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SAS/C Cross-Platform Compiler and C++ Development System User's Guide, Release 6.50

Using SAS/C C and C++ under a DOS Shell

The following sections provide examples of different DOS shell batch files used to generate compiled object code and prelinked output for final execution on the mainframe. See Using SAS/C C and C++ under the Microsoft Visual C++ IDE for a description of similar objectives under Microsoft Visual C++ IDE.

Compiling C and C++ Source Code

The following sample compile batch file will accept as input a .c file and compile the code to produce only an object deck ( -c ), allowing reentrant modification of static and external data ( -Krent ), and defining a section name as the source code filename ( -Ksname ). (Note the section name must be seven characters or less.) The -v option specifies that both the driver messages and the command lines that execute each phase of the cross-platform compiler are echoed to the %LOG% file. If the source file is not in the current working directory, the quoted, qualified pathname should be entered as the second command-line argument.

@echo off
set NAME=%1
if NOT '%2'==" set PATHNAME=%2\
set LOG=%NAME%.clg
set C_OPTS=-c -v -Krent -Ksname=%NAME%
erase %LOG%
erase %OBJECT%
sascc370 %C_OPTS%  %SOURCE% -o %OBJECT% > %LOG%
echo Done with %NAME%.

Following is the correct syntax to invoke this sample compile.bat file:

compile sourcename [pathname]

For example, to compile the file D:\Program Files\sasc\samples\c\ftoc.c and produce ftoc.o in the current working directory, enter the following command:

compile ftoc "d:\Program Files\sasc\samples\c"

where ftoc on the command line is the source code filename without the .c extension.

At installation, the PATH environment variable is prefixed to include the location of the sascc370 driver ( installdir\host\wnt\bin ), so the driver name in these batch files should not require an explicit pathname.

Prelinking Object Code

The following sample prelink batch file accepts as input the previously compiled object code filename (without the .o extension) and produces prelinked output from cool . The -v option specifies that any driver messages, and the command lines that execute cool , are echoed to the %LOG% file. If the object file is not in the current working directory, the quoted, qualified pathname should be entered as the second command-line argument.

@echo off
set NAME=%1
if NOT '%2'==" set PATHNAME=%2\
set LOG=%NAME%.llg
set L_OPTS=-v
erase %LOG%
erase %OUTPUT%
sascc370 %L_OPTS%  %OBJECT% -o %OUTPUT% > %LOG%
echo Done with %NAME%.

Following is the correct syntax to invoke this sample link.bat file:

link objectname [pathname]

For example, to prelink the object file ftoc.o and generate ftoc , enter the following command:

link ftoc
where ftoc on the command line is the object code filename without the .o extension.

Building Source Code

Alternatively, to compile and prelink source code in one step, you could execute the following batch file. The sascc370 driver executes the SAS/C C and C++ Cross-Platform compiler, which produces prelinked output generated by cool. In the following example, the compiler options specify reentrant code, extended names processing ( -Kextname ), a section name, run-time type identification ( -Krtti ), and instantiation of class templates ( -Kautoinst ). A quoted include pathname is added for user-defined header files. The command line that executes each phase of the cross-platform compiler is displayed in the %LOG% file.

@echo off
set NAME=%1
if NOT '%2'==" set PATHNAME=%2\
set LOG=%NAME%.log
set BLD_OPTS=-v -Krent -Kextname -Ksname=%NAME% 
    -Krtti -Kautoinst
set INCL= -I"d:\Program Files\sasc\samples\h"
erase %LOG%
erase %OUTPUT%
sascc370 %BLD_OPTS% %INCL% %SOURCE% -o %OUTPUT% > %LOG%
echo Done with %NAME%.

Following is the correct syntax to invoke this sample build.bat file:

build sourcename [pathname]

For example, to compile and prelink the file

d:\Program Files\sasc\samples\cxx\tsttmpl.cxx
enter the following command:
build.bat tsttmpl "d:\Program Files\sasc\samples\cxx"
where tsttmpl on the command line is the C++ source code filename without the .cxx extension. This method produces two files. In this example, the compiler generates the object file tsttmpl.o and the prelinker produces the prelinked output file tsttmpl .

The output tsttmpl.log file should look something like the example in Example log file :

Example log file
SAS/C Compiler Driver V6.50.01
Copyright (C) 1998 SAS Institute Inc.
set INCLUDE370='d:\Program Files\SASC\Include'
"d:\Program Files\SASC\host\wnt\bin\cxx"  -Adigraph1 -Adigraph2
-DCROSS370=l -XA -Hu '-r' '-Arrti' "-Id:\Program Files\Sasc\Samples\h"
'-MC:\TEMP\' '-mtsttmpl'
"d:\program files\sasc\samples\cxx\tsttmpl.cxx"
"d:\Program Files\SASC\host\wnt\bin\lc1" -dCROSS370=1 -cd -hu -n! '-r'
'-n!' "-id:\Program Files\Sasc\Samples\h" -cxx -d__CXX_PRIMARY__=1 
-q011=1 '-ststtmpl' -xc
"-oC:\TEMP\sascca00344.1.q" "C:\TEMP\sascca00344.1.c
SAS/C Release 6.50.01 (Target 370 Cross Compiler)
Copyright (c) 1998 by SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*** No errors; No warnings; No user suppressed warnings
"d:\Program Files\SASC\host\wnt\bin\lc2" "-oC:\TEMP\sascca00344.1.o"
SAS/C Compiler (Phase 2) 6.50.01
Copyright (c) 1998 by SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.

"d:\Program Files\SASC\host\wnt\bin\lc1" -dCROSS370=1 -cd -hu -n! '-r'
'-n!' "-id:\Program Files\Sasc\Samples\h" -cxx -d__CXX_SECONDARY_0__=1
-q011=2 '-q012=@%TEMPL' -xc "-oC:\TEMP\sascca00344.1.q"
SAS/C Release 6.50.01 (Target 370 Cross Compiler)
Copyright (c) 1998 by SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*** No errors; No warnings; No user suppressed warnings
"d:\Program Files\SASC\host\wnt\bin\lc2" "-oC:\TEMP\sascca00344.2.o"
SAS/C Compiler (Phase 2) 6.50.01
Copyright (c) 1998 by SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.

"d:\Program Files\SASC\host\wnt\bin\lc1" -dCROSS370=1 -cd -hu -n! '-r'
'-n!' "-id:\Program Files\Sasc\Samples\h" -cxx -d__CXX_SECONDARY_1__=1
-q011=3 '-q012=@%TEMPL' -xc "-oC:\TEMP\sascca00344.1.q"
SAS/C Release 6.50.01 (Target 370 Cross Compiler)
Copyright (c) 1998 by SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*** No errors; No warnings; No user suppressed warnings
"d:\Program Files\SASC\host\wnt\bin\lc2" "-oC:\TEMP\sascca00344.3.o"
SAS/C Compiler (Phase 2) 6.50.01
Copyright (c) 1998 by SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.

"d:\Program Files\SASC\host\wnt\bin\sheller" -c -o tsttmpl.o
"d:\Program Files\SASC\host\wnt\bin\cool" -o "tsttmpl"
-L"d:\Program Files\SASC" tsttmpl.o
"d:\Program Files\SASC"\lib\libcxx.a
"d:\Program Files\SASC"\lib\mvs\libc.a
SAS/C (R) C Object code Pre-Linker Release 6.50.01
Copyright (c) 1998 by SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.

cool: Note 1010: Pre-Linking completed with return code = 0

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Copyright © 1998 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.