SAS Quality Knowledge Base for Contact Information 27

Address (Full)

Standardization Definition

Address (Full)
Description The Address (Full) standardization definition standardizes complete two line addresses.
Examples Input Output
广东深圳福田益田村 广东省深圳市福田区益田村
杭州市凯旋路451号1楼 , 4楼 杭州市凯旋路451号1层, 4层
广东省深圳市福田区益田村106栋22G 广东省深圳市福田区益田村106栋22G
广东省深圳市福田区福中路15号大院肆层4-803 广东省深圳市福田区福中路15号大院4层4-803
邮政编码:014000 包头市九原区哈林格尔镇(滨河路河西生态化工基地1号) 包头市九原区哈林格尔镇 滨河路河西生态化工基地1号 014000
北京市西城区复兴门内大街28号凯晨世贸中心中座8层 邮编:100000 北京市西城区复兴门内大街28号凯晨世贸中心中座8层 100000
P.C. (100000) 宣武区鸭子桥路24号510室 宣武区鸭子桥路24号510室 100000
Remarks Province, city and district/prefecture/county identifier keywords are added when possible. Floor identifier is standardized to "层". Full-width alphanumeric characters are converted to half-width characters. Non-logical characters are removed: quotes, blanks, and so on. Chinese numerals within unit, floor, and room information are converted to Arabic numerals. All English letters are converted to uppercase.