xltable -- Build Character Translation Table


 #include <lcstring.h>

 char *xltable(char table[256], char *source, char *target);


xltable builds a translation table that you can use later as an argument to the memxlt or strxlt function.

The argument table is a 256-character array, in which the translation table is to be built. The second argument (source) is a string of characters that the table is to translate, and the third argument (target) is a string containing the characters to which the source characters are to be translated, in the same order. The source and target strings should contain the same number of characters; if they do not, the extra characters of the longer string are ignored.

You can also specify a table address of 0. In this case, xltable builds the table in a static area and returns the address of this area. This area may be overlaid by the next call to xltable, strscntb, or memscntb.

The table built by xltable translates any character not present in the source string to itself, so these characters are not changed when using the table.


xltable returns the address of the table (the same value as that of the first argument).


See strxlt and memxlt for examples.


memxlt, strxlt


String Utility Functions

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