,len)==-1) {
          perror("daytime - write() failed");
          printf("Client IP address: %s\n",
          return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;        /* Avoid compilation warnings. */


bind, connect, listen, select, socket

bind -- Assigns a Name to a Socket


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int bind(int s, const void *addr, int addrlen);


bind assigns a name to an unnamed socket s. When a socket is created, it exists in an address family, but it does not have a name assigned to it. Servers use bind to associate themselves with a well-known port. Servers may also use bind to restrict access by other network addresses on a host with multiple network addresses. bind enables a connectionless client to have an address that the server can use for responses.

For addresses in the AF_INET family, addr points to a sockaddr or sockaddr_in structure. addrlen is the length of the address, in bytes. addrlen should be greater than or equal to the size of the sockaddr or sockaddr_in structure. The INADDR_ANY constant in the <netinet/in.h> header file specifies that the network address is not restricted. If the sin_port field of the sockaddr structure is zero, bind chooses a port. Alternatively, a well-known port number can be passed in the sin_port field. Internet host addresses and port numbers in sockaddr_in are always in network byte order. The remainder of the sockaddr or sockaddr_in structure should be 0.

If successful, the sin_port value may be obtained by calling getsockname. getsockname will store the assigned address and port into the sockaddr structure. On return, the structure pointed to by addr should be the same as the structure pointed to by getsockname for this socket s.


If bind is successful, it returns a 0; otherwise, it returns a -1 and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


bind is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


In this example, bind assigns socket s to an arbitrary port without restriction by network address.

 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

    struct sockaddr_in sa;
    int s;
    struct servent *serv;
       /* Specify the port. */
    sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    sa.sin_port = serv->s_port;
    if (bind(s, &sa, sizeof(sa)) == -1) {
       perror("bind() failed");
       return -1;
       /* Let TCP/IP choose the port. */
    sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    sa.sin_port = 0;
    if (bind(s, &sa, sizeof(sa)) == -1) {
       perror("bind() failed");
       return -1;


connect, getservbyname, getsockname, htons

connect -- Associates a Socket with a Process


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int connect(int s, const void *addr, int addrlen);


connect attempts to associate socket s with a peer process at address addr. addr is a pointer to a buffer containing the address of the peer socket. addrlen is the length, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by addr. addrlen should be greater than or equal to the number of bytes in the sockaddr or sockaddr_in structure.

For connection-oriented protocols on blocking sockets, when the establishment of a connection is actually attempted, the call blocks I/O until the connection attempt succeeds or fails. On non-blocking sockets, the call returns immediately, with errno set to EINPROGRESS if the connection could not complete immediately. The caller can then discover whether or not the connection is complete by issuing the select call to determine if the socket is ready for writing.

For sockets that use connectionless protocols, connect enables the socket to register a destination address once, instead of having to specify the same destination address for every read or write operation. By associating a packet with a specific socket, connect provides more information with which to trace the source of the problem if a transmission fails. In this case, connect can be called many times.


If connect is successful, it returns a 0; otherwise, it returns a -1 and sets errno to indicate the type of error.

If errno is set to ECONNREFUSED, reuse of the failed socket descriptor is TCP/IP implementation-specific and unpredictable. However, it is always safe to close and obtain another socket descriptor for subsequent calls to connect.


connect is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


In this example, connect connects socket s to a specific host and port.
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
    struct sockaddr_in sa;
    struct hostent *host;
    struct servent *serv;
    int s;
       /* Specify destination socket address (IP address and */
       /* port number).                                      */
    sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sa.sin_port = serv->s_port;
       /* Connect to the host and port.                      */
    if (connect(s, &sa, sizeof(sa)) == -1) {
       perror("connect() failed");
       return -1;


accept, select, socket, getpeername

dn_comp -- Translates Domain Names to Compressed Format


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/nameser.h>
 #include <resolv.h>

 int dn_comp(char *exp_dn, char *comp_dn, int length, char **dnptrs,
             char **lastdnptr);


dn_comp is part of the resolver, which is a set of routines that provides a programming interface for communicating with Internet name servers. dn_comp translates domain names in conventional character string format to the compressed format used by name servers. The compression process merges common suffixes among the names included in a name server query.

exp_dn is an EBCDIC string that contains a DNS name, such as a host name. dn_comp stores the equivalent compressed string in the buffer pointed to by comp_dn. length is the size of this buffer in bytes. dn_comp also maintains a list of compressed name elements. This list is used as a reference to eliminate common suffixes during a series of calls to dn_comp when multiple names are stored in the same buffer.

dnptrs points to the beginning of an array of pointers that points to the list of compressed name elements. The calling program allocates this array by using a convenient size, such as 10 elements.

lastdnptr points to the last element of the array. dnptrs[0] should point to the beginning of the message. Initially, dnptrs[1] should be NULL.

In the interests of greater portability, the SAS/C version of dn_comp performs EBCDIC-to-ASCII translation of exp_dn before beginning its compression process. If dnptr is NULL, the domain name is not compressed. Alternatively, if lastdnptr is NULL, the list of labels is not updated.

For information on the UNIX programming interface and Internet name servers, refer to "The Domain Name System" and "The Socket Interface" in Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I.


If dn_comp is successful, it returns the size of the compressed domain name. Otherwise, it returns a -1 and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


dn_comp is available on most versions of the UNIX operating system.


The SAS/C version of dn_comp is a direct port from the BSD UNIX socket library. The EBCDIC-to-ASCII translation feature is the only change.


dn_expand, res_mkquery

dn_expand -- Expands Compressed Domain Names


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/nameser.h>
 #include <resolv.h>

 int dn_expand(char *msg, char *eomorig, char *comp_dn, char *exp_dn,
               int length);


dn_expand expands the compressed domain name to a full domain name. Expanded names are converted to uppercase EBCDIC.
is a pointer to the beginning of the domain name message that contains the name to be expanded.
is an end-of-message limit pointer beyond which the expansion cannot go.
is a pointer to the first byte of the compressed name.
is a pointer to a buffer of size length that receives the expanded domain name.
dn_expand is part of the resolver. The resolver is a set of routines that provide a programming interface for communicating with Internet name servers. dn_expand translates domain names from the compressed format used by name servers to conventional character string format. In the interests of greater portability, the SAS/C version of dn_expand performs ASCII-to-EBCDIC translation of exp_dn.

For information on the UNIX programming interface and Internet name servers, refer to "The Domain Name System" and "The Socket Interface" in Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I.


If successful, dn_expand returns the size of the compressed domain name. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


dn_expand is available on most versions of the UNIX operating system.


The SAS/C version of dn_expand is a direct port from the BSD UNIX Socket Library. The ASCII-to-EBCDIC translation feature is the only change.


dn_comp, res_mkquery

endhostent -- Closes a Host File or TCP Connection


 #include <netdb.h>

 void endhostent(void);


endhostent closes a host file or TCP connection. endhostent is a combination of the host file and resolver versions of the BSD UNIX Socket Library endhostent.

In some instances, when the resolver is used to look up the host name, a virtual circuit (that is, a TCP connection) is used to communicate with the name server, based on the RESOLVEVIA statement in the TCPIP.DATA file or the RES_USEVC resolver option specified by your program. In these cases, you can use the RES_STAYOPEN resolver option to maintain the connection with the name server between queries. endhostent closes this connection. (See Bitwise OR Options for information about RES_USEVC and RES_STAYOPEN.)

In other instances, the host file is used as a source of host names. If the host file is opened with a sethostent call and the stayopen parameter is a nonzero value, endhostent closes the host file.

Refer to Network Administration for information on naming host files and the logic that determines whether the host file or the resolver is used for looking up names.


The logic that determines whether to use the host file or the resolver is not uniform across environments. At the source code level, however, endhostent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


endhostent is a combination of the host file and resolver versions of the BSD UNIX Socket Library gethostbyaddr.


sethostent, gethostent, gethostbyname

endnetent -- Closes the Network File


 #include <netdb.h>

 void endnetent(void);


endnetent closes the network file, that is, a file with the same format as /etc/networks in the UNIX environment. Refer to Network Administration for information on naming this file for your system.


endnetent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


This routine is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


getnetbyaddr, getnetbyname, getnetent, setnetent

endprotoent -- Closes the Protocol File


 #include <netdb.h>

 void endprotoent(void);


endprotoent closes the protocol file, that is, a file with the same format as /etc/protocols in the UNIX environment. Refer to Network Administration for information on naming this file for your system.


endprotoent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


This routine is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


getprotobynumber, getprotobyname, getprotoent, setprotoent

endrpcent -- Closes the /etc/rpc Protocol File


 #include <netdb.h>

 int endrpcent(void);


endrpcent closes the protocol file, that is, a file with the same format as /etc/rpc in the UNIX environment. Refer to Chapter 17, "Network Administration" for information on naming this file for your system.


getrpcent is portable to other systems that support Sun RPC 4.0.


This function is built from the Sun RPC 4.0 distribution.


getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, getrpcent, setrpcent

endservent -- Closes the Services File


 #include <netdb.h>

 void endservent(void);


endservent closes the services file, that is, a file with the same format as /etc/services in the UNIX environment. Refer to Network Administration for information on naming this file for your system.


endservent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


This routine is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


getservent, setservent, getservbyname, getservbyport

fcntl -- Controls Socket Operating Characteristics


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>

 int fcntl(int filedes, int action, argument);


Refer to the description of fcntl in SAS/C Library Reference, Third Edition, Volume 1,& Release 6.00 for a description of fcntl and the operating characteristics of sockets.

getclientid -- Gets the Calling Application Identifier


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int getclientid(int domain, struct clientid *clientid);


getclientid gets the identifier of the calling application. domain is AF_INET. clientid is a pointer to the clientid structure, which is filled on return from the call. getclientid is used in the givesocket and takesocket calls, which enable cooperative processes to pass socket descriptors to each other.

Note: getclientid is only supported with non-integrated sockets.


If getclientid succeeds, it returns a 0. Otherwise, it returns a -1 and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


getclientid is not portable to UNIX operating systems. On a UNIX operating system, sockets can be transferred from parent to child processes when the child process has been created via the fork system call.


In this example, getclientid returns the client ID from TCP/IP.
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

    /* These three application routines implement communication  */
    /* between the parent task and this task. They use a means   */
    /* other than sockets to communicate.                        */
 fromparent(void *, size_t);
 toparent(void *, size_t);

    /* This routine receives a socket from its parent            */
    /* task and store the descriptor into the integer pointed    */
    /* to by "s".                                                */
 recvsock(int *s)
    struct clientid id;

       /* Get the clientid from TCP/IP.                          */
    if (getclientid (AF_INET, &id)==-1) {
       perror ("Can't get client ID");
       return -1;

       /* Pass clientid to parent.                               */

       /* Get socket descriptor number from parent.              */
    fromparent(s, sizeof(*s));

       /* Take socket from parent.                               */
    if (takesocket(&id, *s)==-1) {
       perror ("takesocket failed");
       return -1;

       /* Tell parent that takesocket is completed.              */
    return 0;


givesocket, takesocket

getdtablesize -- Gets Descriptor Table Size


 #include <sys/param.h>
 int getdtablesize (void);


getdtablesize returns the maximum number of HFS files and sockets that may be opened. In a system without OpenEdition, getdtablesize returns the maximum file descriptor number that can be returned for a socket.


getdtablesize returns the maximum number of open HFS files and sockets if it is successful, and it returns a - 1 if it is not successful.


This example uses getdtablesize to determine the maximum number of sockets that can be opened and allocates storage for file descriptor sets large enough to accomodate this maximum. The file descriptor sets can be later passed to select.

Note that when file descriptor sets are allocated in this fashion, the FD_ZERO macro in <sys/types.h> should not be used as it assumes a fixed size for these sets.

  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/socket.h>

     int maxsockets;
     fd_set *readset, *writeset, *exceptset);
     int ready;

        /* get maximum number of sockets                                */
     maxsockets = getdtablesize();
     readset = calloc(1, (maxsockets+7)/8);
     writeset = calloc(1, (maxsockets+7)/8);
     exceptset = calloc(1, (maxsockets+7)/8);

        /* allocate storage for fd sets (8 bits per byte)               */
     ready = select(maxsockets, readset, writeset, exceptset, NULL);

        /* wait for socket activity                                     */





gethostbyaddr -- Gets Host Information by Address


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct hostent *gethostbyaddr(const char *addr, int len, int type);


Given the address of a host, gethostbyaddr returns a hostent structure containing the host's name and other information. This structure is typically used to obtain the name of the host from the h_name field. Refer to "<netdb.h>" for details on the hostent structure. For TCP/IP, addr should point to struct in_addr or an unsigned long integer in network byte order, len is normally the sizeof(struct in_addr), and type should be AF_INET.

Host information is found either through the resolver or in your system's equivalent of the /etc/hosts file. Refer to "gethostbyname and Resolver Configuration" for a description of the logic that determines how the host address is found.


If gethostbyaddr succeeds, it returns a host address. A null pointer indicates the network address was not found in the network file.


The value that gethostbyaddr returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, or gethostent calls.


The logic that determines whether to use the host file or the resolver is not uniform across environments. At the source code level, however, gethostbyaddr is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The SAS/C implementation of gethostbyaddr is a combination of the host file and resolver versions of the BSD UNIX Socket Library gethostbyaddr function.


gethostbyname, gethostent, sethostent

gethostbyname -- Gets Host Information by Name


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct hostent *gethostbyname(const char *name);


Given the name of a host, gethostbyname returns a pointer to the hostent structure containing the host's IP address and other information. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the hostent structure. This structure is typically used to find the previous address of the host via the h_addr field. Host information is found either through the resolver or in your system's equivalent of the /etc/hosts file. Refer to gethostbyname and Resolver Configuration for a description of the logic that determines how the host name is found.


If gethostbyname succeeds, it returns a pointer to a host name. A null pointer indicates the network address was not found in the network file.


The value that gethostbyname returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, or gethostent calls.


The logic that determines whether to use the host file or the resolver is not uniform across environments. At the source code level, however, gethostbyname is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The SAS/C implementation of gethostbyname is a combination of the host file and resolver versions of the BSD UNIX Socket Library gethostbyname function.


This program uses the socket call, gethostbyname to return an IP address that corresponds to the supplied hostname. gethostbyname will determine if a nameserver or local host tables are being used for name resolution. The answer is returned in the hostent structure, hp and then printed. The local host must be properly configured for name resolution by either a nameserver or host tables.
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct hostent *hp;
    struct in_addr ip_addr;

    /* Verify a "hostname" parameter was supplied */
    if (argc <1 || *argv[1] == '\0')

 /* call gethostbyname() with a host name. gethostbyname() returns a */
 /* pointer to a hostent struct or NULL.                             */
    hp = gethostbyname(argv[1]);

    if (!hp) {
       printf("%s was not resolved\n",argv[1]);

 /* move h_addr to ip_addr. This enables conversion to a form        */
 /* suitable for printing with the inet_ntoa() function.             */

    ip_addr = *(struct in_addr *)(hp->h_addr);
    printf("Hostname: %s, was resolved to: %s\n",



gethostbyaddr, herror, sethostent

gethostent -- Gets the Next Entry in the Host File


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct hostent *gethostent(void);


gethostent returns the next sequential entry in the host file.


If gethostent succeeds, it returns a pointer to the hostent structure. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the hostent structure. A null pointer indicates an error occured or there were no more nework entries. If the resolver and the name server are in use, gethostent returns NULL.


The value that gethostent returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, or gethostent calls.


The logic that determines whether to use the host file or the resolver is not uniform across environments. At the source code level, however, gethostent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The SAS/C implementation of gethostent is a combination of the host file and resolver versions of the BSD UNIX Socket Library gethostent function.


This program demonstrates the socket calls: gethostent, endhostent, and sethostent. The local host must be configured to use hosts tables for name resolution, prefix.ETC.HOSTS; where prefix is described in Network Administration .
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

 #define TRUE 1

 static void prthost(struct hostent *h);

 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct hostent *h;

 /* sethostent() opens the prefix.ETC.HOSTS file, or when using a  */
 /* nameserver, opens a TCP connection to the nameserver.          */


 /* gethostent() reads the next sequential entry in the            */
 /* prefix.ETC.HOSTS file. It returns a pointer to a "hostent"     */
 /* structure.                                                     */

    while (h=gethostent())

 /* endhostent() closes the prefix.ETC.HOSTS file, or the          */
 /* connection to the nameserver.                                  */


 /* prthost() prints the information returned by gethostent()      */
 /* from the hostent structure.                                    */

 static void prthost(struct hostent *h)
    char **p;

    /* Print primary name and aliases. */
    printf("\nname: %s\n",h->h_name);
    for (p=h->h_aliases; *p; p++)
       printf("alternate name: %s\n",*p);

    /* Handle unexpected situations gracefully. */
    if (h->h_addrtype != AF_INET) {
       printf("Not an internet address.\n");
    if (h->h_length != sizeof(struct in_addr)) {
       printf("Invalid length: %d.\n",h->h_length);

    /* Print the primary address and any alternates.  */
    for (p=h->h_addr_list; *p; p++) {
       printf("%s address: %s\n",
              p==h->h_addr_list ? "primary " : "alternate ",
              inet_ntoa((*(struct in_addr *)*p)) );


endhostent, gethostbyname, sethostent

gethostid -- Gets the Local Host's Internet Address


 #include <netdb.h>

 unsigned long gethostid(void);


gethostid gets the 32-bit Internet address for the local host.


gethostid returns the Internet address or -1 (0xFFFFFFFF), which is the value of the macro identifier INADDR_NONE in the <netinet/in.h> header file.


gethostid calls are not necessarily portable to all systems. In particular, the return value may not be the IP address. However, gethostid is portable to many other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets. These other socket library implementations do not require the inclusion of the <netdb.h> header file. The SAS/C <netdb.h> header file contains #pragma map statements to create unique eight-character identifiers for the MVS and CMS linking utilities. To reduce incompatibilities caused by failure to include <netdb.h> in existing source code, a #pragma map statement for this function is also available in <sys/types.h>.


The value that gethostid returns is assigned by the local host's TCP/IP software, which must be running in order for gethostid to succeed.


This program uses the socket call, gethostid to return the 32-bit internet address for the local host. The local host must have an operational TCPIP stack.
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

    struct in_addr in;

 /* gethostid() returns the 32-bit internet address as an    */
 /* unsigned long.                                           */

    in.s_addr = gethostid();
    if (in.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) {
       perror("gethostid failed");
       return EXIT_FAILURE;

 /* convert the unsigned long to a string in dotted decimal  */
 /* and print.                                               */

    printf("Local Host IP Address is: %s\n",inet_ntoa(in));
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;



gethostname -- Gets the Host Name


 int gethostname(char *name, int namelen);


gethostname returns the host name for the current processor. namelen is the size of the name array. The returned host name is null-terminated unless there is not enough space in namelen.


If gethostname succeeds, it returns a 0. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


gethostname is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets. These other socket library implementations do not require the inclusion of the <netdb.h> header file. The SAS/C <netdb.h> header file contains #pragma map statements to create unique eight-character identifiers for the MVS and CMS linking utilities.


The value that gethostname returns is assigned by the local host's TCP/IP software, which must be running in order for gethostid to succeed.


gethostname is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets. To reduce incompatibilities caused by failure to include <netdb.h> in existing source code, a #pragma map statement for this function is also available in <sys/types.h>.


This program uses the socket call, gethostname to return the hostname as defined to the local host. The local host must have an operational TCPIP stack.
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

    char buf[128];

 /* gethostname returns the hostname in the buf array. If       */
 /* gethostname() succeeds it returns a 0, otherwise a -1 and   */
 /* errno is set accordingly.                                   */

    if (gethostname(buf,sizeof(buf))) {
       perror("Can't retrive host name");
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


gethostbyname, gethostid

GETLONG, _getlong -- Gets a Long Integer from a Character Buffer


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <arpa/nameser.h>

 GETLONG(l_int, msgp)

 u_long _getlong(const u_char *msgp);


The GETLONG macro and _getlong function extract an unsigned long integer l_int from a character buffer addressed by msgp. The bytes of the extracted integer are assumed to have been stored in the buffer as four consecutive bytes, starting with the high-order byte. The _getlong function returns the value. The GETLONG macro requires that both arguments be lvalues. mgsp is advanced by four bytes. The extracted unsigned long value is assigned to l_int.

This routine is useful in resolver programming. For information on buffer formats for Internet name servers, refer to Chapter 20, "The Domain Name System," in Internetworking with TCP/IP.


_getlong returns the value of the unsigned long integer. GETLONG is syntactically a statement rather than an expression and, therefore, has no return value.


GETLONG evaluates its arguments more than once.


The GETLONG macro is defined in the <arpa/nameser.h> header file.



getnetbyaddr -- Gets Network Information by Address


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct netent *getnetbyaddr(long net, int type);


Given a network address, specified by net, getnetbyaddr returns a pointer to the netent structure as defined in <netdb.h>. This structure typically is used to obtain the network name from the n_name field. The network address should be supplied in host byte order. For TCP/IP, type should be AF_INET. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the netent structure. The source of the data in the netent structure is the network file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/networks file on a UNIX operating system.

Refer to Search Logic for information on the logic used to determine the location of the network file.


If getnetbyaddr succeeds, it returns a pointer to the netent structure. A null pointer indicates the network address was not found in the network file.


The value that getnetbyaddr returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr, or getnetent calls.


getnetbyaddr is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


getnetbyaddr is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


getnetent, getnetbyname, setnetent, endnetent

getnetbyname -- Gets Network Information by Name


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct netent *getnetbyname(const char *name);


Given a network name, pointed to by the name argument, getnetbyname returns a pointer to the netent structure, as defined in <netdb.h>. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the netent structure. This structure is typically used to obtain the network address from the n_net field. The source of the data in this structure is the network file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/networks file on a UNIX operating system.

Refer to Search Logic for information on the logic used to determine the location of the network file.


If getnetbyname succeeds, it returns a pointer to the netent structure. A null pointer indicates the network address was not found in the network file.


The value that getnetbyname returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr, or getnetent calls.


getnetbyname is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


getnetbyname is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


getnetbyaddr, getnetent, setnetent, endnetent

getnetent -- Gets the Next Network Information Structure


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct netent *getnetent(void);


Given a network name, getnetent returns a pointer to the next network entry in the netent structure as defined in <netdb.h>. The source of the data in this structure is the network file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/networks file on a UNIX operating system. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the netent structure.

Refer to Search Logic for information on the logic used to determine the location of the network file.


If getnetent succeeds, it returns a pointer to the netent structure. A null pointer indicates an error occurred or there were no more network entries.


The value that getnetent returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr, or getnetent calls.


getnetent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


getnetent is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


getnetbyaddr, getnetbyname, setnetent, endnetent

getpeername -- Gets the Address of a Peer


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int getpeername(int s, void *addr, int *addrlen);


getpeername stores the address of the peer that is connected to socket s. The addr and addrlen functions describe the buffer into which getpeername places the address of the new peer. addr points to a sockaddr structure or one of its derivatives, such as sockaddr_in, and addrlen points to an integer containing the size of the buffer in bytes. If the buffer size is not large enough to contain the address of the peer, the value of the address is not completely copied. No error is indicated in this situation. On return, the integer pointed to by addrlen is set to the length that was actually copied. For connected sockets, the address that is returned is the same as that returned by the recvfrom function.


If getpeername succeeds, it returns a 0. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


getpeername is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


In this example, getpeername returns the port and address of the peer program.

 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

    int s;
    struct sockaddr_in peer;
    int peer_len;
       /* We must put the length in a variable.              */
    peer_len = sizeof(peer);
       /* Ask getpeername to fill in peer's socket address.  */
    if (getpeername(s, &peer, &peer_len) == -1) {
       perror("getpeername() failed");
       return -1;

       /* Print it. The IP address is often zero because     */
       /* sockets are seldom bound to a specific local       */
       /* interface.                                         */
    printf("Peer's IP address is: %s\n", inet_ntoa(peer.sin_addr));
    printf("Peer's port is: %d\n", (int) ntohs(peer.sin_port));


accept, bind, connect, getsockname, recvfrom

getprotobyname -- Gets Protocol Information by Name


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct protoent *getprotobyname(char *name);


Given the null-terminated name of a protocol, getprotobyname returns a pointer to the protoent structure defined in <netdb.h>. This structure is typically used to obtain the number for the protocol from the p_proto field. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the protoent structure. The source of the data in this structure is the protocols file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/protocols file on a UNIX operating system. Refer to Search Logic for information on the logic used to determine the location of the protocols file.


If getprotobyname succeeds, it returns a pointer to the protoent structure. A null pointer indicates the network address was not found in the network file.


The value that getprotobyname returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, or getprotoent calls.


getprotobyname is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


getprotobyname is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


endprotoent, setprotoent, getprotobynumber, getprotoent

getprotobynumber -- Gets Protocol Information by Number


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct protoent *getprotobynumber(int proto);


Given the number of a protocol, specified by proto, getprotobynumber returns a pointer to the protoent structure defined in <netdb.h> for the specified network protocol proto. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the protoent structure. This structure is typically used to obtain the name of the protocol from the p_name field. The source of the data in this structure is the protocols file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/protocols file on a UNIX operating system.

Refer to Search Logic for information on the logic used to determine the location of the protocols file.


If getprotobynumber succeeds, it returns a pointer to the protoent structure. A null pointer indicates the network address was not found in the network file.


The value that getprotobynumber returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, or getprotoent calls.


getprotobynumber is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


getprotobynumber is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


endprotoent, setprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotoent

getprotoent -- Gets Protocol Information


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct protoent *getprotoent(void);


Given a network name, getprotoent returns a pointer to the next network entry in the protoent structure defined in <netdb.h>. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the protoent structure. The source of the data in this structure is the protocols file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/protocols file on a UNIX operating system.

Refer to Search Logic for information on the logic used to determine the location of the protocols file.


If getprotoent succeeds, it returns a pointer to the protoent structure. A null pointer indicates an error occurred or there were no more network entries.


The value that getprotoent returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, or getprotoent calls.


getprotoent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


getprotoent is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


endprotoent, setprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber

getrpcbyname -- Returns rpcent Structure for an RPC Program Name


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct rpcent *getrpcbyname(const char *name);


Given the name of an RPC program pointed to by the name argument, getrpcbyname returns a pointer to the rpcent structure defined in <netdb.h>. This structure is typically used to obtain the number for the RPC program from the r_number field. Refer to rpcent for details on the rpcent structure.

The source of the data in the rpcent structure is the protocols file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/rpc file on a UNIX operating system. Refer to /etc/rpc for information on the logic used to determine the location of the protocols file.


If getrpcbyname succeeds, it returns a pointer to the rpcent structure. A null pointer indicates an error or an end-of-file.


The value that getrpcbyname returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, or getrpcent calls.


getrpcbyname is portable to other systems that support Sun RPC 4.0.


This function is built from the Sun RPC 4.0 distribution.


endrpcent, getrpcbynumber, getrpcent, setrpcent

getrpcbynumber -- Returns the rpcent Structure for an RPC Program Number


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct rpcent *getrpcbynumber(int prognum);


Given the number of an RPC program, specified by prognum, getrpcbynumber returns a pointer to the rpcent structure, which is defined in <netdb.h>. This structure is typically used to obtain the name for the RPC program from the r_name field. Refer to rpcent for details on the rpcent structure.

The source of the data in the rpcent structure is the protocols file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/rpc file on a UNIX operating system. Refer to /etc/rpc for information on the logic used to determine the location of the protocols file.


If getrpcbynumber succeeds, it returns a pointer to the rpcent structure. A null pointer indicates the network address was not found in the network file.


The value that getrpcbynumber returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, or getrpcent calls.


getrpcbynumber is portable to other systems that support Sun RPC 4.0.


This function is built from the Sun RPC 4.0 distribution.


endrpcent, getrpcbyname, getrpcent, setrpcent

getrpcent -- Returns the rpcent Structure


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct rpcent *getrpcent(void);


getrpcent returns a pointer to the rpcent structure, which is defined in <netdb.h>. The source of the data in this structure is the SUN RPC program numbers file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/rpc file on a UNIX operating system.

Refer to /etc/rpc for information on the logic used to determine the location of the protocols file.


If getrpcent succeeds, it returns a pointer to the rpcent structure. A null pointer indicates an error occurred or there were no more network entries.


The value that getrpcent returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, or getrpcent calls.


getrpcent is portable to other systems that support Sun RPC 4.0.


This function is built from the Sun RPC 4.0 distribution.


endrpcent, getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, setrpcent

getservbyname -- Gets Service Information by Name


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct servent *getservbyname(const char *name, const char *proto);


Given the name of a well-known service, pointed to by name, and a protocol string for accessing that service, pointed to by proto, getservbyname returns a pointer to the servent structure, which is defined in <netdb.h>. This structure is typically used to obtain the port for the service from the serv_port field. The source of the data in this structure is the services file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/services file on a UNIX operating system. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the servent structure.

Refer to Search Logic for information on the logic used to determine the location of the services file.


If getservbyname succeeds, it returns a pointer to the servent structure. A null pointer indicates an error or an end-of-file.


The value that getservbyname returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getservbyname, getservbyport, or getservent calls.


getservbyname is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


getservbyname is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


This program uses the socket call, getservbyname to obtain the structure, servent. In most cases the returned structure is used to obtain the port for the service. getservbyname reads the prefix.ETC.SERVICES file. The prefix.ETC.SERVICES file must be properly configures on the local host; where prefix is described in Network Administration . The input parameters are case sensitive.
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct servent *serv;

    if (argc < 3) {
       puts("Incorrect parameters. Use:");
       puts("   gsbnm service-name protocol-name");
       return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* getservbyname() - opens the file and returns the */
    /* values for the requested service and protocol.                */

    serv = getservbyname(argv[1], argv[2]);
    if (serv == NULL) {
       printf("Service \"%s\" not found for protocol \"%s\"\n",
          argv[1], argv[2]);
       return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Print it. */
    printf("Name: %-15s  Port: %5d    Protocol: %-6s\n",
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


endservent, setservent, getservent, getservbyport

getservbyport -- Gets Service Information by Port


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct servent *getservbyport(int port, const char *proto);


Given the port of a well-known service, identified by the port argument, and the protocol string for accessing it, pointed to by proto, getservbyport returns a pointer to the servent structure, which is defined in <netdb.h>. This structure is typically used to obtain the name of the service from the s_name field. The source of the data in this structure is the services file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/services file on a UNIX operating system. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the servent structure.

Refer to Search Logic for information on the logic used to determine the location of the services file.


If getservbyport succeeds, it returns a pointer to the matching port number in the servent structure. A null pointer indicates an error occurred or there were no more network entries.


The value that getservbyport returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getservbname, getservbyport, or getservent calls.


getservbyport is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


getservbyport is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


endservent, setservent, getservent, getservbyname

getservent -- Gets Next Entry in Services File


 #include <netdb.h>

 struct servent *getservent(void);


getservent returns a pointer to the next sequential entry in the services file, that is, a file with the same format as the /etc/services file on a UNIX operating system. Refer to <netdb.h> for details on the servent structure.

Refer to Search Logic for information on the logic used to determine the location of the services file.


If getservent succeeds, it returns a pointer to the servent structure. A null pointer indicates an error or an end-of-file.


The value that getservent returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getservbyname, getservbyport, or getservent calls.


getservent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


getservent is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


This program demonstrates the socket calls: endservent, getservent, and setservent. GETSENT attempts to open a prefix.ETC.SERVICES file to obtain local configuration data; where prefix is described in Network Administration .
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

 #define TRUE 1

    struct servent *serv;

    /* setservent() opens the ETC.SERVICES file.              */


    /* getservent() sequentially reads the elements in the    */
    /* ETC.SERVICES file.                                     */

    while (serv = getservent()) {
      /* Print an entry. */
      printf("Name: %-15s  Port: %5d    Protocol: %-6s\n",

    /* endservent() closes the ETC.SERVICES file.             */

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


endservent, setservent, getservbyname, getservbyport

GETSHORT, _getshort -- Gets a Short Integer from Character Buffer


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <arpa/nameser.h>

 GETSHORT(s_int, msgp)

 u_short _getshort(const u_char *msgp);


The GETSHORT macro and _getshort function extract an unsigned short integer s_int from a character buffer addressed by msgp. The bytes of the extracted integer are assumed to have been stored in the buffer as two consecutive bytes, starting with the high-order byte. The _getshort function returns the value. The GETSHORT macro requires that both arguments are lvalues. mgsp is advanced by two bytes. The extracted unsigned short value is assigned to s_int.

This routine is useful in resolver programming. For information on buffer formats for Internet name servers, refer to Chapter 20, "The Domain Name System," in Internetworking with TCP/IP.


_getshort returns the value of the unsigned short integer. GETSHORT is syntactically a statement rather than an expression, and therefore has no return value.


GETSHORT evaluates its arguments more than once.


The GETSHORT macro is defined in the <arpa/nameser.h> header file.



getsockname -- Gets a Socket by Name


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int getsockname(int s, void *addr, int *addrlen);


getsockname stores the address that is bound to a specified socket s in the buffer pointed to by addr. The addr and addrlen functions describe the buffer into which getsockname places the address of the socket. addr, as specified in the previous bind call, should point to a sockaddr structure or one of its derivatives, such as sockaddr_in.

addrlen points to an integer containing the size of the buffer in bytes. If the buffer size is not large enough to contain the address of the socket, the value of the address is not completely copied. No error is indicated in this situation. On return, the integer pointed to by addrlen is set to the length that was actually copied. If the socket has not been bound to an address, only the sa_family field is meaningful; all other fields are set to 0.


If getsockname succeeds, it returns a 0. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


getsockname is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


In this example getsockname returns the name of bound socket s.

 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

    int s;
    struct sockaddr_in sa;
    int sa_len;
       /* We must put the length in a variable.              */
    sa_len = sizeof(sa);
       /* Ask getsockname to fill in this socket's local     */
       /* address.                                           */
    if (getsockname(s, &sa, &sa_len) == -1) {
       perror("getsockname() failed");
       return -1;

       /* Print it. The IP address is often zero beacuase    */
       /* sockets are seldom bound to a specific local       */
       /* interface.                                         */
    printf("Local IP address is: %s\n", inet_ntoa(sa.sin_add r));
    printf("Local port is: %d\n", (int) ntohs(sa.sin_port));


bind, getpeername

getsockopt -- Gets the Value of an Option


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int getsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, void *optval, int *optlen);


getsockopt returns the value of an option associated with socket s. The level argument is the level of the option. The optname argument is the name of the option. The optval argument is a pointer to the buffer that receives the value of the requested option. As an input parameter, the integer pointed to by optlen should be set to the size of the optval buffer. On output, the integer pointed to by optlen is set to the size of the returned value. For cases in which optval points to an integer, a stored value of 0 indicates that the option is off. A nonzero returned value indicates that the option is on.

Most options are at the socket level. Pass SOL_SOCKET as the level parameter for these options:

gets the error status of the socket. The TCP/IP software maintains an errno value (the SO_ERROR field on a UNIX operating system) for each socket. The SO_ERROR option obtains and then clears this field, which is useful when checking for errors that occur between socket calls. In this case, optval should point to an integer.
gets the setting of the linger option. The linger option controls the behavior of the call to close when some data have not yet been sent. optval should point to a struct linger. If the value of the l_onoff field is 0, close returns immediately. In this case, TCP/IP continues to attempt to deliver the data, but the program is not informed if delivery fails. If the value of the l_onoff field is nonzero, the behavior of the close call depends on the value of the l_linger field. If this value is 0, unsent data are discarded at the time of the close. If the value of l_linger is not 0, the close call blocks the caller until there is a timeout or until all data are sent. The l_linger field indicates the length of the desired timeout period. Some TCP/IP implementations may ignore the value of the l_linger field. s must be a stream socket.
receives out-of-band data inline, that is, without setting the MSG_OOB flag in recv calls. optval should point to an integer. s must be a stream socket. Refer to "Out-of-Band Data" in Chapter 6, "Berkeley Sockets," in UNIX Network Programming for information on out-of-band data.
allows local port address to be reused. optval should point to an integer. s must be a stream socket.
gets type of socket: SOCKET_STREAM, SOCK_RAW, or SOCK_DGRAM. The optval pointer should point to an integer.
The option level IPPROTO_TCP is available for one option. The TCP_NODELAY option indicates that TCP's normal socket buffering should not be used on the socket. The TCP_NODELAY option is not operative; it is supported for source code compatibility. The <netinet/in.h> and <netinet/tcp.h> headers files are required for this option.


If getsockopt succeeds, it returns a 0. Otherwise, it returns a -1 and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


getsockopt is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets. The supported options may vary depending on the system, and the options described previously may be supported differently. Additional options may be supported by a specific TCP/IP software product. Refer to your software documentation for details.


In this example getsockopt gets the type of socket.
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

    int optlen, gs, socktype, s;

       /* Create a datagram socket. */
    s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
    if (s == -1) {
       perror("Socket not created");
       return EXIT_FAILURE;

       /* Ask for the socket type. */
    optlen = sizeof(socktype);
    gs = getsockopt (s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, &socktype, &optlen);
    if (gs == -1) {
       perror("getsockopt failed");
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
       /* Print socket type. */
    switch (socktype)
    case SOCK_STREAM:
       puts("Stream socket.\n");
    case SOCK_DGRAM:
       puts("Datagram socket.\n");
    case SOCK_RAW:
       puts("Raw socket.\n");
       puts("Unknown socket type.\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


bind, close, fcntl, ioctl, recv, setsockopt, socket

givesocket -- Gives a Socket to Another Process


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int givesocket(int s, const struct clientid * clientid);


givesocket specifies that socket s is available to another process. s must be a connected stream socket. After a successful givesocket call, the donor process, which is often a concurrent server, passes its client ID clientid and the socket descriptor for s to the receiving process. The donor process must have already obtained the client ID of the receiving process.

To pass a socket, the donor program calls givesocket with the clientid structure filled in as follows:

   Field         Description

   domain        AF_INET

   name          Receiving program's address space name,
                 left justified and padded with blanks

   subtaskname   blanks

   reserved      binary zeros

The receiving process then completes the operation by issuing a takesocket call. The mechanism for exchanging client IDs and socket descriptor values is the responsibility of the two processes and is not accomplished by either the givesocket or the takesocket call.

If givesocket is successful, s is not available for any other calls until a close is issued for s. Do not issue a close call until the other application has successfully completed a takesocket call for s; otherwise the connection is reset.

The select or selectecb functions can be used to wait on an exception condition for a given socket. An exception condition is raised on a socket when the receiver has taken the socket with the socket function. When the exception is raised, the donor program can close the socket.

Note: givesocket is only supported with non-integrated sockets.


If givesocket succeeds, it returns a 0. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


givesocket is not portable to UNIX operating systems. On UNIX operating systems, sockets are typically transferred from parent to child processes as a side effect of the fork system call.


getclientid, select, selectecb, takesocket

herror -- Prints a Host Error Message


 #include <netdb.h>

 void herror(const char *string);


herror writes an error message to stderr describing a failure in gethostbyname or gethostbyaddr. If string is not NULL, it is written first, followed by a colon, a space, and the error message corresponding to the h_errno value.

h_errno values and herrno text are as follows:

   h_error value      herror text

   HOST_NOT_FOUND     Host not found.

   TRY_AGAIN          Temporary failure, try later.

   NO_RECOVERY        Nameserver failure

   NO_DATA            No data of this type associated with
                      this name

   NO_ADDRESS         No address of this type associated with this name.


herror is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


gethostbyaddr, gethostbyname

htoncs -- Converts an EBCDIC Character to ASCII


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>

 int htoncs(int hostchar);


htoncs converts a single EBCDIC character hostchar to an ASCII character. High-order bits will be ignored in the input parameter. The name of this function, an abbreviation of "host to network character set," is analogous to the htonl and htons functions. ASCII is the predominant character set for text on TCP/IP networks, while EBCDIC is the predominant character set for text on MVS and CMS systems.

The htoncs function is provided to facilitate the writing of TCP/IP programs on MVS and CMS systems. You may find that other EBCDIC-to-ASCII translation routines are better suited to your requirements.


htoncs returns the ASCII character corresponding to the input argument interpreted as an EBCDIC character.


htoncs is not portable; character set translation is seldom required in other environments.


Refer to member L$USKCS in SASC.SOURCE (MVS) or LSU MACLIB (CMS) for the translate table. This routine may be modified by the user.


htonl, htons, ntohcs, ntohl, ntohs

htonl -- Converts a Long Integer from Host to Network Order


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>

 unsigned long htonl(unsigned long hostlong);


The htonl macro converts an unsigned long integer hostlong from host byte order to network byte order. On an IBM 370, this is a null macro since IBM 370 byte ordering is big endian, as is network byte ordering.


htonl returns the converted value.


There is also an htonl function. Be sure to include the proper header files so that the htonl macro is always used.


htonl is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The htonl macro is defined in the <netinet/in.h> header file.


htoncs, htons, ntohcs, ntohs, ntohl

htons -- Converts a Short Integer from Host to Network Order


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>

 unsigned short htons(unsigned short hostshort);


The htons macro converts an unsigned short integer hostshort from host byte order to network byte order. On an IBM 370, this is a null macro since IBM 370 byte ordering is big endian, as is network byte ordering.


htons returns the converted value.


There is also an htons function. Be sure to include the proper header files so that the htons macro is always used.


htons is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The htons macro is defined in the <netinet/in.h> header file.


htoncs, htonl, ntohcs, ntohs, ntohl

inet_addr -- Interprets an Internet Address


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>

 unsigned long inet_addr(const char *cp);


inet_addr interprets a null-terminated character string, pointed to by cp, that represents numbers in the Internet standard dotted decimal notation and returns a corresponding Internet address. The dotted decimal string can contain up to four components. All but the last components are placed in succeeding bytes, beginning with the high-order byte. The last component fills all remaining bytes. This dotted decimal notation takes one of the following forms:


Each section is assigned, from left to right, to the four bytes of an Internet address.


The last section is interpreted as a 16-byte quantity and placed in the rightmost two bytes of the network address. In this way, you can specify Class B network addresses as "".


The last part is interpreted as a 24-bit quantity and placed in the rightmost three bytes of the network address. In this way, you can specify Class A network addresses as "".


This value is stored directly in the network address without rearranging any bytes.

The numbers supplied in dotted decimal notation can be decimal, octal, or hexadecimal, as specified in the C language. In other words, a leading 0x or 0X implies hexadecimal notation; a leading 0 implies octal notation. Otherwise, the number is interpreted as decimal.

The Internet address is returned in network byte order.


If inet_addr is successful, it returns the address in network byte order. Otherwise, it returns a -1UL (0xFFFFFFFF), and sets errno to indicate the type of error. INADDR_NONE is the symbolic name for the -1UL value returned by inet_addr when the input is valid.


inet_addr is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets. On some systems, this routine may return the type struct in_addr.


The SAS/C version of inet_addr is a direct port from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


inet_lnaof, inet_makeaddr, inet_netof, inet_network, inet_ntoa

inet_lnaof -- Determines a Local Network Address


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>

 unsigned long inet_lnaof(struct in_addr in);


inet_lnaof separates the elements in an Internet host address, specified by in, and returns the local network address.

The host address is in network byte order because it is contained in a struct in_addr.


inet_lnaof returns the network address in host byte order.


inet_lnaof is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The SAS/C version of inet_lnaof is a direct port from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


inet_addr, inet_makeaddr, inet_netof, inet_network, inet_ntoa

inet_makeaddr -- Constructs an Internet Address


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>

 struct in_addr inet_makeaddr(int net, int lna);


inet_makeaddr constructs an Internet address from an Internet network number net and a local network address lna. Both the Internet network number and the local network address are specified in host byte order.


inet_makeaddr returns the Internet address in network byte order.


inet_makeaddr is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The SAS/C version of inet_makeaddr is a direct port from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


inet_addr, inet_lnaof, inet_netof, inet_network, inet_ntoa

inet_netof -- Determines the Network Number


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>

 unsigned long inet_netof(struct in_addr in);


inet_netof separates the elements in an Internet host address in and returns the network number. The host address is specified in network byte order because it is contained in a struct in_addr.


inet_netof returns the network number in host byte order.


inet_netof is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The SAS/C version of inet_netof is a direct port from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


inet_addr, inet_lnaof, inet_makeaddr, inet_network, inet_ntoa

inet_network -- Interprets an Internet Network Number


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>

 unsigned long inet_network(const char *cp);


inet_network interprets a null-terminated character string, pointed to by cp, that represents numbers in the Internet standard dotted decimal notation and returns that string as an Internet network number of up to four components. Each component is assigned to a byte of the result. If there are fewer than four components, high-order bytes have a value of 0.

The numbers supplied in dotted decimal notation can be decimal, octal, or hexadecimal, as specified in the C language. In other words, a leading 0x or 0X implies hexadecimal notation; a leading 0 implies octal notation. Otherwise, the number is interpreted as decimal.


If inet_network is successful, it returns the network number. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error. INADDR_NONE is the symbolic name for the -1 value returned by inet_network when the input is valid.


inet_network is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The SAS/C version of inet_network is a direct port from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


inet_lnaof, inet_makeaddr, inet_netof, inet_addr, inet_ntoa

inet_ntoa -- Puts an Internet Address into Network Byte Order


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>

 char *inet_ntoa(struct in_addr in);


inet_ntoa takes an Internet address, in, and returns a pointer to a null-terminated string representing the address in dotted decimal notation. The dotted decimal string has four components. The host address is specified in network byte order because it is contained in a struct in_addr.


If inet_ntoa is successful, it returns a pointer to the Internet address in dotted decimal notation.


The string value is contained in a static character array. You must copy this value if you plan to refer to it after a subsequent inet_ntoa call.


inet_ntoa is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The SAS/C version of inet_ntoa is a direct port from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


inet_addr, inet_lnaof, inet_makeaddr, inet_network, inet_netof

ioctl -- Controls Operating Characteristics of Socket Descriptors


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <if.h>

 int ioctl(int s, unsigned long cmd, void *data);


ioctl controls or queries the operating characteristics of socket descriptor s. data points to the data that are associated with command cmd.

The following commands are valid:

controls non-blocking I/O for socket descriptor s, and data points to an integer. If *data is 0, ioctl clears non-blocking I/O. If *data is not 0, s is set for non-blocking I/O. Calls that cannot complete immediately return a -1 with errno set to EWOULDBLOCK.
stores the number of readable bytes for s; data points to an integer, which is set to the number of readable characters for s.
checks to see if s is pointing to out-of-band data. data points to an integer, which is set to 1 if s points to out-of-band data. Otherwise, *data is set to 0. Use this option for TCP sockets where out-of-band data are delivered inline. Refer to "Out-of-Band Data" in Chapter 6, "Berkeley Sockets," in UNIX Network Programming.
stores the network interface address. data points to an ifreq structure that is defined in <if.h>. The address is returned in the if_addr field.
stores the network interface broadcast address. data points to an ifreq structure that is defined in <if.h>. The address is returned in the if_broadaddr field.
stores a network interface configuration list. data points to an ifconf structure that is defined in <if.h>. On input, the structure specifies a buffer into which the list is placed. The ifc_buf field should point to the buffer. The ifc_len field should contain its length in bytes.
stores the network destination interface address. data points to an ifreq structure that is defined in <if.h>. For point-to-point connections, this option stores the address of the remote interface or destination. The address is stored in the if_dstadaddr field.

stores the network interface flags. data points to an ifreq structure that is defined in <if.h>. The flags provide information about the interface and its current state, such as whether the interface is point-to-point and whether it is currently up. The flags are stored in the ifr_flags field of the ifreq structure. The names of the flags begin with IFF; they are listed in the <if.h> header file.
stores the network interface network mask. data points to an ifreq structure that is defined in <if.h>. The address is returned in the if_addr field.
Additional options may be supported by some TCP/IP software products. Refer to your software documentation for details.

Note: If integrated sockets are in use, the ioctl function simply calls the w_ioctl OpenEdition system call.


If ioctl succeeds, it returns a 0. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


ioctl is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets. Unlike the BSD UNIX ioctl call, the SAS/C version of ioctl controls only sockets.


fcntl getsockopt, setsockopt

listen -- Indicates Socket Descriptor is Ready to Accept Requests


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int listen(int s, int backlog);


listen indicates that the socket descriptor s is ready to accept incoming connection requests. backlog is an integer defining the maximum length of the queue of connection requests. The SOMAXCONN constant in the <socket.h> header file defines the maximum value for the backlog parameter. Currently, SOMAXCONN is 10. The connections are accepted with accept. Servers typically use this call in preparation for service requests from clients.


If listen succeeds, it returns a 0. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


listen is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


accept, bind, connect

ntohcs -- Converts ASCII Characters to EBCDIC


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>

 int ntohcs(int netchar);


ntohcs converts a network ASCII character netchar to a host EBCDIC character. High-order bits will be ignored in input parameters. The name of this function, an abbreviation of "network to host character set," is analogous to the names of the ntohl and ntohs functions. ASCII is the standard character set for text on TCP/IP networks, while EBCDIC is the standard character set for text on MVS and CMS systems.

The ntohcs function is provided to facilitate the writing of TCP/IP programs on MVS and CMS systems. You may find that other ASCII-to-EBCDIC translation routines are better suited to your requirements.


ntohcs returns the EBCDIC character corresponding to netchar interpreted as an ASCII character.


ntohcs is not portable; character set translation is seldom required in other environments.


Refer to member L$USKCS in SASC.SOURCE (MVS) or LSU MACLIB (CMS) for the translate table. This routine may be modified by the user.


htoncs, htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs

ntohl -- Converts a Long Integer from Network to Host Byte Order


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>

 unsigned long ntohl(unsigned long netlong);


The ntohl macro converts an unsigned long integer netlong from network byte order to host byte order. On an IBM 370, this is a null macro, since IBM 370 byte ordering is big endian, as is network byte ordering.


ntohl returns the converted value.


There is also an ntohl function. Be sure to include the proper header files so that the ntohl macro is always used.


ntohl is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The ntohl macro is defined in the <netinet/in.h> header file.


htoncs, htonl, htons, ntohcs, ntohs

ntohs -- Converts a Short Integer from Network to Host Byte Order


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>

 unsigned short ntohs(unsigned short netshort);


The ntohs macro converts an unsigned short integer netshort from network byte order to host byte order. On an IBM 370, this is a null macro, since IBM 370 byte ordering is big endian, as is network byte ordering.


ntohs returns the converted value.


There is also an ntohs function. Be sure to include the proper header files so that the ntohs macro is always used.


ntohs is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The ntohs macro is defined in the <netinet/in.h> header file.


htoncs, htonl, htons, ntohcs, ntohl

PUTLONG, putlong -- Puts a Long Integer into a Character Buffer


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <arpa/nameser.h>

 PUTLONG(ul, msgp)

 int putlong(u_long ul, u_char *msgp);


The PUTLONG macro and putlong function put an unsigned long integer ul into a character buffer addressed by msgp. The bytes of the integer are assumed to have been stored in the buffer as four consecutive bytes, starting with the high-order byte. The putlong function returns the value. The PUTLONG macro requires that both its arguments be lvalues. mgsp is advanced by four bytes. The value in ul is destroyed by the macro. These routines are useful in resolver programming. For information on buffer formats for Internet name servers, refer to Chapter 20, "The Domain Name System," in Internetworking with TCP/IP.


putlong returns the value of the unsigned long integer. PUTLONG is syntactically a statement rather than an expression and, therefore, has no return value.


PUTLONG evaluates its arguments more than once. The PUTLONG macro destroys its first argument.


The PUTLONG macro is defined in the <arpa/nameser.h> header file.



PUTSHORT, putshort -- Puts a Short Integer into a Character Buffer


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <arpa/nameser.h>

 PUTSHORT(u_sh, mgsp)

 int putshort(u_short u_sh, u_char *msgp);


The PUTSHORT macro and putshort function put an unsigned short integer u_sh into a character buffer addressed by msgp. The PUTSHORT macro requires that its second argument be an lvalue. mgsp is advanced by two bytes. This routine is useful in resolver programming. For information on buffer formats for Internet name servers, refer to Chapter 20, "The Domain Name System," in Internetworking with TCP/IP.


putshort returns the value of the unsigned short integer. PUTSHORT is syntactically a statement rather than an expression, and, therefore, has no return value.


PUTSHORT evaluates its arguments more than once.


The PUTSHORT macro is defined in the <arpa/nameser.h> header file.



readv -- Reads Data from a Socket Descriptor into an Array of Buffers


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/uio.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>

 int readv(int s, struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt);


readv reads data from socket or file descriptor s into the iovcnt buffers specified by the iov array. As with the read call, the socket must have been previously associated with a remote address via the connect system call. If there are no data, readv blocks the caller unless the socket is in non-blocking mode. The iovec structure is defined in <sys/uio.h>. Each iovec entry specifies the base address and length of an area in memory in which the data should be placed. readv completely fills one area before proceeding to the next area.

Note: Although readv is primarily used with sockets, it can also be used to read any file that can be accessed by the read function.


If readv succeeds, it returns the number of bytes read into the buffer. If readv returns a 0, the end-of-file has been reached. If readv fails, it returns a -1. It is common for readv to return a value less than the total number of bytes in the buffers. This is not an error.


readv is an atomic operation. With UDP, no more than one datagram can be read per call. If you are using datagram sockets, make sure that there is enough buffer space in the I/O vector to contain an incoming datagram.


readv is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


connect, recv, recvfrom, recvmsg, write, writev

recv -- Stores Messages from a Connected Socket


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int recv(int s, void *buf, int len, int flags);


recv receives messages on socket s and stores them in the buffer buf of length len. The socket must be connected or associated with a foreign peer via the connect function. If no messages are available, recv blocks the caller until a message arrives, unless the socket is set in non-blocking mode.

flags consists of the following:

processes a single byte of out-of-band data, if such data are present. If out-of-band data have been moved inline with the SO_OOBINLINE socket option, multiple bytes of data can be accessed, and the MSG_OOB option is not necessary.
peeks at the incoming message. The data remain available for the next recv call.
read and recv behave identically if no flags have been set for recv.


If recv succeeds, it returns the length of the message. If recv returns a 0, it indicates that the connection is closed. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error. It is possible for recv to return fewer bytes than are specified by len. For example, this condition occurs if the number of bytes in an incoming datagram is less than len. This is not an error.


recv discards excess bytes if the datagram is larger than the specified buffer.


recv is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


connect, getsockopt, recvfrom, recvmsg, send, sendmsg, sendto, setsockopt

recvfrom -- Stores Messages from a Connected or Unconnected Socket Descriptor


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int recvfrom(int s, void *buf, int len, int flags, void *from,
              int *addrlen);


recvfrom receives data from an unconnected or connected socket descriptor s. If from is nonzero, the source address of the message is stored in the buffer addressed by from. addrlen is the size of the buffer pointed to by from. buf points to the buffer receiving the message. len is the size of the message. recvfrom is particularly useful for unconnected datagram sockets.

If no messages are available, recvfrom blocks the call until a message arrives unless the socket is set in non-blocking mode. flags consists of the following:

processes a single byte of out-of-band data if data are present. If out-of-band data have been moved inline with the SO_OOBINLINE socket option, multiple bytes of data can be accessed, and the MSG_OOB option is not necessary.
peeks at the incoming message. The data remain available for the next recvfrom call.


If recvfrom succeeds, it returns the length of the message. If recv returns a 0, it indicates that the connection is closed. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error. It is common for recvfrom to return fewer than the total number of bytes in the buffers. This is not an error.


recvfrom discards excess bytes if a datagram is larger than the specified buffer.


recvfrom is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


In this example, recvfrom receives a datagram on socket descriptor s and places it in buffer in.
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

 #define MAX_DGRAM_SIZE 256    /* Chosen by the application. */

    int s;
    int b;
    struct sockaddr_in from;            /* Sender's address. */
    int fromlen;              /* Length of sender's address. */
    char in[MAX_DGRAM_SIZE] ;

       /* Open a datagram socket to receive the packet.      */
    s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
       /* Receive a datagram into the buffer.                 */
    fromlen = sizeof(from);
    b = (recvfrom(s, in, MAX_DGRAM_SIZE, 0, &from, &fromlen));
    if (b == -1) {
       perror("Recvfrom failed");
       return -1;

    printf("Datagram size: %d.\n", b);
    printf("Datagram's IP address is: %s\n", inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr));
    printf("Datagram's port is: %d\n", (int) ntohs(from.sin_port));


connect, getsockopt, recv, recvmsg, send, sendmsg, sendto, setsockopt

recvmsg -- Receives Data from a Connected or Unconnected Socket Descriptor


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/uio.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int recvmsg(int s, struct msghdr *mh, int flags);


recvmsg receives data from an unconnected or connected socket descriptor s. mh points to a structure that contains further parameters. The definition of the msghdr structure is in the <sys/socket.h> header file. The elements of this structure are as follows:
points to a structure in which recvmsg stores the source address of the message that is being received. This field can be NULL if the socket s is connected, or if the application doesn't require information on the source address.
is the length of the buffer pointed to by msg_name.
points to an array of struct iovec similar to that used by readv.
is the number of elements in the array pointed to by msg_iov.
is ignored for AF_INET.
is ignored for AF_INET.
flags consists of the following:
processes a single byte of out-of-band data if data are present. If out-of-band data have been moved inline with the SO_OOBINLINE socket option, multiple bytes of data can be accessed, and the MSG_OOB option is not necessary.
peeks at the incoming message. The data remain available for the next recvmsg call.


If recvmsg succeeds, it returns the length of the message. If recv returns a 0, it indicates that the connection is closed. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error. It is possible for recvmsg to return fewer bytes than the total number specified by the iovec elements. This is not an error.


recvmsg is an atomic operation. With UDP, no more than one datagram can be read per call. If you are using datagram sockets, make sure that there is enough buffer space in the I/O vector to contain an incoming datagram.


mh is commonly documented as struct msghdr mh[], implying that the call operates on an array of these structures. In reality, only one structure is modified by the call. For the purposes of clarity, this technical report documents mh in a different way, but the implementation is the same. recvmsg is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


connect, getsockopt, recv, recvfrom, send, sendmsg, sendto, setsockopt

res_init -- Initializes the Resolver


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/nameser.h>
 #include <resolv.h>

 void res_init(void);


res_init initializes the resolver. First, default options are set. Then, a system configuration file is read if one can be located. The configuration file may contain default resolver options for the local site. Refer to Network Administration for information on default resolver options.

After calling res_init, the program may override default site resolver options by accessing the _res structure described in The BSD UNIX Socket Library . The program does not need to call res_init if _res values will not be changed. This routine implements a part of the resolver, which is a set of routines providing a programming interface for communications with Internet name servers.

For information on buffer formats for Internet name servers, refer to Chapter 20, "The Domain Name System," in Internetworking with TCP/IP.


The SAS/C version of res_init is a direct port from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


In the following example, res_init is used to initialize the resolver.

 /* Given a hostname as its first parameter, this program prints  */
 /* the IP address.                                               */
 /* Use of the following resolver options is illustrated:         */
 /* The RES_DEBUG option turns on a resolver trace.               */
 /* The RES_USEVC option requests use of virtual circuits (TCP)   */
 /* when contacting the nameserver.                               */
 /* This example assumes that the local site is configured to     */
 /* use the resolver (instead of a host file).                    */
 /* NOTE: The bitfield(1) compiler option is required.            */

 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <arpa/nameser.h>
 #include <resolv.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct hostent *hp;
    struct in_addr ip_addr;

       /* Host name should be first parameter.                    */
    if (argc <1 || *argv[1]  == '\0')

       /* Initialize the resolver, and then set options.          */
    _res.options |= (RES_DEBUG|RES_USEVC);

       /* When gethostbyname uses the resolver, it uses TCP       */
       /* and generates a trace.                                  */
    hp = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
    if (!hp) {
       printf("%s not found\n",argv[1]);

       /* Host was found.  Print its IP address.                  */
    ip_addr = *(struct in_addr *)(hp->h_addr);
    printf("%s: %s\n",argv[1] ,inet_ntoa(ip_addr));



gethostbyaddr, gethostbyname, gethostent, res_send, sethostent

res_mkquery -- Makes a Domain Name Server Packet


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/nameser.h>
 #include <resolv.h>

 int res_mkquery(int op, char *dname, int class, int type, char *data,
                 int datalen, struct rrec *newrr, char *buf, int buflen);


res_mkquery makes a packet for use with an Internet domain name server and places it in the buffer area pointed to by buf, with buflen specifying the length in bytes of the buffer. The other seven arguments correspond directly to the fields of a domain name query:
is the domain name.
is the structure for the passage of new resource records.
class and type
are the class and type of the query.
gives the address of an array or string of data bytes to be included in the query.
specifies the integer length in bytes of the data array or string pointed to by data.
op is the specified option.
It can be any one of the following query types defined in the <arpa/nameser.h> header file:
standard query
inverse query
name server status query.
This routine implements a part of the resolver, which is a set of routines providing a programming interface for communication with Internet name servers.

For information on buffer formats for Internet name servers, as well as more detailed information about res_mkquery, refer to Chapter 20, "The Domain Name System," in Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1, by Douglas E. Comer, Prentice Hall, 1991.


If successful, res_mkquery returns the size of the query. It returns a -1 if the size of the query is greater than buflen.


The SAS/C version of res_mkquery is a direct port from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


dn_comp, res_init, res_send

res_send -- Sends a Query


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/nameser.h>
 #include <resolv.h>

 int res_send(char *msg, int msglen, char *answer, int anslen);


res_send sends a query msg to name servers and returns an answer. msglen is the length of the query. answer is an area where the answer to the query can be stored. anslen is the length of the answer buffer.

This routine implements a part of the resolver, which is a set of routines providing a programming interface for communications with Internet name servers.

For information on buffer formats for Internet name servers, refer to Chapter 20, "The Domain Name System," in Internetworking with TCP/IP.

bitfield(1) option is required for this routine.


If successful, res_send returns the size of the answer. It returns a -1 if there were errors.


The SAS/C version of res_send is a direct port from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


dn_expand, res_init, res_mkquery

select -- Determines the Number of Ready Sockets


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds,
 fd_set *exceptfds, const struct timeval *timeout);


select checks to see if any sockets are ready for reading (readfds), writing (writefds), or have an exceptional condition pending (exceptfds). timeout specifies the maximum time for select to complete. nfds specifies the maximum number of sockets to check. If timeout is a null pointer, select blocks indefinitely. timeout points to a timeval structure. A timeout value of 0 causes select to return immediately. This behavior is useful in applications that periodically poll their sockets. The arrival of out-of-band data is the only possible exceptional condition. fd_set is a type defined in the <sys/types.h> header file. fd_set defines a set of file descriptors on which select operates. Passing NULL for any of the three fd_set arguments specifies that select should not monitor that condition. On return, each of the input sets is modified to indicate the subset of descriptions that are ready. These may be found by using the FD_ISSET macro.

The following macros manipulate sets of socket descriptors:

FD_CLR(fd, &fdset)
removes the socket descriptor fd from the socket descriptor set fdset.
FD_ISSET(fd, &fdset)
returns nonzero if socket descriptor fd is a member of fdset. Otherwise, it returns a 0.
FD_SET(fd, &fdset)
adds socket descriptor fd to fdset.
is defined in <sys/types.h> as the number of socket descriptors that a process can have open. The default is 64. This value can be increased before you include <sys/types.h>. If FD_SETSIZE is not increased, the fd_set structure will not be defined to be large enough to accommodate socket numbers larger than 63.
initializes fdset to 0, representing the empty set.


If select succeeds, it returns the number of ready socket descriptors. select returns a 0 if the time limit expires before any sockets are selected. If there is an error, select returns a -1.


The actual timing is not likely to be accurate to the microsecond.

For non-integrated sockets, the SAS/C Library blocks all asynchronous signals during routines that call the TCP/IP communications software. Thus, calls to select may leave asynchronous signals blocked for long periods of time.

For integrated sockets, select may be interrupted by any unblocked signal, either managed by OpenEdition or SAS/C, in which case select will return -1, and errno will be set to EINTR.


select is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.

Unlike UNIX, the SAS/C implementation of select does not apply to files, unless you are using integrated sockets. Even if you are using integrated sockets, select has no effect on any non-HFS file descriptors specified. In addition, select cannot be used in conjunction with asynchronous I/O, because asynchronous I/O is not supported by the SAS/C Compiler.


In this example select waits for data to read from a socket.
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/time.h>
 #include <stdio.h>

 /* This function calls select to wait for data to read from */
 /* one of the sockets passed as a parameter.                */
 /* If more than 3 seconds elapses, it returns.              */
 /* Return value flags. These indicate the readiness of      */
 /* each socket for read.                                    */
 #define S1READY 0x01
 #define S2READY 0X02

 waittoread(int s1,int s2)
    fd_set fds;
    struct timeval timeout;
    int rc, result;

       /* Set time limit. */
    timeout.tv_sec = 3;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;

       /* Create a descriptor set containing our two sockets.  */
    FD_SET(s1, &fds);
    FD_SET(s2, &fds);
    rc = select(sizeof(fds)*8, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
    if (rc==-1) {
       perror("select failed");
       return -1;

    result = 0;
    if (FD_ISSET(s1, &fds)) result |= S1READY;
    if (FD_ISSET(s2, &fds)) result |= S2READY;

    return result;


connect, read, recv, send, write

selectecb -- Determines the Number of Ready Sockets


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <lcsignal.h>

 int selectecb(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds,
               fd_set *exceptfds, const struct timeval *timeout,
               struct _ecblist *ecblist, size_t ecblcnt)


selectecb is identical to select with the exception that, in addition to returning when the timeout expires or when activity occurs on one of the specified sockets, selectecb also returns if one of the specified ECBs (Event Control Blocks) is posted.

The ecblist argument is the address of an array of structures, each of which represents one or more contiguous ECBs. Each structure contains two members, a count of the number of ECBs, and the address of an array of ECBs. The count may be 0, in which case the ECB array address is ignored.

The declaration for the _ecblist structure is as follows:

 struct _ecblist {
    size_t count;
    unsigned *ecbarr;
The ECB list is passed via the struct _ecblist for several reasons. It allows a static ECB list to be used in many cases, since individual ECBs can easily be removed by setting their count member to 0. For applications that have a large number of ECBs, _ecblist facilitates organizing them into arrays; this may slightly improve the performance of selectecb, since fewer memory accesses are required to determine the addresses of all the ECBs.

Note that an ECB may be POSTed at any time. Thus, you cannot assume that no ECBs have been POSTed when selectecb returns with one or more socket descriptor bits set. An ECB may have been POSTed between the time that selectecb was returning and the time that your program checked the return code from selectecb.

If ecblist is NULL, or ecblcnt is 0, or the count field of all the _ecblist structures is set to 0, ECB waiting is not used and the effect is exactly the same as if select had been called.


The actual timing is not likely to be accurate to the microsecond. Calls to selectecb may leave asynchronous signals blocked for long periods of time.

For non-integrated sockets, the SAS/C Library blocks all asynchronous signals during routines that call the TCP/IP communications software.

For integrated sockets, selectecb may be interrupted by any unblocked signal, either managed by OpenEdition or SAS/C, in which case selectecb will return -1, and errno will be set to EINTR. However, execution of selectecb is not interrupted by an OpenEdition signal unless the signal terminates the process.

send -- Sends a Message to a Connected Socket


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int send(int s, const void *buf, int len, int flags);


send transmits a message to socket descriptor s. The socket must be connected or associated with a foreign peer via the connect function. buf points to the buffer that contains the message. len is the number of bytes to be sent.

flags consists of the following:

requests that message buffers be sent as out-of-band data.
bypasses routing; uses the network portion of the destination address to select a network interface.


If send succeeds, it returns the number of characters sent. If there is an error, it returns a -1.


send is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


recv, recvfrom, recvmsg, sendmsg, sendto, write

sendmsg -- Sends a Message to a Connected or Unconnected Socket


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int sendmsg(int s, struct msghdr *mh, int flags)


sendmsg sends a message to an unconnected or connected socket s. mh points to a structure containing further parameters. The definition of the msghdr structure is in the <sys/socket.h> header file. The elements of this structure are as follows:
points to a structure in which sendmsg stores the source address of the message that is being received. This field can be NULL if the socket s is connected, or if the application doesn't require information on the source address.
is the length of the buffer pointed to by msg_name.
points to an array of struct iovec similar to that used by readv.
is the number of elements in the array pointed to by msg_iov.
is ignored for AF_INET.
is ignored for AF_INET.

flags consists of the following:
requests that message buffers be sent as out-of-band data.
bypasses routing; uses the network portion of the destination address to select a network interface.


If sendmsg succeeds, it returns the length of the message. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


sendmsg is an atomic operation. With UDP, no more than one datagram can be read per call. If you are using datagram sockets, make sure that there is enough buffer space in the I/O vector to contain an incoming datagram.


mh is commonly documented as struct msghdr mh[] , implying that the call operates on an array of these structures. In reality, only one structure is modified by the call. For the purposes of clarity, this manual documents mh in a different way, but the implementation is the same. sendmsg is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


In this example, sendmsg is used to transmit banking transactions.
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/uio.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>

 #include "transdef.h"                     /* application header file  */

 /* This routine writes banking transactions to one of several         */
 /* regional servers (chosen based on the contents of the transaction, */
 /* not based on the location of the local host). "s" is a datagram    */
 /* socket. "head" and "trail" are application level transaction       */
 /* header and trailer components. "trans" is the body of the          */
 /* transaction. Reliability must be ensured by the caller (because    */
 /* datagrams do not provide it). The server receives all three        */
 /* parts as a single datagram.                                        */
 puttrans(int s, struct header *head, struct record *trans,
          struct trailer *trail)
    int rc;

       /* socket address for server                                    */
    struct sockaddr_in dest;

       /* will contain information about the remote host               */
    struct hostent *host;
    char fullname[64];

       /* Will point to the segments of the (noncontiguous)            */
       /* outgoing message.                                            */
    struct iovec iov[3];

       /* This structure contains parameter information for sendmsg.   */
    struct msghdr mh;
       /* Choose destination host from region field of the data        */
       /* header. Then find its IP address.                     */
    host = gethostbyname(fullname);
    if (host==NULL) {
        printf("Host %s is unknown.\n",fullname);
        return -1;

    /* Fill in socket address for the server. We assume a        */
    /* standard port is used.                                    */
    dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
    dest.sin_port = htons(TRANSACTION_SERVER);

       /* Specify the components of the message in an "iovec".   */
    iov[0] .iov_base = (caddr_t)head;
    iov[0] .iov_len = sizeof(struct header);
    iov[1] .iov_base = (caddr_t)trans;
    iov[1] .iov_len = sizeof(struct record);
    iov[2] .iov_base = (caddr_t)trail;
    iov[2] .iov_len = sizeof(struct trailer);

       /* The message header contains parameters for sendmsg.    */
    mh.msg_name = (caddr_t) &dest;
    mh.msg_namelen = sizeof(dest);
    mh.msg_iov = iov;
    mh.msg_iovlen = 3;
    mh.msg_accrights = NULL;            /* irrelevant to AF_INET */
    mh.msg_accrightslen = 0;            /* irrelevant to AF_INET */

    rc = sendmsg(s, &mh, 0);            /* no flags used         */
    if (rc == -1) {
       perror("sendmsg failed");
       return -1;
    return 0;


connect, getsockopt, ioctl, recv, recvfrom, recvmsg, send, sendto, setsockopt

sendto -- Sends a Message to a Socket


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int sendto(int s, const void *buf, int len, int flags,
            const void *to, int addrlen);


sendto transmits a message from the area pointed to by buf of length len to socket descriptor s. to is the target address; addrlen is the address size. sendto can be used on any type of socket. It is most commonly used for unconnected datagram sockets for which different destinations may be associated with different datagrams.

flags consists of the following:

requests that message buffers be sent as out-of-band data.
bypasses routing; uses the network portion of the destination address to select a network interface.


If sendto succeeds, it returns the number of characters sent. If there is an error, it returns a -1.


sendto is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


recv, recvfrom, recvmsg, send, sendmsg, write

sethostent -- Opens a Host File or Connects to a Name Server


 #include <netdb.h>

 void sethostent(int stayopen);


sethostent opens a host file or begins a connection with the name server.

In some instances, when the resolver is used to look up the host name, a virtual circuit (that is, a TCP connection) is used to communicate with the name server. This is based on the RESOLVEVIA statement in the TCPIP.DATA file or the RES_USEVC resolver option specified by your program. In these cases, you can use the RES_STAYOPEN resolver option to maintain the connection with the name server between queries.

In other instances, the host file is used as a source of host names. In this case, sethostent rewinds the file. This enables successive sethostent calls to read the host file sequentially. Specifying the stayopen parameter with sethostent causes the host file to remain open between gethostbyname and gethostbyaddr calls.

Refer to Network Administration for information on naming host files and the logic that determines whether the host file or the resolver is used for looking up names.


sethostent does not return a value.


The logic that determines whether to use the host file or the resolver is not uniform across environments. At the source code level, however, sethostent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


sethostent is a combination of the host file and resolver versions of the BSD UNIX Socket Library sethostent.


endhostent, gethostent, gethostbyname

setnetent -- Opens the Network File


 #include <netdb.h>

 void setnetent(int stayopen);


setnetent opens the network file, that is, a file with the same format as /etc/networks in the UNIX environment. If the file is already open, setnetent rewinds the file so that succeeding getnetent calls can read it sequentially. Specifying a nonzero value for stayopen causes the network file to remain open between subsequent getnetbyname and getnetbyaddr calls. Refer to Network Administration for information on naming the network file for your system.


setnetent does not return a value.


setnetent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


This routine is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


getnetent, endnetent, getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr

setprotoent -- Opens the Protocols File


 #include <netdb.h>

 void setprotoent(int stayopen);


setprotoent opens the protocols file, that is, a file with the same format as /etc/protocols in the UNIX environment. If the file is already open, setprotoent rewinds the file so that succeeding getprotoent calls can read it sequentially. Specifying a nonzero value for stayopen causes the protocols file to remain open between subsequent getprotobyname and getprotobynumber calls. Refer to Network Administration for information on naming the protocols file for your system.


setprotoent does not return a value.


setprotoent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


This routine is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


endprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, getprotoent

setrpcent -- Opens the /etc/rpc Protocols File


 #include <netdb.h>

 int setrpcent(int stayopen);


setrpcent opens the Sun RPC program numbers file, that is, a file with the same format as /etc/rpc in the UNIX environment. If the file is already open, setrpcent rewinds the file so that succeeding getrpcent calls can read it sequentially. Specifying a nonzero value for stayopen causes the protocols file to remain open between subsequent getrpcbyname and getrpcbynumber calls. Refer to /etc/rpc and Network Administration for information on naming this file for your system.


setrpcent does not return a value.


The value that getrpcbynumber returns points to a static structure within the library. You must copy the information from this structure before you make further getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, or getrpcent calls.


setrpcent is portable to other systems that support Sun RPC 4.0.


This function is built from the Sun RPC 4.0 distribution.


endrpcent, getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, getrpcent

setservent -- Opens the Services File


 #include <netdb.h>

 void setservent(int stayopen);


setservent opens the services file, that is, a file with the same format as /etc/services in the UNIX environment. If the file is already open, setservent rewinds the file so that succeeding getservent calls can read it sequentially. Specifying a nonzero value for stayopen causes the protocols file to remain open between subsequent getservbyname and getservbyaddr calls. Refer to Network Administration for information on naming the services file for your system.


setservent does not return a value.


setservent is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


This routine is ported directly from the BSD UNIX Socket Library.


getservent, endservent, getservbyname, getservbyport

setsockimp -- Specifies the Socket Implementation


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int setsockimp(const char *name);


setsockimp defines the name of the socket implementation. It must be called before calling any other socket function. The argument name is a one-to-four character string identifying the socket implementation. If name is "COM", the standard non-integrated socket implementation at your site is used. If name is "OE", the OpenEdition integrated socket implementation is used. Your TCP/IP vendor may define other names to access a specific implementation. The name string is used to construct the name of a load module (LSCNname) implementing the socket interface.

If setsockimp is not called before socket functions are used, a default socket implementation is used. For programs invoked with exec-linkage, the default implementation is OpenEdition integrated sockets. For other programs, the default is non-integrated sockets.


setsockimp returns 0 if successful or -1 if unsuccessful. If setsockimp fails because an invalid implementation name was specified, socket functions can still be called, and the default implementation will be used.

setsockopt -- Sets Socket Options


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int setsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, const void *optval,
 int optlen);


setsockopt sets the value of the options associated with socket descriptor s. level is the level of the option. optname is the name of the option. optval is a pointer to a buffer that receives the value of the requested option. As an input parameter, the integer optlen should be set to the size of the optval buffer.

Most options are at the socket level. Pass SOL_SOCKET as the level parameter for these options:

sets the linger option. The linger option controls the behavior of the close call when there are some data that have not been sent. optval should point to a struct linger. If the value of the l_onoff field is 0, close returns immediately. In this case, TCP/IP continues to attempt to deliver the data, but the program is not informed if delivery fails. If the value of the l_onoff field is nonzero, the behavior of the close call depends on the value of the l_linger field. If this value is 0, unsent data are discarded at the time of the close. If the value of l_linger is not 0, the close call blocks the caller until there is a timeout or until all data are sent. The l_linger field indicates the length of the desired timeout period. Some TCP/IP implementations may ignore the value of the l_linger field. s must be a stream socket.
receives out-of-band data inline, that is, without setting the MSG_OOB flag in recv calls. optval should point to an integer. s must be a stream socket. Refer to "Out-of-Band Data" in Chapter 6, "Berkeley Sockets," in UNIX Network Programming for information on out-of-band data.
allows local port address to be reused. optval should point to an integer. s must be a stream socket.
The option level IPPROTO_TCP is available for one option. The TCP_NODELAY option indicates that TCP's normal socket buffering should not be used on the socket. The TCP_NODELAY option is not operative; it is supported for source code compatibility. The <netinet/in.h> and <netinet/tcp.h> headers files are required for this option.


If setsockopt succeeds, it returns a 0. Otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


setsockopt is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets. The supported options may vary depending on the system; additional options may be supported by a specific TCP/IP software product, and the options described above may be supported differently. Refer to your software documentation for details.


bind, close, ioctl, recv, socket

shutdown -- Ends Communication with a Socket


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int shutdown(int s, int how);


shutdown ends communication on socket descriptor s in one or both directions. how specifies the shutdown condition and can be specified in the following ways:
does not allow any more receives.
does not allow any more sends.
does not allow any more sends or receives.


If shutdown is successful, it returns a 0; otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


shutdown is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.



socket -- Creates a Socket


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);


socket creates an endpoint for communication and returns a descriptor, which is a small integer used to reference the socket.
specifies the communications protocol family, using a symbolic name defined in the <sys/socket.h> header file. The defined families are as follows:
specifies ARPA Internet protocols.
specifies UNIX domain protocols. (Only used with integrated sockets.)
specifies the semantics of communication, as defined in
<sys/socket.h>. The defined types are as follows:
provides sequenced, reliable byte streams based on two-way connections. This type also supports out-of-band transmission mechanisms.
supports datagrams, which are connectionless messages of a fixed maximum length. The delivery of datagrams is unreliable. The application is responsible for acknowledgment and sequencing.
provides access to low-level network protocols and interfaces.
A stream socket must be connected to another socket with a connect call before any data can be sent or received on it. Data are transferred using read or write calls or variants of the send and receive calls. The socket can be closed with a close call when the session is completed, or the socket will be closed automatically at program exit.
specifies the protocol to be used. If protocol is set to 0, the system selects the default protocol number for the socket domain and type specified. This is usually adequate, since the most common socket types support only one protocol. getprotobyname and related calls can also be used to select the protocol.


If socket is successful, it returns a descriptor referencing the socket; otherwise, it returns a -1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


socket is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


The following is an example of a complete socket program.
 /* This is an example of a complete socket program. It is a      */
 /* client program for the finger server which runs on many UNIX  */
 /* systems. This client program returns information about logged */
 /* on users for any remote system that is running the finger     */
 /* server. The format of the command is:                         */
 /*                                                               */
 /*        finger [-l] hostname                                   */
 /*                                                               */
 /* The output is typically identical to that which one would     */
 /* receive when running the "finger" command locally on that     */
 /* system. Specification of the -l option results in more        */
 /* verbose output.                                               */

 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>

    /* No need to translate characters on ASCII systems.          */
 #ifndef  __SASC__
 #define ntohcs(c) (c)
 #define htoncs(c) (c)

    /* Define some useful constants.                              */
 #define FALSE 0
 #define TRUE 1
 #define READ_BLOCK_SIZE 256
 #define OUTBUF_SIZE 2
 #define FINGER_PORT 79
 #define ASCII_CR 0x0D
 #define ASCII_LF 0x0A
 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int n,i;

    /* Socket descriptor for communication with the finger server.*/
    int s;

    /* Socket address for server.                                 */
    struct sockaddr_in sa;

      /* Use to send ASCII CR and LF characters required by       */
      /* the protocol.                                            */
    char cr = ASCII_CR, lf = ASCII_LF;

      /* buffers  */
    char in[READ_BLOCK_SIZE] ;
    char out[OUTBUF_SIZE] ;

      /* option status  */
    int longlist = FALSE;
    char *op;

      /* will contain information about the finger service        */
    struct servent *serv;

      /* will contain information about the remote host           */
    struct hostent *host;

    if (*++argv && *argv[0] == '-') { /* argument processing */
       op = *argv;
       if (op[1] == 'l' || op[1] == 'L')
          longlist = 1;
           printf("finger: unsupported option \ "%c\"",op[1])
    if (!*argv) {
       printf("finger: hostname missing");

       /* Assume *argv now points to hostname.                     */
       /* Find the IP address for the requested host.              */
    host = gethostbyname(*argv);
    if (host==NULL) {
        printf("finger: Host %s is unknown.\n",*argv );

       /* Find the port for the finger service. If the services file */
       /* is not available, we will use the standard number. We      */
       /* specify "tcp" as the protocol. This call attempts to       */
       /* find the services file.                                    */
    serv = getservbyname("finger", "tcp");

       /* Prepare a socket address for the server. We need an IP     */
       /* address(corresponding to the given host name) and a port   */
       /* number (corresponding to the "finger" service).         */
    sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sa.sin_port = serv ? serv->s_port : htons(FINGER_PORT);

       /* Get a socket of the proper type. We use SOCK_STREAM     */
       /* because we want to communicate using TCP (we want  a    */
       /* reliable protocol).                                                 */
    s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (s == -1) {
       perror("finger - socket() failed");

       /* Connect to the host and port.                           */
    if (connect(s, &sa, sizeof(sa)) == -1) {
       perror("finger - connect() failed");

       /* read() and write() are the most convenient calls  for   */
       /* transmitting and receiving data over stream sockets.    */

       /* Write to server.                                        */
       /* If long option is specified, pass that first.           */
    if (longlist) {
       out[0]  = htoncs('/');
       out[1]  = htoncs('W');
       /* Terminate msg with CR-LF. */

       /* Server should respond.    */
       /* Read until EOF indicated. */
    while (n=read(s,in,READ_BLOCK_SIZE)) {
       for (i=0; i<n ; i++) {
          if (in[i] ==ASCII_CR) continue;
             /* Presume part of CR-LF pair. */
          putchar(ntohcs(in[i] ));

       /* Close the socket.         */



accept, bind, close connect, getsockname, getsockopt, givesocket, listen, open, read, recv, recvfrom, recvmsg, select, send, sendmsg, sendto, setsockopt, shutdown, takesocket, write, writev

socketpair -- Creates a Connected Socket Pair


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int socketpair(int domain, int type, int protocol, int fd[2]);


socketpair creates a connected pair of unnamed sockets. The arguments are:
specifies the addressing family that will be used to interpret addresses. AF_UNIX must be specified.
specifies the communication service type: either SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM may be specified.
specifies the protocol to be used with the socket pair. This number corresponds to the p_proto field of the protoent structure. If a 0 is specified, the system will select the protocol. Refer to The BSD UNIX Socket Library for information about the protoent structure.
is an array used to hold the file descriptors for the sockets.


If socketpair is successful, it returns 0; otherwise, it returns a - 1 and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


socketpair is only vaild when integrated sockets are in use.


socketpair is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems that implement BSD sockets.

socktrm -- Terminates the Socket Library Environment


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 void socktrm(void)


socktrm terminates the current SAS/C Socket Library environment and returns it to an uninitialized state without requiring termination of the general SAS/C Library environment.


For IBM TCP/IP nonintegrated sockets that rely upon IUCV message passing, the IUCV path to IBM TCP/IP is severed and cleared, which results in termination of all socket connections held by the current environment and disestablishes the IUCV connection with IBM TCP/IP.

For integrated sockets, calling socktrm has no effect since socket status is controlled by OpenEdition rather than by the SAS/C Library. Any open sockets remain open.

For CICS sockets, the effect of calling socktrm is to close all open socket connections and mark the socket library state as uninitialized. For CICS, since no IBM TCP/IP CICS call is provided to directly undo the libraries', internal CICS socket initialization INITAPI call, further socket calls by the application may result in errors indicating that a second INITAPI was attempted with a duplicate name. Note that the current IBM CICS TCP/IP behavior is to free up the name for reuse after a duplicate INITAPI is attempted; however, the library does not take advantage of this behavior.


All outstanding socket connections are closed and lost upon completion of this function call.


socktrm is specific to the SAS/C sockets implementation for use with IBM TCP/IP and, therefore, is not portable. Other TCP/IP vendors and socket implementations, at their discretion, may provide an equivalent function call or different functionality.


close, shutdown

takesocket -- Takes a Socket Descriptor from Donor Process


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int takesocket(struct clientid *clientid, int s);


takesocket takes a socket descriptor, s, and a pointer to a client structure, clientid, and returns a local client socket descriptor, which must be used for subsequent TCP/IP calls. s must be a connected stream socket. The donor process must have already obtained client ID for the receiving process, and must have already called givesocket. The mechanism for exchanging client IDs and the socket descriptor number is the responsibility of the two processes and is not accomplished by either the givesocket or the takesocket call.

When giving a socket, the donor may use a clientid structure that contains blanks as the subtask name. However, when taking a socket, the receiver must specify the subtask name of the donor in the client ID. This allows the donor to make the socket available to any number of subtasks while the receiver must have the actual subtask name to take the socket. The subtask name effectively acts as a key.

The donor process should not close the socket before the receiving process has completed the takesocket call. The receiving process must have a means of informing the donor that the takesocket call has completed. Using select or selectecb in the donor, frees the receiver of this responsiblility.

Note: takesocket is only supported with non-integrated sockets.


If takesocket is successful, it returns a non-negative, client socket descriptor, which can be different from the donor descriptor, s. Otherwise, it returns a - 1, and sets errno to indicate the type of error.


takesocket is not portable to UNIX operating systems. On UNIX operating systems, sockets are typically transferred from parent to child processes as a side effect of the fork() system call.


Refer to the getclientid function for an example that illustrates the use of takesocket.


getclientid, givesocket

writev -- Writes Data from an Array of Buffers to a Socket


 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/uio.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>

 int writev(int s, struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt);


writev writes data to connected socket descriptor s from the iovcnt buffers specified by the iov array. As with the write call, the socket must have been previously associated with a remote address via the connect system call. If there are no data, writev blocks the caller unless the socket is in non-blocking mode. The iovec structure is defined in the <sys/uio.h> header file. Each iovec entry specifies the base address and length of an area in memory from which the data should be taken. writev completely sends one area before proceeding to the next area.

writev is an atomic operation. For datagram sockets, each writev call causes one datagram to be sent.

Note: Although writev is primarily used with sockets, it can also be used to write any file that can be accessed by the write function.


If writev succeeds, it returns the number of bytes written. If writev returns a 0, the end-of-file has been reached. If writev fails, it returns a -1.


writev is portable to other environments, including most UNIX systems, that implement BSD sockets.


connect, recv, recvfrom, recvmsg, read, readv, write

Copyright (c) 1998 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.