sscanf -- Read Formatted Data from a String


 #include <stdio.h>

 int sscanf(const char *source, const char *format,
            loc1, loc2, ... );


sscanf reads formatted input text from the string addressed by source. No file input is performed. Following the format in the argument list may be one or more additional pointers addressing storage where the input values are stored.

The string pointed to by format is in the same form as that used by fscanf. Refer to the fscanf description for detailed information concerning the formatting conventions.


sscanf returns EOF if end of string (or failure to match) occurs before any values are stored. If values are stored, it returns the number of items stored; that is, the number of times a value is assigned with one of the sscanf argument pointers. Attempting to read past the null terminator of the source string is treated like an end of file on the fscanf input file.


sscanf is just like fscanf, except that input data are taken from a string rather than a file.

If sscanf encounters an error in storing input values, it stores the values up to the error and then stops.


sscanf is illustrated in the example for sprintf.


fscanf, scanf, strtod, strtol


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