strscan -- Scan a String Using a Translate Table


 #include <lcstring.h>

 char *strscan(const char *str, const char *table);


strscan scans a null-terminated string (str) using a translate table (table). A translate table is an array of 256 bytes, one for each EBCDIC character. The scan terminates at the first character in the string whose table entry is not 0. The entry for the null character in the table (the first byte) should be nonzero to avoid scanning past the end of the string.

str is a pointer to the string to be scanned, and table addresses the first byte (corresponding to the character '\0') of the translate table. If any character in the string has a nonzero table entry, then the scan terminates at the first such character, and the address of that character is returned. If no character in the string before the terminating-null character has a nonzero table entry, the address of the null character is returned.


strscan returns a pointer to the first character in the string whose table entry is nonzero, or the address of the terminating-null character if there is no such character and the table entry for '\0' is nonzero.


If the translate table does not contain a nonzero entry for the null character or if the str argument is not null terminated, strscan may search indefinitely for a character with a nonzero table entry. This may cause an 0C4 or 0C5 ABEND.


strscan is implemented as a built-in function and uses the TRT instruction to search for a character with a nonzero entry in the table.

Tables generated by the strscntb function always define a nonzero table entry for the null character.


See the example for strscntb.


memscan, strscntb


String Utility Functions

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