siglongjmp -- Restore Stack Environment and Signal Mask


 #include <lcjmp.h>

 void siglongjmp(sigjmp_buf stack, int value)
The synopsis for the POSIX implementation is
 #include <setjmp.h>

 void siglongjmp(sigjmp_buf stack, int value)


siglongjmp restores a previously saved stack environment and signal mask. stack is the address for the sigjmp_buf structure that contains the stack environment. The stack environment and signal mask must have been saved by sigsetjmp. The mask is restored only if it was saved by sigsetjmp. Control is returned to the point in the program corresponding to the call to sigsetjmp. Execution continues from this point, just as if the sigsetjmp function had returned the value specified by the value argument.

The siglongjmp function restores the old signal mask before jumping to the location defined in the sigjmp_buf structure. Because of this, if the jump is intercepted by blkjmp, the function that issued the block receives control with the new signal mask, and it is not required to know whether it received control as the result of a regular longjmp or a siglongjmp.

Note: The sigjmp_buf data type contains more information than a standard jmp_buf. For this reason, you cannot call siglongjmp with a buffer filled by the setjmp function.


siglongjmp does not return a value.


The function in which the corresponding call to sigsetjmp is made must not have returned before you make the call to siglongjmp. If siglongjmp is passed a value of 0, a 1 is substituted.


See the example for sigsetjmp.


longjmp, sigsetjmp


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