snprintf -- Write a Limited Portion of Formatted Output to a String


 #include <lcio.h>

 int snprintf(char *dest, size_t maxlen, const char *format,
              var1, var2, ...);


The snprintf function writes formatted output to the area addressed by dest under control of the string addressed by format until either all format conversion specifications have been satisfied, or maxlen characters have been written. The snprintf function is equivalent to the sprintf function, except that no more than maxlen characters are written to the dest string.

If the maxlen limit is reached

In all other respects, snprintf behaves identically to sprintf. The string pointed to by format is in the same form as that used by fprintf. Refer to the fprintf function description for detailed information concerning format conversions.


The snprintf function returns an integer value that equals, in magnitude, the number of characters written to the area addressed by dest. If the value returned is negative, then either the maxlen character limit was reached or some other error, such as an invalid format specification, has occurred. The one exception to this is if an error occurs before any characters are stored, snprintf returns INT_MIN (-2**31).


If the maxlen value is 0, no characters are written, and snprintf returns 0. If the value is greater than INT_MAX, then snprintf behaves identically to sprintf, in that no limit checking is done on the number of characters written to the output area.

No warnings concerning length errors are produced by snprintf, and the only indication that the output may have been truncated or is incomplete is a negative return value.


The snprintf function, when invoked with a limit greater than 512 characters, calls the malloc function to obtain a temporary spill buffer equal in size to the limit specified. If insufficient storage is available, snprintf attempts to process the format specifications with an internal 512-byte spill buffer. In this case, individual conversion specifiers that produce more than 512 characters may fail, and snprintf processing can terminate prematurely.


This example writes out the first 5 lines of a file. If the lines are longer than the program's output buffer, they are truncated:
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <lcio.h>

  #define BUFFER_SIZE 40
  #define LIMIT (BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof("..."))

  char *_style = "tso";

     char fname[80];
     char inbuf[300];
     char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
     FILE *input;
     int i;
     int count;

     puts("Enter the name of an input file.");
     input = fopen(fname, "r");
     if (!input) {
        puts("File could not be opened.");
     for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        if (!fgets(inbuf, 300, input))  /* end of file         */
        count = snprintf(buffer, LIMIT,
                         "Line %d of file is : %s", i, inbuf);
        if (count == LIMIT) buffer [LIMIT] = '0';
                                        /* Output fit exactly. */

        else if (count == -LIMIT)       /* output truncated    */
           strcpy(buffer+LIMIT, "...");



sprintf, vsnprintf


Copyright (c) 1998 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.